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Docker query - can WebGrab+Plus be used with Schedules Direct data?

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Docker query - can WebGrab+Plus be used with Schedules Direct data?

Hi there.

I have a bit a specific issue that I am hoping you guys might be able to assist with.

I run an Openmediavault 6 Server and, until recently, I used to run TVHeadend and the Schedules Direct grabber to pull in the relevant data.

This worked for many years.

However, I have just been told that this should be avoided and only use Docker images.

I have managed to get TVHeadend up and running as a Docker image but cannot find anything to do the same with Schedules Direct.

I note that Webgrabplus+ has a Docker image available:!

Is there any way that Webgrapplus can use the data from Schedules Direct subscription?

Thanks in advance.

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 36 min

look in the international folder.
there is a
read the txt file for instructions to add username/password.

for channel list creation just use update c,the txt file is a bit outdated and uses the old channel creation method but it will still work doing it that way also.

Joined: 10 years
Last seen: 1 year

Thanks so much for that, Blackbear199.

Just looking at how Webgrab works, do I actually need a Schedules Direct subscription at all?

Seems that I can scrape the date from elsewhere.

I am based in the UK and all I really need is a way to scrape accurate season and episode details.

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 36 min

anything that schedulesdirect has you can get using existing ini.
its just convient for users who dont want the hassle of finding the channels they want by searching through multiple channel lists.
there many uk ini's that i'm sure have the info your looking for.
schedulesdirect is usa/canada aint it?
use or,both are in the international folder.
open ini and read remarks for channel list creation,some premade lists are also already provided.

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