I have a question, I currently have Windows 11, but I have had some problems in general, I want to return to Windows 10, what will happen when I want to start webgrab for the first time in Windows 10?
The last time I had a license block because the webgrab system detected a new computer and I had to contact the webgrab support email.
I want to format my computer but I want to have webgrab working immediately since I update my epg often.
Will I have the same problem the first time? As data, my custom license allows me to use webgrab on 2 computers, although I always use it on only one.
do a force hardware update with h like you do a force license update with f
you only have to do this once after the change to update the win11 hardware id with the new win10 one.
do nothing
since your only using one pc it will have the old win11 hw id and the new win10 one registered as your 2 pc's.
My suggestion (when i chenged to win 11) i had to install dotnet 7, of course with latest wg++ then everything worked.
Thank you very much for your advice, for now I will stay on Windows 11, I solved some errors that happened to me,but when I changed my operating system I will take your advice. Thank you.