Since both dk.timefor.tv and ontv.dk services are now closed - I need to switch to another souce for my Danish channels EPG
I have tried the tvguide.dk and it seem to almost work - but an update/fix is required. Please help!
The problems are:
- Sub titles are used as main titles. E.g. for channel DR1, Friday May 27, 21:25 the title is "Fredagsfilm: 3 Days to Kill" but becomes "Amerikansk actiondrama fra 2014" which is the sub-title. would be nice to have both in the resulting XML guide.
- Episode info is missing
- Actor, year, category info I do not really need - but would be nice of cause
What would be really very nice, in addition to the above fixes, would be also to get URLs to the TV show images. That is, icon src =entries. This was also in the old dk.timefor.tv.ini and worked really well.
Please help
Pleae help
I really appreciate it!
Seem to work - although only 4 days seem to be captured - 8 are available?
An a question: The episode info is e.g. like this:
<episode-num system="onscreen">E8/8</episode-num>
For a show with episode 8 season 8. Is that correct, I mean with the "E" in ? I'm no XMLTV expert, I just haven't seen it before?
Thanks for the clarification! Actually, I should have put it in more clearly, what I have seen the past XMLTV files - this is how episode info is put in (for Episode 21 of 24 season 4):
<episode-num system="xmltv_ns">3 . 20/24 .</episode-num>
Since I have a program doing post processing, which seem to struggle with the format, is it possible to flip a swith and get in the above format?
Also, and yea I know I'm a "perfectionist" - at least my wife tells me .... I have these requests/observations:
- Season info does not work for all the channels. Since tvguide.dk seem to put this in differently for some channels. Eg for channel http://www.tvguide.dk/kanaler/TV3plus for e.g. the show "Numbers", the season info is in the actual pop-up window with as "Season: 5"
- Using same example, as above, it would be nice also to capture the sub-title: "Amerikansk krimidrama fra 2008"
Alternatively: Is there any way you can put the URL for each pop-up window for each show into some dummy/info xml entry? E.g. the http://www.tvguide.dk/programmer/tv3plus/2016-06-22/12:05/numbers-17-/42858913--- for the example above? I'm no coding guru - but perhaps I can figure my self to get the info out that I need, e.g. also the image url. I don't mind the challenge - but I'll need the UR to download and post process
Thanks for the help!
One more thing I can see is buggy: The last show at the list for every day, ends up having the exact same start and end time. The end time should be the starting time of the first show the day after. Or rather, the first show listed on the next day as shown on tvguide.dk
Happens, if not for all, then most channels. Example, see the channel: http://www.tvguide.dk/kanaler/DR1
On Wednesday, the day list ends with "Hammerslag (4)" - which is shown the next day (24. June) . That entry, in the XMLTV file, ends up having same start and end: 20160623042500
I can live without season info
And it seem ok now!
One thing: I have learned on xmltv_ns episode info, I believe you need to subtract one. That is:
<episode-num system="onscreen">E3/10</episode-num>
should become:
<episode-num system="xmltv_ns">.2/10.</episode-num>
Another small bug is that for the channel DR2, for some reason the episode info seem wrong, see eg:
<programme start="20160625083000 +0200" stop="20160625090000 +0200" channel="DR2">
<title lang="da">DR2 Morgen</title>
<desc lang="da">DR2 Morgen klæder dig på til dagen med nyheder, debat og baggrund</desc>
<category lang="da">Nyheder & Aktualitet</category>
<episode-num system="xmltv_ns">.G.</episode-num>
I believe it's because the title is "DR2 Morgen (G)" - where G in danish means "rerun".
Hope this will not impact you blood preasure
But I think there is still one more issue. Sometimes I get this episode info:
<programme start="20160627083000 +0200" stop="20160627090500 +0200" channel="TV3">
<title lang="da">Real Housewives of Atlanta</title>
<sub-title lang="da">Amerikansk serie fra 2008</sub-title>
<desc lang="da">Værten Andy Cohen guider os igennem hidtil usete optagelser fra første sæson</desc>
<category lang="da">Reality</category>
<episode-num system="xmltv_ns">.temp_8.</episode-num>
Just to make sure I got it all right, I have uploaded the two setup files I use and the resulting tvguide file with the temp_8 issue
Deleting the Guide.xml did not help. I then reinstalled everything, clean up all files, and that seem to have solved the issue - whatever it was
Will do some more testing!
Btw, there is this detail:
For DR1, in the TV Guide, this title "Hammerslag 2008 (18)" gets to be:
<programme start="20160629040500 +0200" stop="20160629043000 +0200" channel="DR1">
<title lang="da">Hammerslag</title>
<desc lang="da">Er smilet stivnet i Århus, eller kan man stadig gøre en god forretning, når man skal sælge sin bolig?Mæglerne skal gætte priserne på to lækre lejligheder med hver sit særpræg, men med det til fælles, at de ligger super attraktivt.Sidste bolig er en spændende, toprenoveret villa i Silkeborg.Sendt første gang 05.01.09</desc>
<category lang="da">Fritid & Livsstil</category>
<episode-num system="xmltv_ns">2007.17.</episode-num>
Got it - have updated. New issues though. Sometimes I get episode info with "(num)", see e.g.:
<programme start="20160629103000 +0200" stop="20160629111500 +0200" channel="DR1">
<title lang="da">Antikkrejlerne</title>
<desc lang="da">Britisk dokumentarserie fra 2010.Hver uge rejser to antikvitetseksperter med 200 pund på lommen til en egn af Storbritannien for i små antikvitetsbutikker at gå på jagt efter netop det fund, der kan indbringe køberen den største fortjeneste på den nærmeste auktion</desc>
<category lang="da">Serier</category>
<episode-num system="xmltv_ns"> (153)</episode-num>
Also, you should probably change the rule to fix the 2016 problem into a check for 4 or more digits. Eg. the show "Beverly Hills 90210" also confuse the script ...
So far I have actually NOT been using the 56.x beta version - but the latest official patch 55.But I'm now using the "Beta version - 56.26pre" as instructed.
And I just reinstalled everything, and still get:
<programme start="20160629111500 +0200" stop="20160629120000 +0200" channel="DR1">
<title lang="da">Antikkrejlerne</title>
<desc lang="da">Britisk dokumentarserie fra 2010.Hver uge rejser to antikvitetseksperter med 200 pund på lommen til en egn af Storbritannien for i små antikvitetsbutikker at gå på jagt efter netop det fund, der kan indbringe køberen den største fortjeneste på den nærmeste auktion</desc>
<category lang="da">Serier</category>
<episode-num system="onscreen"> (154)</episode-num>
And in the command window in which I'm running webgrab, I get these kind of outputs:
Poor episode-num matching
Matched episode-num: (2)
Best pattern :
Input episode.num : (2)
I'm using the exe and dll file from "Beta version - 56.26pre" downloaded from here: http://webgrabplus.com/download
I assume that is the 56.26 your referencing, right?
In my "C:\Program Files (x86)\ServerCare\WebGrab+PlusV1.1.1" directory I get with a DIR command:
With the latest ini file I still get the (num) problem?
I have attahced the ini and xml files + the output guide so you can see the result in more detail.
I have tested with the new version 56.27 - and that solved the problems
I'lll do some more testing with it - but I think it is all fine now!!!
I'm very happy - thankyou for your help here