Hi i am trying to get the epg from directvsports.com but i am getting an error that says skipped encrypted site ini.
all other channels i am trying to get from other site i am getting it with no problems.
can someone help me.
Brought to you by Jan van Straaten
Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
Supported by: servercare.nl
copy and paste breakes encryption and you get "skipped encrypted siteini". there several solution the most common are
from windows:
use winscp and set transfer type="binary" then copy /paste the entire file (do not copy paste the contenent !!).
from linux:
use wget, needs output name and ?raw=true added at the end of url so example:
wget -O cinemagia.ro.E.ini https://github.com/SilentButeo2/webgrabplus-siteinipack/blob/master/site...
run SiteIni.Pack.Update.exe or for linux SiteIni.Pack.Update.sh (located in .wg++/bin or even "mono SiteIni.Pack.Update.exe" from /bin path) to update entire siteini pack
hi matt i am a little lost with your reply. i very noob on this . sorry if is an stupid question but what do i need to copy?? adn why do i need to use another program??
post your config (hide license line useremail and password) and your webgrab.log.txt
Usually you get that message when you transfer files for example to a linux server, or you modify them.
What Mat is trying to say is you might have broken the encryption so he's suggesting a way to copy over the ini into your Webgrab folder without breaking encryption.
Hi mat8861, can you provide the decryptkey for directvsports.com?
there is no key...see remarks in siteini
On this site, I can get the schedule for many countries, as far: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru (using VPN). But when I use a Colombia IP address, the grabbing gives me too little shows in comparison with the others countries. (DSports channel 1610) and looking at my XMLTV output file there are missing shows that are present at web site.
Already tried playing with index, channel and show delays but I see no difference in the grabbing speed and XMLTV output file.
Also there is another issue: if I run 2 times or more the grab, some channels always or almost always has variations on EPG, while the second grab must have the same shows that the first grab got.
Please Help me!!
New version in siteini.pack. Now it reflect the country, i.e. if i use vpn for Colombia (timezone=America/Bogota) it will make channel list for colombia, you can see (COL) in channel description and grab from colombia.
If i use Argentina ,ip or vpn, will get channel with (ARG) of course guide needs to be set with timezone=America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires.
With regards to the number of shows, guide is always correct, but sometimes it gets older shows and sometimes it does not, this is why you see for a channel 98 shows, 101 shows, etc. etc just by grabbing again. This is also reflected in the channel list, you can see same channels but order change,It's a site issue i think they getting periodic updates from other sources.
Btw it seems shows are the same for all countries also same site_id, it's probably worth to grab it once and change time according to the country with post process plugin, if you need several by country or simply change time to your local pc/server.
Most programs are the same in many countries. But they also have some local programming shows that varies from country to country. (DSports specifically). All others channels as I can see in attached EPG file are the same for all countries.
Timezone must be UTC. I followed your comments but resulting EPG was not OK (3 hours difference for ARG). I also tried with my local timezone (America/Mexico_City) but got a 6 hours difference.
Grabbing was a lot better in this version. BIG THANKS!!!
By the way, can you please add the "LIVE" mark as you did on TVPASSPORT ini?
Right, we go into the usual debate of the player that adds time or does not, but if it's ok for you UTC use that.
I had a quick look for a "live" show but could not find it. Would you mind to post a show from website that use live?
Every time there is a show called "La previa del partido" followed by a game, both shows are LIVE ("En Vivo")
I was looking for but no luck. Every time I click a show in the website, instead of info it redirects to directvgo.com page, unlike directv.com.ar that gives me more info, including "Ën Vivo" (LIVE). Unfortunately we can not grab from this site anymore...
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