noticed recently using to grab the channel telemundo, sometimes the season information it grabs is just "Season ," with no other information.
How would one strip the , or use xmltv_ns or even stop grabbing season/episode completely?
I tried doing the following to make xmltv_ns but it's still just putting "Season ,":
episode.modify {substring(type=regex pattern="S'S1'E'E1'/'Et1'""S'S1'E'E1'""E'E1'/'Et1'""E'E1'")|"^.*$"}
I even tried disabling the following lines to remove episode/season data completelybut it was still getting season info:
*episode.scrub {regex||"episodeNumber":(\d*?),"||}
*episode.modify {clear("0")}
*temp_2.scrub {regex||"episodeSeason":(\d*?),"||} *season
*episode.modify {addstart(not "")|E}
*episode.modify {addstart('temp_2' not "0")|S'temp_2'}
I also changed it so it wasn't trying to put the data as "Season, Episode" as you can see above but it still didn't work.
Thank you so much sir..