This is a new list for Argentina.
I found that Gigared uses "reportv":
So, I adapted (which has 90 channels) in order to work for Gigared (which has 172 channels).
I'm sending a new .ini with the list of channels .
File updated: 12/07/2016
yours is not creation just a modification so fix the head with:
* @Revision 1 - [10/07/2016] IvanRF
* - substitute id=2295 with 2078
* @Revision 0 - [24/04/2016] 1NSdbZVbpZDX
* - creation
oh and add somewhere the mutilated part:
temp_2.modify {addstart |'description'}
temp_2.modify {substring (type=regex)|"(\?\w.*?\?)"}
temp_2.modify {replace |?|"}
description.modify {replace (type=regex)|"(\?\w.*?\?)"|'temp_2'}
wich was a cool feature some monkey took it off with his razorblade
Giving this a second thought, maybe the file should be called "" instead of "" since the channels corresponds to Gigared no matter reportv is the provider.
The channels differ, so I think this should be a new file, not a modification of reportv.
I have no idea what "mutilated" means, what does that missing code do?
whatever you call it the ini is my creation so be carefull with the head
see the original version in the link i've sended for 'mutilated' lines
if you speak spanish: mutilado significa que algun mono con navaja altero sin sentido ni razon mi programa original quitando lineas que sirven para un proposito especifico
> whatever you call it the ini is my creation so be carefull with the head
of course, I will add that
jaja, pero la pregunta era qué hacen esas líneas, porque la descripción la levanta igual
corrige ? por " en la descripcion: por ej.
Mientras ayuda a Cece a mudarse de su ?querido? apartamento
Mientras ayuda a Cece a mudarse de su "querido" apartamento
tenes idea por qué desde la web se puede ver más información que la que levanta el programa? ayer en la web estaba hasta el 31/07 pero el programa sólo llegó hasta el 20/07 por más que le puse un timespan de 30 días
I just updated the files on the first post with the changes you asked for
I changed that, but still it only grabbed 10 days instead of 20
try maxdays=20.1
I just tested maxdays=19 and the last programme stops at "20160722230000 -0300". So, it is still just seeing 11 days. Does the ".1" means something, or is it just to say "a bit more than 20"?
Another question, when I tested yesterday some programs where missing. For example, DISNEY HD was playing "Toy Story 3" but the EPG mixed the previous and next movie time since it was the same movie:
Data from for 10/07:
22:00 - Una aventura de niñeras
23:30 - Toy Story 3
01:30 - Una aventura de niñeras
On the EPG "Toy Story 3" was missing, could be that related to the setting "nopageoverlaps", or "titlematchfactor"?
it's all in the WG++ last manual
nopageoverlaps & titlematchfactor, pg 15
maxdays. pg 14
@1NSdbZVbpZDX I attached a config file which has an example of the bug, could you test it?
"CANAL 13 HD" real programme is:
21:30 - Los ricos no piden permiso
22:30 - Showmatch
00:15 - En síntesis
In the EPG xml "Showmatch" is missing, and "Los ricos no piden permiso" takes its time:
<programme start="20160712213000 -0300" stop="20160713001500 -0300" channel="CANAL 13 HD">
<title lang="es">Los ricos no piden permiso</title>
ok, tested the modified reporttv.ini and all problems comes from 'somebody' changed my codes, changed the creator issue and deleted important lines in the ini that figures on the EPG channels as official, too bad...
so use the original ini I upped to make modifications, don't use the official, it's boggus, doh!
EXCELLENT! Thank you very much for testing it! Indeed, they broke your file. I updated again the first post files.
As I explained in I think we must invert and change the line:
And also
And a last one
The correct version is now on the EPG channels page.
Also uploaded the
If I have some time, I'll see if I can merge the 2 together. Because it looks like all is the same exept the "aid" value. That way we only need to maintain 1 file.
well... guess the monkey was a 'good' monkey at the end
Indeed, I changed every match for "2295" with "2078" which is the aid (Alineacion) for reportv. I also changed the domain for the channels file creation, but I just tested the original and it seems to work too.
If you can mix the files and channels would be great, I really have no idea how to do it :)
Thanks for uploading the Gigared file!
@1NSdbZVbpZDX the latest version of "" supports 21 days, thanks to @Blackbear199
here's another site that uses the same method(different aid= number).
between gigared and reportv i think most channels are covered but did notice a few i didnt find on either.
would it be worth adding? it be basically copying gigared and changing the aid number.
Nice finding! Yes, add it! There are some channels that are useful, at least for me
done.uploaded to epg channels page.
oops. i forgot to change the creation date on the ini to todays date but whatever..not reuploading it again just to change that.
Edit: Some of these aids have new channels, but I think we should mix everything into one big list of channels for
kewl.may have to really try to combine the ini's.i tried already but the problem is getting the correct aid number assigned to the correct channel.
when the channels.xml is created its no prob to scrub the channels,just use subpage.format {list|aid1|aid2|aid3|ect}.the problem is above as the aid number is not with the index_site_id.scrub so it can be separated and used with the url_index,index_urlshow,ect
can't you add in the channels xml something like site_id="<aid>_<channel-id>" and then in the above code just split the 2 numbers?
Edit: I think "" makes something similar with "###" as the separator
yes,i did that site.the problem it the way webgrab creates the channels.xml(applies to url_index also).
say i did this for a channels creation...
subpage.format {list|1987|2078}
index_site_channel.scrub {multi (exclude=first)|id="span_canal">|'>|</option>|</select></td>}
index_site_id.scrub {multi(exclude=first)|id="span_canal">|<option value='|'>|</select></td>}
index_temp_9.scrub {single|<input type='hidden' id='ALINEACION' value='||' />|' />}
index_site_id.modify {addstart|'index_temp_9'##}
scope.range {(channellist)|end}
index_site_id.modify {cleanup(removeduplicates=equal,100 link="index_site_channel")}
the aid number is on each page as in index_temp_9
but the way webgrab works is this,before index_site_id,index_temp_9,index_site_channel are scrubbed the 2 pages...
are read and saved.
so since the aid number is not with or even close to the index_site_id.scrub(we need to scrub both at the same time) this method fails because index_temp_9.scrub{single...} always takes the first match which is on the first page so all channels get aid number 1987 even if they are from the page with aid=2078.
jan/francis could do this easily i'm sure with some regex magic to grab the aid and site id at the same time but its beyond me,i suck at regex but am getting better(in my
I know something about regex, but nothing about your scrub language
. If you can't define multiple pages, don't you have a way to make recursive calls and grab all channels for one aid at a time (for/while {...})
nice,you should download and read the documentation(downloads page).
from it...section
For type single :
Element.scrub {single (arguments)|bs|es|ee|be}
A direct ‘regex’ substitute for it will be:
Element.scrub {regex (arguments)||bs(?:.*)es(.*?)ee(?:.*?)be||}
For type multi the substitution is as follows:
Element.scrub {multi(arguments)|bs|es|ee|be}
Will look like this in regex:
Element.scrub {regex(arguments)||bs(?:.*)(?:es(.*?)ee(?:.*?))*be||}
yes we use scrub {multi|....}
the problem is as i said the 2 pages are read and combined as one.
so the site_id and site channel scrub fine,but we need to grab the aid and the site_id at the same time so each individual channel gets the correct aid number.
I meant before that, abstract that behaviour and make the scub for one page at a time.
cant.the pages are read and saved before any scrubs happen.
but you got me thinking there,maybe scrub each page as a block and use a loop to scrub each block at a time...have to look into it.
You could use <body>...</body> as block start bs and block end be (I'm looking the documentation
this is close but not working,i know its getting the 2 blocks(one for each aid).
subpage.format {list|1987|2078}
index_temp_9.scrub {multi(debug)|<body style="">||<tr id="tr_home_3">|<tr id="tr_home_3">}
loop{(each "index_temp_8" in 'index_temp_9')|end}
index_temp_7.modify {substring(type=regex)|'index_temp_8' "id=\'ALINEACION\' value=\'(.+?)\'"} *aid
index_site_id.modify {substring(type=regex)|'index_temp_8' "id=\"span_canal\">(?:.*)(?:<option value=\'(.*?)\'>(?:.*?))*<\/selected><\/td>"}
index_site_id.modify {addstart|'index_temp_7'##}
index_site_channel.modify {substring(type=regex)|'index_temp_8' "id=\"span_canal\">(?:.*)\'>(.*?)<\/option>(?:.*?))*<\/selected><\/td>"}
the index_site_id and index site_channel dont seem to be working..pprobably my bad regex.
for site id we want..
all instances of <option value='(this info)'>
index_site_channel is almost same
same between but want..
'>(this info)</option>
Blackbear: avcsa.ini is not your creation is just an aid adaptation from original, so fix that plz
whats the big deal? maybe we should start getting patents for ini files.
ask jan or francis to delete it,i'm not.
anywhere hers all 3 sites what you want,change what you want.
i promise i wont cry or complain.
Nice work! I will test it and add some more "aid". Do you handle repeated channels? I think they all share the same channel id.
uh oh code stealer on sight
duplicates are removed based on the channel id(number) during channels.xml creation.
whatever,plead you case to the higher authority.
i'm here to have fun and help out if i can.
may i ask why u didnt do these sites...oh i know ur to busy bitchin about aid numbers.
just because u know how to make flour dont mean you own all the cakes in the world.
@1NSdbZVbpZDX if you give me some time, I will add you as the creator and modify this latest file to have all aids and be called just "" (without multi) in order to maintain only one file
yeah have fun not respecting users ini contributition by replacing their names with yours
I own that specific cake not all the cakes in the world, and thanks ivan for following the site procedures wich certain 'admins' seem to have no idea
no prob man.
all these ini in question have been removed from the server.
take it up with someone that might care,i was the one who added them.i can remove em.
keep them in a shoebox in your closet for all i care.
end of discussion.