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A better use of your very USEFULL Program!

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manyplay's picture
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A better use of your very USEFULL Program!

Hello guys!
We have build a very usefull windows tool for the GREAT WebGrab+Plus Project.

Now - there is no need to edit any xml files for the configuration ANYMORE!

The Tool will do it for you...

Please take a look at


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hi thought i would give your program a look but get an error can not locate c:\programdata\servercare\webgrab\siteini.pack i have siteini pack in the folder



WGMaker's picture
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Hi ManyPlay

very usefull ! Thanks.
​Unfortunately this utility was released on a moment that we released a new version V2.0 and because that uses different locations for the homefolder and the executable than V1.1.1 it fails with that. I hope you will make a version that works with V2.0

​I played with the current one. What I couldn't find is how to go back to the channel list setup from settings after running WG++ . It seems there are two options 'settings' (showing the config file settings) and 'finished' (showing a black screen?)

Can you provide a download link of the latest version?
​What about a LINUX version?


manyplay's picture
Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 8 months

Hi Jan, I have not installed the new version and i will take a look inside...

Ups - i see in the new version siteini.pack is located in a different folder.

A new version ONLY working with 2.0 is online

Jan, i do my development with Embarcadero Delphi Seattle (windows, android, ios, osx)

They are planning a new Version that can compile applications for Linux Server (Ubuntu & Red Hat)

I have to think about an update and also the costs...

There are two small mistakes in the sitini.structure.

1st in the german folder there is a (webgrab+plus shows errors by trying to use this for the xml...)

2nd is a little failure in in the Albania folder:

<channel update="i" site="" site_id="403" xmltv_id="&quot;,&quot;description&quot;:&quot;">","description":"</channel>

If found them during testing xmlgrabplus....

And i can not post a reply after my last post here. so i have to go and edit the post to addt some text...

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