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Channels that do not have EPG

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Channels that do not have EPG

Hi there,
I am using my file with XBMC and the TVGuide plugin, and it works perfect. Since you can connect each epg channel to a internet stream of the channel :)

I have one issue tho. For those channels that do not have EPG, I cannot select the stream, so that I can play the channel. This is ofcourse not a webgrabplus problem :)

But if webgrabplus had an option to generate a blank "no program" epg line for those channels that do not have EPG, it would solve the problem :)

Just an idea :)

Thanks, and keep up the awsome work!

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Some time ago I have created a dummy siteini that generates a dummy program each day.
You can assign any xmltv_id to this dummy with a channel entry in the config file like this:
<channel update="f" site="dummy" site_id="xx" xmltv_id="TVN2 HD">TVN2 HD</channel>
It will result in a xmltv show like this :
<programme start="20130525000000" stop="20130525235900" channel="TVN2 HD">
<title lang="en">dummy program</title>
<desc lang="en">Created by WebGrab+Plus, your favorite TVguide Grabber.(n)</desc>

You can edit the description text in the dummy.ini file.

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I see you use the old V1.1.1/18 version.
Maybe updating to the latest V1.1.1/51 would fix your problem?

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Hey guys, sorry to bring up an old topic, but I am having a problem with this. Do I need to change anything inside the ini file? I'm a total newbie to this, so I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.
To test it properly I used the normal ini file and this code from a post above:

<channel update="f" site="dummy" site_id="xx" xmltv_id="TVN2 HD">TVN2 HD</channel>

This is what I got in the log:

channel TVN2 HD site -- DUMMY -- update mode full

unable to update channel TVN2 HD

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

   at WebGrab.Utils.ConvertToTime(String strXmltvTime, Boolean NoOffset, Zone localzone)

   at WebGrab.Program.UpdateChannel(String strIndex, ChannelToUpdate Chan, XmlTarget xTarget)

   at WebGrab.Program.Main(String[] args)

EDIT: Just thought I'd say that it adds the channel to my XMLTV file but doesn't add the episode information.

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pls add your lof and config file. It's impossible to figue out what's wrong without it.

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I have same trouble as samurai.

Occasionally, a channel (partidazo or bein max sports from has a period of time (often sporadically, from one hour to one day) where it shows no program info.
When this happens, the htpc frontend do not let me to watch the channel.
Would it be easy for webgrabber to insert a standard 'No listing available' into these gaps?

Thanks in advance

Joined: 9 years
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