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USA channels

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USA channels

I have all my cookies from tv.Com. but when I run wg++ it doesn't return a guide. Can someone help. I can get a full epg for the UK channels.

Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 7 years

I have the same problem; It was working perfectly till i updated to version V2

I created my list and my coockies the same way i do it all the time. 

The process start but I only get iiiii and no iiiinnnnnnnnnn

And when I check the guide.xml theres no program data on it! 

Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 5 years

I got it to work using zap2it for USA and for uk but it only grabs 3 days total. i cant get it to grap move days, i put 14 days into config file but only grabs 3 days total 



Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 7 years


I have the below message for all USA channels. Please let me know how to overcome this. ( am using webgrap V2.0)

found: ../ -- Revision 01
found: ../ -- Revision 01
input file ../wg++/guide.xml not found   ... created a new one ...

      i=index  .=same  c=change  g=gab  r=replace  n=new

Group (0) :
update requested for - 0 - out of - 33 - channels for 3 day(s)

Group (1) :
update requested for - 33 - out of - 33 - channels for 3 day(s)
(   1/33  ) USTVNOW.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=My9) -- mode Incremental
Unable to update channel My9
Generic syntax exception:
no index page data received from My9
unable to update channel, try again later
Existing guide data restored!
(   1/33  ) USTVNOW.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=Discovery Channel) -- mode Incremental
Unable to update channel Discovery Channel
Generic syntax exception:
no index page data received from Discovery Channel
unable to update channel, try again later





Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 7 years

Thank you!!! This issue happens for all the USA channels.

no index page data received from My9
no index page data received from Discovery Channel
no index page data received from History
no index page data received from CNN
no index page data received from Syfy
no index page data received from Voice of America - AS
no index page data received from TNT
no index page data received from Animal Planet
no index page data received from Comedy Central
no index page data received from Fox News Channel
no index page data received from PBS
no index page data received from Voice of America - IOR/AS
no index page data received from NBC
no index page data received from Cartoon Network
no index page data received from Bravo
no index page data received from SPIKE TV
no index page data received from Voice of America - AF
no index page data received from AETV
no index page data received from Voice of America - CH-340
no index page data received from Voice of America - VOA PNN
no index page data received from CBS
no index page data received from National Geographic Channel
no index page data received from Voice of America - EU
no index page data received from Nickelodeon
no index page data received from CNBC
no index page data received from CW
no index page data received from ABC
no index page data received from Voice of America - VOA China
no index page data received from AMC
no index page data received from USA
no index page data received from TBS
no index page data received from FX
no index page data received from Voice of America - Newskies


bonz777's picture
Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 2 months is currently not working with wg++  confirmed by Blackbear199

Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 7 years

Other channels are doing good? Please confirm.


Joined: 8 years
Last seen: 6 years

Hi there can anyone help me, im trying to grab USA channels and not sure where to start, the synopsis is not so important just the program and times etc, ive been grabbing UK for a while now, any tips on USA??? Cheers

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