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WG2MP not doing what it's supposed to?

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WG2MP not doing what it's supposed to?

I need to "normalize" the showtimes in my XML for a system that does not support the time offset. I'm in Singapore at the moment (UTC+8) and my showtimes then looks something like:

 <programme start="20160630010000 +0800" stop="20160630013000 +0800" channel="okto">

And I need to adjust the showtimes to local time, without the "+8000" as my XML viewer (and Media Portal and MCE) does not support this.

WG2MP seems very straightforward, but the only thing it does in my case is removing the "+8000", it does not adjust the times.


So this:

 <programme start="20160630010000 +0800" stop="20160630013000 +0800" channel="okto">

just becomes this:

 <programme start="20160630010000" stop="20160630013000" channel="okto">

after running WG2MP

Not at all what I intended, and not what WG2MP should do unless I misunderstood something.

Please advise on this, thanks!

Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 8 months

OK thanks. I thought the showtimes was in UTC and that the offset had to be added to get local time.

What you're saying implies that the showtimes is in local time and that the offset only indicates what the local time is in relation to UTC.

The real problem then I guess is my ini file for (Singapore), it gives me showtimes in UTC and not local time.

I see now Blackbear199 that you're the author of that ini-file, at least according to the header info. Any idea regarding this?

Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 8 months

That's what I did in the first place. The only difference that makes is that the offset is set to +0800 instead  of +0000 as with timezone = UTC. My local showtimes will be UTC regardless of tz settings.

But timezone = UTC gives the cotrrect result, problem is my viewer (and MCE and media Portal) ignores this and uses only the actual showtimes listed.


So timezone = UTC is actually correct in this case. And when I use WG2MP on the file after setting timezone back to UTC the showtimes are correctly converted to Singapore time (UTC +08:00), without any offset. So all is good now, thanks for the pointer in the right direction!

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