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Converting XMLTV_ns format to SXXEXX format with Rex.

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Converting XMLTV_ns format to SXXEXX format with Rex.


I have been using Rex to add the Season and Episode details to the description for my recordings.

However, as I am using the XMLTV_ns format, my recordings are showing the format "1.1/6" instead of "S02E02/6".

Is there any way that I can use Rex to convert it?

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Currently this is not possible  (as far as I know).

But if you can convert the xmltv_ns back to an onscreen value like you wich, in the .ini it self.

if you find an index_episode.scrub (or .modify) you can use next:

* xmltv_ns --> onscreen S00/0E00/0
* index_temp_1 = season
* index_temp_2 = episode
* index_temp_3 = number of seasons
* index_temp_4 = number of episodes
index_temp_1.modify {substring(type=regex)|'index_episode' "^(\d*)(?:/\d*)?\.\d*(?:/\d*)?\."}
index_temp_2.modify {substring(type=regex)|'index_episode' "^\d*(?:/\d*)?\.(\d*)(?:/\d*)?\."}
index_temp_3.modify {substring(type=regex)|'index_episode' "^\d*(?:/(\d*))?\.\d*(?:/\d*)?\."}
index_temp_4.modify {substring(type=regex)|'index_episode' "^\d*(?:/\d*)?\.\d*(?:/(\d*))?\."}
index_temp_1.modify {calculate(not="" format=D2)|1 +}
index_temp_2.modify {calculate(not="" format=D2)|1 +}
index_temp_1.modify {addend('index_temp_3' not="")|/'index_temp_3'}
index_temp_2.modify {addend('index_temp_4' not="")|/'index_temp_4'}
index_episode.modify {clear}
index_episode.modify {addend('index_temp_1' not="")|S'index_temp_1'}
index_episode.modify {addend('index_temp_2' not="")|E'index_temp_2'}


and if you only find episode.scrub (or .modify) then you can use:

* xmltv_ns --> onscreen S00/0E00/0
* temp_1 = season
* temp_2 = episode
* temp_3 = number of seasons
* temp_4 = number of episodes
temp_1.modify {substring(type=regex)|'episode' "^(\d*)(?:/\d*)?\.\d*(?:/\d*)?\."}
temp_2.modify {substring(type=regex)|'episode' "^\d*(?:/\d*)?\.(\d*)(?:/\d*)?\."}
temp_3.modify {substring(type=regex)|'episode' "^\d*(?:/(\d*))?\.\d*(?:/\d*)?\."}
temp_4.modify {substring(type=regex)|'episode' "^\d*(?:/\d*)?\.\d*(?:/(\d*))?\."}
temp_1.modify {calculate(not="" format=D2)|1 +}
temp_2.modify {calculate(not="" format=D2)|1 +}
temp_1.modify {addend('temp_3' not="")|/'temp_3'}
temp_2.modify {addend('temp_4' not="")|/'temp_4'}
episode.modify {clear}
episode.modify {addend('temp_1' not="")|S'temp_1'}
episode.modify {addend('temp_2' not="")|E'temp_2'}


And don't forget to change

site {episodesystem=xmltv_ns}


site {episodesystem=onscreen}
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