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Hi all
I'm not sure if anyone has done this before so apologes if it has.
I have WG++ running on Mac OS X Lion. I've only quickly tested it earlier today with a very basic one channel download from so far but it all seems to work.
I'm going to test it further  tonight by downloading more channels from different providers ie. UK, USA and Singapore.
Basically, I installed the OS X version of Mono 2.10.11 Runtime and Develop and the Linux version of WG++.
I had to re-name the .exe to WG++ and move everything to the "exe" directory that is installed by the Linux .rar file. This is slightly different to the Linux install instructions (and I don't know why I had to rename and move directories) but it seems to work.
I can give a more detailed description of what I did if anyone is interested.

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Always looking for more info on how users are installing/using WG++ on there OS.
So please give some more info on how you have achieved this.
I'll make an mac OS X installation guide from your info.

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Hi Francis
As per my email, here are the basic instructions to follow. These worked for me. If anyone has any questions, please ask.
Download and install Mono Runtime and Mono Develop for OS X from I'm not sure the Develop install is needed but I did read on another forum that some Linux users found that helped.

I downloaded the stable versions (2.10.x) so cannot say if the latest release (3.2.0) will work or not.

Download the latest version of WebGrab+Plus for Linux and the upgrade.
It's also worth downloading the latest SiteIniPack at the same time.

I basically followed the the Linux installation instructions with a slight tweak added at the end. (I don't know why this worked but hey ho... It did)!
The Linux instructions are in a file named HowToInLinux.txt and read as follows...

How to install and execute WebGrab+Plus in Linux by means of mono.
by Alberto Miguel, 06/07/2012
WebGrab+Plus have been tested with MONO 2.10.8 and 2.11.

Create a 'homefolder' for WebGrab+Plus, eg "/home/user/WebGrab".
You need read and write permissions for the folders and files in this 'homefolfer'.

Copy the following files and folders to this 'homefolder'

- WebGrab+Plus.exe
- WebGrab++.config.xml
- The siteini files
- mdb & rex folders

First, you need to set the <filename> in WebGrab++.config.xml to a complete linux path, like this:


Do the same for <filename> and <ldbfilename> in mdb.config.xml and for <filename> in rex.config.xml
Add or adjust the channellist in WebGrab++.config.xml and
adjust the other settings of the config files if necessary.

Then, enter in terminal mode:
mono WebGrab+Plus.exe ìcomplete_path_to_'homefolder'î like :
mono WebGrab+Plus.exe ì/home/user/WebGrabî

Thatís all...

OS X Tweak:
I did most of the install via the Finder with a bit of command line stuff.

1. Decompress the WebGrab .rar file and move the enclosing folder to where you want the WebGrab 'home'. I renamed this folder to webgrab and moved it to my home folder.
2. Inside that folder are all the .ini and .xml files plus the MDB nad REX folders. I move all the files I'm not going to use into another folder to make it easier to find things.

3. Not mentioned in the Linux instructions is that the WebGrab+Plus.exe file is actually in it's own folder named 'exe'. It's THIS folder that all the config files and folders need to be.
4. Move WebGrab+Plus.config.xml, the siteini files you want to use and the MDB/REX folders into the folder named 'exe'.

5. Find where you downloaded the upgrade, decompress it and replace the existing WebGrab+Plus.exe. Then RENAME it to WG++.exe.
6. Open Terminal and navigate to your WebGrab+Plus home (the folder I named 'webgrab' above) and chmod 755 the folder.
7. Then change directory to the 'exe' folder and chmod 755 the WG++.exe file.

8. Edit the config files as per the Linux instructions above. I noticed that the REX and MDB folders are in caps and not lowercase so I used caps for these to be on the safe side.

In my example the path to my main output 'guide.xml' file would be - '/users/richard/webgrab/exe/guide.xml'
My mdb locations would be: '/users/richard/webgrab/exe/MDB/guide.xml' and '/users/richard/webgrab/exe/MDB/mdb.xml'.
Finally my rex location is: '/users/richard/webgrab/exe/REX/guide.xml'.

9. Set up your channels as per the instructions, go to terminal and navigate to the /exe folder and type this (edit to your location): mono WG++.exe "/users/richard/webgrab/exe/"
Don't forget the quote marks.

And it should start grabbing!!!

I hope that makes sense!!!

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Hi Francis
Any news on a definitve installation guide for OS X?
I'd rather not leave my instructions that were posted above now that thanks to your help, we know they are a bit over-complicated.

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I'll have to look at how OS X does some basic stuff (through the cli). That way it makes it easier to make the install steps.
And for that, I'll need your help a last time. But I'm a little bit short on time, so give me some more days (maybe even weeks) to sort this out.
I'll contact you as soon as I have the instructions, so you can test them.
Again thanks for your support on the OS X side.
And I agree that the above instruction are ok, but shoud be made a little bit simpler.
Actualy the whole install process should be, but again there you have the time issue.

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Thanks for the quick reply Francis.
One quick question that I hope you can give your guidence on - I have a post on the forum that really should be updated. I'd rather not leave it hanging there as an over complicated set of instructions.
Would you be OK if I changed it so that anyone reading it can get what I now know are easier instructions even before you test out the definitive guide on your site?
I appreciate your time constraints - this is all in our free time after all but thanks again for working on this.
In the end Jan and yourself really will have a completely cross-platform piece of software. Which is very cool.
If only I knew more about Mono because I would love to put an OS X gui on top of your software... (Most OS X users would not have the first idea about command line stuff... they need a holding hand lol)

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And here we have the OS X documentation.
Thanks again for your help on this one.

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