You are here breaks WebGrabPlus program to pieces

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Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 5 years breaks WebGrabPlus program to pieces

This may not be the perfect thread, but: for about a week, breaks execution completely! WGP dies out when it tires to pull data from this site.

<channel update="i" site="" site_id="928" xmltv_id="FOX CRIME">Fox Crime</channel>

results in :

[  Info  ] (   2/13  ) BNET.HR -- chan. (xmltv_id=FOX CRIME) -- mode Force
[  Debug ]    skipped : show that happened before 'today' @ 21/03/2018 23:55
[  Debug ]    skipped : show starting before the actual show at22/03/2018 23:55
[  Debug ]    skipped : show starting before the actual show at23/03/2018 02:05
[  Debug ]    skipped : show starting before the actual show at23/03/2018 02:50
[  Debug ]    skipped : show starting before the actual show at23/03/2018 03:35
[  Debug ]    skipped : show starting before the actual show at23/03/2018 04:25
[  Debug ]    skipped : fully overlapping show from 23/03/2018 05:15
[  Debug ]                                       to 23/03/2018 06:00
[  Debug ]    skipped : show starting before the actual show at23/03/2018 23:55
[  Debug ]    skipped : show starting before the actual show at24/03/2018 02:05
[  Debug ]    skipped : show starting before the actual show at24/03/2018 02:50
[  Debug ]    skipped : show starting before the actual show at24/03/2018 03:35
[  Debug ]    skipped : show starting before the actual show at24/03/2018 04:25
[  Debug ]    skipped : fully overlapping show from 24/03/2018 05:15
[  Debug ]                                       to 24/03/2018 06:00
[  Debug ] Stop time  is not valid in Daylight Saving Time!
[  Debug ] changed to last valid time 25/03/2018 01:59
[Error   ] timeSpan parsing error : String was not recognized as a valid TimeSpan.
[Error   ] duration scrubbed -15
[Error   ] execution stopped

and no furhter entreis are processed and no EPG.xmp is created. WGP should not break down like this but ignore error. I am using Win WGP V2.1.



Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 5 years

Obviously ini is broken. That is one issue. Should be relativels simply to fix or avoid that ini.

But alarming fact is that wg broke to pieces. Program must never allow external data to break it. It must handle all problems and continue working. No matter what. That is the second and very buggy issue.

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 1 day

is a consequence of the broken ini, it's like running the car with a flat tire and complaining the wheel got broken.

A good site ini :

[  Info  ] (   1/1   ) MAXTV.TPORTAL.HR -- chan. (xmltv_id=FOX Crime) -- mode Force[  Info  ] 
[  Info  ]    Summary for update of       FOX Crime
[  Info  ]      missing shows added       0
[  Info  ]      changed shows updated     0
[  Info  ]      new shows added           162
[  Info  ]      unchanged shows inspected 0
[  Info  ]      total after update        162

[  Debug ] 
[  Debug ] 162 shows in 1 channels
[  Debug ] 0 updated shows
[  Debug ] 162 new shows added
[  Info  ] 

Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 5 years

Not so. It is a consequence of program not checking the vailidy of a variable before trying to use it. Basic programming. Program must never break. Possibly not initialised variable which remained empty (non null). Or out of boundary. Or wrong type of input.

I am a professional programmer. Program can complain, log, send alert, send an e-mail, beep, do many things when such error occurs. But: it must never break because of it.

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 1 day
pila wrote:

Not so. It is a consequence of program not checking the vailidy of a variable before trying to use it. Basic programming. Program must never break. Possibly not initialised variable which remained empty (non null). Or out of boundary. Or wrong type of input.

I am a professional programmer. Program can complain, log, send alert, send an e-mail, beep, do many things when such error occurs. But: it must never break because of it.

With all respect to you, if you would know what's behind this software and considering all the variables it handles, right because being a variable you would not say that a "wrong" variable doesn't have to brake, what will be the result ?. Simply that. Probably you like more execution completed with 0 result ?     To keep the example of the the tires, you are saying it has to run with a square wheel and a round wheel, must be Elon Musk's Tesla car !! Let's fill the tank with apple juice, then we can go in the space smiley

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