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Disable Show details for some channels

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Disable Show details for some channels

I have two questions on usage of show details -

  1. Is it possible to disable show-detail/description for only some channels and only the title for others?
  2. Is it possible to get show details for today/tomorrow (smart update) only and get the titles for all other days?

At the moment WG++ is downloading the show details for all the channels which is eating lot of bandwidth and probably not good for the hoster as well.

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1. Disable showdetails for selected channels: That is possible. For some sites (but hardly enough) there is a 'index only' siteini variant in the epg channels section. For these it's simple, use that for the channels you don't need the details from. For sites for which no such variant is available, you can make one yourself quite easily.

- open the siteini in a text editor e.g. notepad or notepad++. Disable all the lines that start with index_urlshow (and some might also have index_urlsubdetail or simply urlsubdetail) by adding a * as first character .
- still in the editor, enable the lines in the CHANNEL FILE CREATION section at the end of the file
- save the siteini with another name , eg if the name was name it (make sure the file extension remains .ini!)
- add a dummy channel line to you config file :
<channel  update="i" site="" site_id="" xmltv_id="dummy">dummy</channel>
save the config
- run WG++
- you should have a channellist file with all available channels of the site suitable to use in you config file for each site that you want without the showdetails.
- open the siteini again and disable the CHANNEL FILE CREATION lines. Save it.
- You can now select any channel from this site from either the standard 'full detail' siteini or from the 'indexonly' variant.
2. Possibility to have the showdetail only for today/tomorrow. That can't be done, but is also not usefull because it saves nothing! Because of the incremental grabbing showdetails are always only grabbed once and not regrabbed unless there is a listing chance. Consequently it saves no grabbing time or bandwith.

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