To get a more general guideline where we should go with WG++ development.
More sites to grab from
32% (51 votes)
Better documentation
14% (22 votes)
Better MDB grabbing
8% (12 votes)
Create GUI frontend
28% (45 votes)
Postprocessor (EPG translation)
9% (14 votes)
Postprocessor (other)
1% (1 vote)
Their own live (WG++ is already perfect)
4% (6 votes)
Something else ... (give more detail below, in a reply)
5% (8 votes)
Total votes: 159
I’ve been trying to develop my own site.ini for and not having much luck even with such a detailed reference manual.
This site has very detailed show information for the Australian viewers and it seems just under the surface. I just can’t get my head around the .ini layout, if someone could attempt it I would be grateful for the result and very interested seeing the working .ini.
Cheers, Sean.
I too voted for some form of GUI. You could also alternatively run a webservice on your website which can generate the appropriate content for the epg grabber config file.
The Freeview service in the UK moves its channels around every so often and/or changes channels available. A generator would help users to get of the ground with using the program faster.
Better linux support please. At the moment its cpu usage is very high.
As a user, this application is desperately needing a GUI!

As a developer, I am finding it very hard to work without having a proper syntax and usage reference and constantly going up and down through the pdf, trying to find and remember how this or that are used.
But I voted for the GUI, because the users are more, so they have the priority...
Hi, I thought about few useful features:
1) An option to get a reduced verbosity with a simple percentage output of the process (I want to create an xbmc plugin that monitors the the epg update).
2) The ability to suspend the process and resume the download after a while (I know that it's easier to stop the program and relaunch it but, if the process takes too much time, downloading again the entire guide it's a waste of time if the timespan is little).
Just two ideas, thank you so much for this great software!
after closing timefortv have in Germany all EPG-sites bad quality.
From the site you can download a xml-datei (germany.xml or other countries), which you can import as tvguide.xml. This file containes a lot of german Tv-channels, without serie- and episode-numbers. Another tool Episodes2TVGuide searches the numbers in TVDB.
I need only the german dvbt-channels. Episodes2TVGuide searches the numbers for all channels in the xml-file (1,5 hour).
Is it possible to use WebGrabPlus to choose the needed channels? Can you create a site.ini to choose channels in a xml-file?
I had voted for more providers, but in total, i think developers should focus on GUI if they want to attract more people to this project.
We need a GUI, and More sites to grab from.
A proper linux program is needed, windows exe through mono is not the best solution.
My request: Logs level ( Info, Warning, Error/Critical )
A switchable level of log info. Sometime running webgrab you have a lot of useful info into log, but sometimes this info are useless and make logs hard to screen. Kind of "selection switch" would be very helpful:
in the log do not show "CHANGED show corrected / corrected"
show only "no shows in indexpage!"
show only "[ Debug ] Error"
show WARNINGS [Warning ] !! -- WARNING : doesn't allow epg grabbing !!
[Warning ] it is advised to disable this channel / site from your channel list [Warning ]
[Critical] Generic syntax exception:
[Critical] message:
[Error ] no index page data received from
[Error ] unable to update channel, try again later
This will be very helpful to identify which site.ini has a problem without going thru pages of text logs.
A (64-bit) Linux native code will be great. Open-sourcing WEBGrab+Plus will certainly be great.
As This program is becoming the standard of XML, it needs to available on all formats mono of ios, mono android. or a ground up rewrite with communtiy involde so NET. Im currently working trying build a front end for the mac.
What about if in one go, wg++ update all channel list for the site.ini you have in your config,without modifying the site.ini ?
I like this option ;)
could there be an option to disregard any schedule changes that are inferior to one or two minutes (number to define by user) ?
As an example, I am now grabing Baby TV from Cyfromw Poland and get these :
epg correction :
CHANGED show corrected,
show with ---- start = 23/05/2020 09:06:00 stop = 23/05/2020 09:11:00 title = Cyrk przybył do miasta
Replaces ----- start = 23/05/2020 09:02:00 stop = 23/05/2020 09:07:00 title = Żyrafa Ralf
Replaces ----- start = 23/05/2020 09:07:00 stop = 23/05/2020 09:12:00 title = Cyrk przybył do miasta
As there are tons of these changes, the grab last for ages and these changes really have very little influence on EPG.
You're doing a great job WG+ team
I'd vote for better Linux support
I think you should work on a playlist mapper? what I mean is uploading the m3u playlist and the software matches to the EPG to the channels scanned.
I know there are tons of software that do that, may be add one as a post-process would be a good idea. I guess the author idea is to purely keep it as a grabber, adding some particular features could end up in a huge software, that most of the time ends with unused features and an heavy process. The authors as matter of enhancing features created the possibility to add a post-process plugin, which really satisfies a wide range of typology.For the mentioned one, hopefully something can be added. Let's see if a plugin of this type can be added.