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Building a 7 day dummy.ini

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Building a 7 day dummy.ini

Hello all, my first post. Been using for years. I have build simple 2 or 3 event per day dummy.ini files in the past that work great, but now I am trying to do one that has nothing on Monday to Thursday and different events on Friday to Sunday. I have built it but I am at a loss to sync it so that Friday appears on Friday, Saturday on Saturday etc. I built it yesterday and it was fine, but upon running today it thinks today is Tuesday and moves Friday events to Saturday etc. Any thoughts? Below is the code

** ---------------------------------------------
site {cultureinfo=en-GB|timezone=US/Eastern|maxdays=10.1|charset=utf-8|skip=noskip|keepindexpage}
url_index {url|} * just an empty page
index_showsplit.scrub {single||||} * copies the html page
index_showsplit.modify {clear}

* we repeat 1,2,3,4 seven times (so we support 7 days)
* if you need more days, just repeat it more
* if you need more shows, just add more numbers/repetition
index_showsplit.modify {addstart|1\|1\|1\|2\|3\|4\|5\|6\|7\|8\|9\|10\|11\|12\|}

index_temp_1.scrub {single||||} * grab the number from the showsplit

* Monday to Thursday
index_start.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="1")|00:00}
index_stop.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="1")|23:59}
index_title.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="1")|No Grace Events Today}
index_description.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="1")|There are no broadcasts from Grace Church Fort Myers today}

* Friday before CR
index_start.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="2")|00:00}
index_stop.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="2")|18:45}
index_title.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="2")|Next: Celebrate Recovery at 6:45 PM}
index_description.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="2")|Tonight at 6:45 PM Celebrate Recovery broadcast live from Grace Church Fort Myers}

* CR
index_start.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="3")|18:45}
index_stop.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="3")|20:00}
index_title.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="3")|Celebrate Recovery Broadcast}
index_description.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="3")|Celebrate Recovery broadcast live from Grace Church Fort Myers}

* Friday after CR
index_start.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="4")|20:00}
index_stop.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="4")|00:00}
index_title.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="4")|Off Air}
index_description.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="4")|Grace Church Fort Myers is Off Air and not broadcasting at this time}

* Saturday before service
index_start.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="5")|00:00}
index_stop.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="5")|17:00}
index_title.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="5")|Next: Saturday Service at 5:00 PM}
index_description.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="5")|Tonight at 5 PM Church Service broadcast live from Grace Church Fort Myers}

* Saturday Service
index_start.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="6")|17:00}
index_stop.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="6")|18:30}
index_title.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="6")|Saturday Service}
index_description.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="6")|Church Service broadcast live from Grace Church Fort Myers}

* Saturday after Service
index_start.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="7")|18:30}
index_stop.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="7")|00:00}
index_title.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="7")|Off Air}
index_description.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="7")|Grace Church Fort Myers is Off Air and not broadcasting at this time}

* Sunday before service
index_start.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="8")|00:00}
index_stop.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="8")|08:30}
index_title.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="8")|Next: Sunday Traditional Service at 8:30 and Contemporary at 10 and 11:30 }
index_description.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="8")|Three Services today - 8:30, 10 and 11:30}

* Sunday Traditional
index_start.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="9")|08:30}
index_stop.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="9")|10:00}
index_title.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="9")|Traditional Service}
index_description.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="9")|Traditional Church Service broadcast live from Grace Church Fort Myers}

* Sunday 10 AM
index_start.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="10")|10:00}
index_stop.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="10")|11:30}
index_title.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="10")|Contemporary Service}
index_description.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="10")|Church Service broadcast live from Grace Church Fort Myers}

* Sunday 11:30
index_start.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="11")|11:30}
index_stop.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="11")|13:00}
index_title.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="11")|Contemporary Service}
index_description.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="11")|Church Service broadcast live from Grace Church Fort Myers}

* Sunday after Services
index_start.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="12")|13:00}
index_stop.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="12")|00:00}
index_title.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="12")|Off Air}
index_description.modify {addstart('index_temp_1'=="12")|Grace Church Fort Myers is Off Air and not broadcasting at this time}

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 3 hours

try adding firstday=0123456 to your site{xx} setting.
this will tell webgrab that the data always starts on Monday.

Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 5 years

That fixed it. Thanks so much

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