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SiteIni created for
This site contains data for OSN.  Although the website caters for 14 days, but regurly only 4 days are given.

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thank you for the INI file it's great,

Put I Have a problem to grap date from some channels and I always have gaps in most of the channels.

Attached To 2 channels Source HTML one that gets no data and the other that has Gaps
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ahmedshamwa wrote:

thank you for the INI file it's great,

Put I Have a problem to grap date from some channels and I always have gaps in most of the channels.

Attached To 2 channels Source HTML one that gets no data and the other that has Gaps


Can any of the experts please fix the the issues. No Arabic epg seem to work. Thanks. I really appreciate all the efforts you are putting here
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no bro, it seemed it needs redoing. I tried disabling the cookies option, and choose only a few channels, and all what I am getting is the name of channels and no guides but a a very long log file.I attached it so that you have a look and know what is wrong.I had to comress it as it exceeded the allowed limit

Thanks in advance
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soory file exceeded the limit so I could not upload it. Please see it here:
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could you please have a look and let me know once you have time
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I feel you bro. I have been searching the web the whole day for a replacement. And I finally did find one:!/Tv-Listings


There is on the site files on it but for Indian channels. Could you please have a look and make one for Arabic. Believe me I would have done it if I could. But unfortunately I am still new to all of this.

It might ask for user and pass. (very easy to register)

Thanks in advance
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thanks bro, I will read now how to.
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can you have a look why it has not worked bto: 

I put the php script in the html folder: 


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yes, I believe so, but I have other softwear running on the server., 

check on this: http://xxxxxxxxxxxxx/
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I changed the ip, but I believe my mistake was is that I left the coockies in my webgraber on pc and not on server. will do that now and see how it goes thanks bro
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[        ] 
[        ]             WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V1.56.28            
[        ] 
[        ]                                 Jan van Straaten                                
[        ]                              Francis De Paemeleere                              
[        ] 
[        ]             thanks to Paul Weterings and all the contributing users             
[        ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[        ] 
[        ] Job started at 02/08/2016 22:32:08
[  Debug ] 
[  Debug ] Running  on: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[  Debug ] Environment: 4.0.30319.42000
[  Debug ] 
[  Debug ] Loading timezone data
[  Debug ] Embedded timezones source: WGconsole.WG.Common.timezonesdata.txt
[  Debug ] Reading config file: C:\ProgramData\ServerCare\WebGrab\WebGrab++.config.xml
[  Info  ] found: C:\ProgramData\ServerCare\WebGrab\ -- Revision 02
[  Debug ] xmltv input file - C:\ProgramData\ServerCare\WebGrab\guide.xml - found
[  Debug ] 0 superfluous shows removed
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=AXN HD) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=Animal Planet) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=Australia Network) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=BTV2) in the config file
[Error   ] Could find existing channel (xmltv_id=Cartoon Network) in the config file
[  Info  ] 
[  Info  ] 
[  Info  ]       i=index  .=same  c=change  g=gab  r=replace  n=new
[  Info  ] 
[  Info  ] 
[  Info  ] Group (0) :
[  Info  ] update requested for - 5 - out of - 5 - channels for 4 day(s)
[  Debug ] 
[  Info  ] (   1/5   ) KPLUS.VN -- chan. (xmltv_id=AXN HD) -- mode Incremental
[Error   ] Unable to update channel AXN HD
[Critical] Generic syntax exception:
[Critical]    message: 
[Error   ] no index page data received from AXN HD
[Error   ] unable to update channel, try again later
[  Info  ] No guide data to restore
[  Debug ] 
[  Info  ] (   1/5   ) KPLUS.VN -- chan. (xmltv_id=Animal Planet) -- mode Incremental
[Error   ] Unable to update channel Animal Planet
[Critical] Generic syntax exception:
[Critical]    message: 
[Error   ] no index page data received from Animal Planet
[Error   ] unable to update channel, try again later
[  Info  ] No guide data to restore
[  Debug ] 
[  Info  ] (   1/5   ) KPLUS.VN -- chan. (xmltv_id=Australia Network) -- mode Incremental
[Error   ] Unable to update channel Australia Network
[Critical] Generic syntax exception:
[Critical]    message: 
[Error   ] no index page data received from Australia Network
[Error   ] unable to update channel, try again later
[  Info  ] No guide data to restore
[  Debug ] 
[  Info  ] (   1/5   ) KPLUS.VN -- chan. (xmltv_id=BTV2) -- mode Incremental
[Error   ] Unable to update channel BTV2
[Critical] Generic syntax exception:
[Critical]    message: 
[Error   ] no index page data received from BTV2
[Error   ] unable to update channel, try again later
[  Info  ] No guide data to restore
[  Debug ] 
[  Info  ] (   1/5   ) KPLUS.VN -- chan. (xmltv_id=Cartoon Network) -- mode Incremental
[Error   ] Unable to update channel Cartoon Network
[Critical] Generic syntax exception:
[Critical]    message: 
[Error   ] no index page data received from Cartoon Network
[Error   ] unable to update channel, try again later
[  Info  ] No guide data to restore
[  Debug ] 
[  Debug ] 0 shows in 5 channels
[  Debug ] 0 updated shows
[  Debug ] 0 new shows added
[  Info  ] 
[  Info  ] 
[        ] Job finished at 02/08/2016 22:32:11 done in 3s
[  Debug ] statistics upload error: Der Remoteserver hat einen Fehler zurückgegeben: (500) Interner Serverfehler.
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for some reason, it is not showing anything on this


and this 

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I have put your coockies in html folder (your files)
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problem is has no cookies and I have exactly the same issue with it. So, I will try on another server and see how it goes. Thanks for your support and help
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thanks, I got this finally working but webgrabber is still not able to grab anything. this is working http://xxxxxxxxxxx//kplus_vn.php?date=3-8-2016

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thank  you very much, I will try tomorrow as it is too late now where I libe and see how it goes. Problem is, it has worked for ...thanks alot, I will let you know tomorrow
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hi as for my server, it is a very small one, only for testing purposes. 2, I checked the channels list on main site, i only saw this:

can you please send me a file with theg. english Ids that you are using.

3: I am still haveing the same problem with
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yes acually. please have a look at both initialization files

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and this
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would you please make a zip of your settings and send it over to me to see what is going wrong. As all other things work but not these two sites: thanks in advance
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I am really now totally lost. I even changed the iser agent. Still no reslut.

Check my settings file please: It is just for testing how it should work

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I might have got you off the point. Sorry I choose this site only because you mentioned it above. My issues occure with and I thought I show you my config file. Maybe you will know why it is not grabbing anything from those two sites
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no, it is not. I have flussonic installed on it.
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yes, I have one iinstalled on my pc. I can deactivate it and see how it goes

thank you, I will try now

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can we get this site too as this site in not traditional in preseting the itv tvguide.
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BlackPearl: I have bee using whatisonarabiya for a whle via externap php script that you. It just stopped working for me a couple of days ago. Can you please confirm if it is my end only and whether there is a fix for it if it is not my end,

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well for some reason all are not wroking on all channels. can you please use ip : and check if it is working .

And my initialiation file should be fine. It is attached too. Just want to know if it is my antivirus again or server issues. Thanks

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yes I tried but it is not grabbing anything. (no channels list too)

So, it can be that my antivirus is blocking it? I really tried to unblock everything and allow anything in my antivrus
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if you mean this then it is working:
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ok, thanks, that might be it then. They changed my node to another/vps and mayb sth got lost. I will reinstall php and see how it goes...will do now. Thanks. I will let you know how it goes
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<a href=""></a> wrote:

ok, thanks, that might be it then. They changed my node to another/vps and mayb sth got lost. I will reinstall php and see how it goes...will do now. Thanks. I will let you know how it goes


now all php is working and I still cannot generat a playlist using this

<channel update="i" site="" site_id="" xmltv_id="dummy">dummy</channel>
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ok, now php and curl are installed and it showed now as in the image your posted:


but I am still unable to generate a channel xml
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I am doing it like this in my initialization file: 

* @auto_xml_channel_start
url_index {url|}
index_site_id.scrub {regex||href=\'ChannelDetails.aspx.*?channelname=(.+?)\'>||}
index_site_id.modify {replace|&channelid=|##}
index_site_id.modify {replace|&isfav=0&type=all&channeldisplayname=|###}
index_site_channel.scrub {regex||channeldisplayname=.*?\'>(.+?)</a>||}
index_site_id.modify {cleanup(removeduplicates=equal,100 link="index_site_channel")}
* @auto_xml_channel_end

and with 
<channel update="i" site="" site_id="" xmltv_id="dummy">dummy</channel> on webgrabber
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well, I am not sure I did exactly what you saud, but please check what i wrote, and I am still getting nothing
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thanks a million, finally a channel xml is grabbed, Let us see now how it grabs
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hehhhhhhhh, you are really right. So sorry.

It was my mistake all along. 

I could grab xml channel list. Now going to grab it. thanks, really appreciate it.
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channels are grabbed. Thanks a million Black Pearl. You really have my utmost respect for the work you do. Thanks again

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