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hola buenas, queria haceros una pregunta sobre el tema de las categorias.
yo utilizo web grab con varios sitios ini (canalplus, singroguia, mundo, la guia..) y queria saber si es que no hago algo bien o es que lo de las categorias no funciona.
en categorias me refiero a los colorcitos que luego salen en la guia de windows media center.
yo importo la guia a dvblogic server...y esta la distribuye a todos mis htpc, moviles tabletas o ordenadores..
gracias, por vuestro gran trabajo

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nadie me puede ayudar con esto?
Por favor, no entiendo por que el wmc 7 me coge solo dos categorias (especial , deportes ) ademas tampoco entiendo porque no me coje todos los programas de dichas categorias

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Sorry that I answer in English, but my Spanish is not that good. The only line I know and understand is "'dos cervezas por favor" smiley


About your question. I don't understand the question quit well. (could be to the poor translation of your text).

But I think you want to have color in your EPG view? Correct?

First you have to check if there are categories grabbed for your site. You can do that by looking at the guide.xml that is generated. Open this file with a text editor. And look for something like "<category>".

If you have that, you'll have to look into the other software you are using how that is handling the category parts. Maybe that software only understands some fixed categories. Or you maybe you must specify the categories first in that program.

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buenas .
yo utilizo dvblogic server en un windows home server 2011
la guia la meto en una carpeta en C:Program Data/dvblogic/dvblink/xmltv/
luego se que tengo que mapear un archivo llamado categorymap.xml para relacionar los nombres de las categorias de la guia webgrab plus con los que utilza el programa.
una vez hecho esto el dvblogic manda la guia y las categorias a todos mis mediacenters.
y deberian aparecer coloreados los canales segun las categorias de los programas. 
Pero no es asi. Te adjunto los dos archivos por si me podeis decir donde esta el fallo.

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Ok, the first error I see is that <Reality> is not propperly closed.
So you should change:
First try that and let me know if this works.

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puesno funciona.
alguna idea?

it does not work.


any ideas?

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I looked at the forum of dvblogic, and found a categorymap.xml file. Compaired that, with yours (with the fix of </Reality>). No special diffs seen.

Thinks I come up with:
I see that in your categorymap.xml you have
<keyword>Series, Drama</keyword>
maybe you have to add the separate values as well like:
<keyword>Series, Drama</keyword>
Be aware that
<keyword>Drama/keyword>, already is defined. So don't use it inside <Serial></Serial>

2. do you have any loggings of dvblogic, where you could see if there are issues with the guide.xml, or the categorymap.xml

3. are you sure dvblogic is using the categorymap.xml file. The first verion of you file should have generated some sort of error in the loggings of dvblogic, because the XML structure was not correct.

4. Do you know what dvblogic does, when a show has multiple categories? Like Drama and Serie?

5. maybe you could post your findings also on the dvblogic forum?

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I have also published the DVBLogic forum

but this forum is shit. not answer the questions, half the time I had to look for things online.

thanks for your help, if you think of something, I say. because I am desperate,

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