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daylight savings

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daylight savings

Hi everyone,  ive got a strange problem i cant figure out for the life of me,  since daylight savings in the uk has changed everything is out by an hour,  ive adjusted everything i can think of an still cant get it normal,  ive uploaded config file,ini file, guide an log file  if someone could check them an see what im doing wrong  would be greatful  

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try this ini...i just add this line:
index_start.modify {calculate(format=time)|1:00 +}

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janKO wrote:

try this ini...i just add this line:
index_start.modify {calculate(format=time)|1:00 +}

thank you, that seems like it did the job,  spent countless hours trying to figure it out and got no where haha

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when i use this ini  i get missing entries  today its missing a whole day   anyway around that?   i changed it back to original one off the epg channel and no missing entries but out by 1 hour 

using Beta version - 56.22pre with uk sky ini from epg channel  all channels are there but are out by 1 hr 

using Beta version - 56.22pre with custom uk sky ini posted above  it has gaps in the days  on all channels around the same time 

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i can confirm that i can see today is OK and next day start 06:00 and then missing all day and start next... maybe Jan and Francis can tell why this happen?

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Blackbear199 wrote:

has anyone tried to change the timezone from UTC to Europe/London

my reasoning is...

if the time was correct before the dst change then London time would of been the same as UTC(UTC never changes).

after the dst London changes to UTC+01:00,maybe the timezone was incorrect all along?




when using the UTC+01:00  its mapped as paris which is an hour ahead 

[Warning ] timezone=UTC+01:00 mapped with timezone_id "Europe/Paris"
[  Info  ] found: C:\ProgramData\ServerCare\WebGrab\siteini.pack\UK\ -- Revision 06

when using UTC+00:00 its mapped as

 [Warning ] timezone=UTC+00:00 mapped with timezone_id "Atlantic/Canary"
[  Info  ] found: C:\ProgramData\ServerCare\WebGrab\siteini.pack\UK\ -- Revision 06

have also tried to use the code Europe/London  but its still an hour out

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Ok, just checked and the siteini on the download page seems to be correct.

Check with DaveHD channel and looked at the show "torage Hunters UK Celebrity".
This seems to air at 8pm today.

With original siteini from the download page I get:
  <programme start="20160412190000 +0000" stop="20160412200000 +0000" channel="Dave">
    <title lang="en">Storage Hunters UK Celebrity...</title>
So this one start at 19:00 +0000
This notation means that the show starts at 19:00 at server time, with the server being at a timezone UTC+00:00.
Because you live now in UTC+01:00 this shows seems to air at 8pm. And that is the exact time on the site. So all seems ok.

I think you issues is your EPG viewer/importer. Some of them can't seem to cope with the ISO 8601 format xmltv has.
There are some tricks we can do to fix that, but sometimes you can just fix it by some settings in your EPG vierwer/importer.

So just state you SW you use to view your EPG. Maybe some user can guide you to the correct settings.

And for the curious ones of you. On this siteini (and most new siteinis that use the correct timezone settings) you must not change the timezone.
That timezone gives WG++ info about the timezone the times are from the site. And that is not always the times you see on the website itself.

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francis wrote:

Ok, just checked and the siteini on the download page seems to be correct.

Check with DaveHD channel and looked at the show "torage Hunters UK Celebrity".
This seems to air at 8pm today.

With original siteini from the download page I get:
  <programme start="20160412190000 +0000" stop="20160412200000 +0000" channel="Dave">
    <title lang="en">Storage Hunters UK Celebrity...</title>
So this one start at 19:00 +0000
This notation means that the show starts at 19:00 at server time, with the server being at a timezone UTC+00:00.
Because you live now in UTC+01:00 this shows seems to air at 8pm. And that is the exact time on the site. So all seems ok.

I think you issues is your EPG viewer/importer. Some of them can't seem to cope with the ISO 8601 format xmltv has.
There are some tricks we can do to fix that, but sometimes you can just fix it by some settings in your EPG vierwer/importer.

So just state you SW you use to view your EPG. Maybe some user can guide you to the correct settings.

And for the curious ones of you. On this siteini (and most new siteinis that use the correct timezone settings) you must not change the timezone.
That timezone gives WG++ info about the timezone the times are from the site. And that is not always the times you see on the website itself.


thanks for the reply, the software is kodi, ive managed to get passed it by leaving site ini alone and just using xmltv script from the channel page to add the extra hour 

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freddy12 wrote:

thanks for the reply, the software is kodi, ive managed to get passed it by leaving site ini alone and just using xmltv script from the channel page to add the extra hour 


Hi, i have the same problem here, could do you share with me how you handle the problem?

What file you change? how you add the extra hour?


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freddy12 : What did you change to fix the hour being off?

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yes blackbear was right  using the xmltv_time_correct to add the extra +1

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