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ini file for

I'm new here, and I'm a newbie of XMLTV. First I want to thank the Author of Webgrab+ and all the contributors for their work.
I'm also the webmaster of the French Windows Media Center site ( , and for us, many channels are not on  the Microsoft guide. For a better guide we have the BigScreen EPG program  that work with XMLTV guide.
I have tested Webgrab+ for some channels with the and it works, but I have found another site with a very complete TV guide and some information's that have not such Episodes/Season.
It will be nice if anyone can create a "" file
Here is the link:
And here is an example of a chanel:
The guide can have informations for 15 days
Thank you...

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welcome here. I will have a look at and will come back as soon as I have something to report.

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Thank you very much Jan. I'll be waiting for your report.


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I made a start for thsi website.
This is certainly not finished.  But it could aready be usefull.

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Wow, you did that very quickly.
It works, but I would do further testing as soon as possible. Currently, I just found a slight problem in the descriptions that ending with « (n) ». There is the same problem with the telerama.ini file.
For Example with a line in the guide.xml file :
<desc lang="fr">Le professeur Singer recherche des moyens de propulsion pour que l'homme puisse atteindre rapidement l'exoplanète Gliese 581c, située à 20 années-lumières de la Terre(n)</desc>
From my side, I also have a problem complex to explain with the Microsoft guide. With XMLTV file, the Media Center cannot see if a program is a replay or not, and if I set a serie to be recorded, the same épisode is recorded and recorded again at each diffusion.
With the BigScreen program that work with XMLTV the problem is solved, but some users use another program to have LiveTV. This program is called DVBLink and is used for specials tunners configuration and works with XMLTV, but in fact, the series recodings don’t work because there are no repeat flag in the XMLTV. If DVBLink+BigScreen are installed, there is a conflict.
Not shure i’m clear…You can see more on this topic of DVBLink forum :
The solution seems to have a repeat flag in the XMLTV, but I don’t know how we can do this and if it works.

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I cannot see any information about a repeat flag.
If you can pls. point it out to me so I can include it.
New version attached.
As to the (n).
From the manual

<!--  modes:
d or debug saves the output xmltv file in a file with -debug addition in the file name .
The original xmltv file will be kept.
m or measure measures the time for each updated show or new show added
n = nomark disables the udate-type marking (n) (c) (g) (r) at the end of the description
v or verify verifies the result following a channel update
w or wget use wget as grab engine (can improve site recognition)
Note that modes can be added in one line, separated by comma's or spaces, or both.  -->


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Thank you for this new version. I will try it soon (Actually, I must make a new configuration of my TV setup because some fréquencies has changed).


Sorry for the (n) that was not a problem of the file, but of me because I have not read correctly the documentation.


For the « repeat » flag I must make more tests to better understand what happend. It’s not urgent because I have found a temporary solution to resolve the conflict between BigScreen EPG and DVBLink. I let you know if I have more information about this.


I have just found this documentation that explain the Microsoft MXF/XMLTVstructure :


There is a tag (originalAirdate) with this descritpion, but nothing on how add it to XMLTV:


The original air date (in local time) of the program. Use this value to determine whether this program is a repeat.


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Hi Doglover and ZZDeZ,
Doglover, : thanks for your first version, as you mentioned, it needed some completion. With yours as starting point I completed as much as possible. It uses a different link to the detail page which is easier to grab and has more details.
ZZDeZ, : give this one a try. The site has "inedit" data which is placed in the xmltv element <premiere>, may be that can help you with the repeat issue.
The (n) at the end of the description is added by the program to indicate that it is a new entry in the xmltv file. You can switch off this feature if you add mode n in the config file. There are a few other possible marking at the end of the description like (c), (g) and (r). There is a description of these markings in chapter 2.1 of the manual.

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Sorry, there the ini I uploaded above tries to grab the showicon and that makes it terribly slow due to a bug in the program. This bug will be removed in the coming build 50. For now you must disable the showicon lines in the ini or use the one here.

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Thank you so much Jan, you are so fast!
I have now configured a new setup TV and update Channels/Frequency. I also updated DVBLink with the new version of DVBlink and it’s now possible to keep EPG/XMLTV function disabled. I hope this will really solve the conflict. In that case, the repeat bug will be corrected by BigScreen because it uses a special function based on the subtitle to add the “repeat tag” in MCE EPG.
But for users that won’t pay to have BigScreen, the repeat problem persists. If a solution can be found this will be great, but not sure and I don’t know how. The “Premiere” tag you have added don’t work, but is present in the details of the program Microsoft EPG near the title exactly at the same place than the habitual “Repeat”  information when is multi-diffused in the classic Microsoft EPG.
The last .ini you make works fine, but some details are not recognized by MCE. I think it’s normal because the architecture is not the same with XMLTV than MXF. The task of BigScreen EPG is to translate the XMLTV into MXF and it’s possible that some details will not considered such Episode/Season numbers. For this do you think it’s possible to write the Episode/Season numbers in the program details? (In the rex.config.xml ?)
EDIT: I have found how write the Episode/Season numbers in the program details with the rex file and it works fine.
I have also made more tests with more channels, and MDB research doesn’t work fine (see attached log). It takes very long time to finish the process. I don’t know if it’s because programs are in French. On my Media Center, to have Movies/Series information’s, the plugins uses two fast and complete databases ( for series and The for movies) that have API and multilingual system. It is possible to create a new DB ini file to use it for WebGrab+?
A this time, I have disabled the MDB with the postprocess setting in WebGrab++.config.xml

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I did a test run with MDB and this and the channel Ciné Channels, and got a reasonable matching of about 75%.
Normally the country differences are taken care of by the program automatically provided IMDb contains the French title in its AKA list. Essential however is that apart from the title also a member of the cast and preferably the productiodate is present in the xmltv input file.
Also essential (and I susspect that is your problem) is that you use the latest version of one of the MDB ini's, or or
I am sorry that I don't understand the repeat problem. What kind of data do you want to add and to which xmltv element? (Provided that data is available on
I also made a small improvement to which you find here

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Many thanks…The last ini file working fine.
Actually, I make tests with two computers:  One with only DVBLink and the repeat problem, and one with DVBLink+BigScreen EPG.
DVBLink Only:
DVBLink has no system for repeat tag, and to add this information; it seems to be complicated. I have found some information’s about this with the code of another program that translate the XMLTV to MXF. I cannot use it because a conflict can appear in DVBLink. But the code of the program use a tag named “IsSeries” True or not, and generates a unique ID for program in the MXF database (Usually a generated guid). You can find the code here: . I think the problem must be solved by DVBLink and I will write an e-mail to explain it (I have a contact). For the logos, it works fine, but when the program has not his own logo, the première site adds a generic picture (the logo of the site). Is there a way to delete the generic logo when used in the guide? The logo address is:
DVBLink+BigScreen EPG:
The BigScreen from XMLTV to MXF that is maked by BigScreen, don’t support the logos. It uses his own system to add some pictures to programs that are with an English title.
For MDB process, I have tried the imdb  ini file you give , but I have now some description In English + French. I think it’s not necessary to have more information’s. In the Première site, the description, cast and the production year are present and it works fine.
Thank you very much for your works.

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Can you give me a channel entry in the config for which the generic logo occur in the xmltv?

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  I have joined an XMLTV file with the generic logo entries like this:
<icon src=""""> />

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This one clears the showicon if it's the generic one.
Q: What's the website of your MCE community?

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Thank you very much.
The site is here:

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I have a strange thing with Webgrab…
I have installed the program on two computers. One is for tests with W7, and the other is for use to grab on 2008 server that run 24/24. With W7, I have no problems and the program takes only few minutes with 20 channels. On the server, with exactly the same ini and xml files, I have error messages that you can see in the capture I have joined.
Both computers are on the same network and my internet speed is 100mbps. The account of the server is Administrator and I have tried without firewall.

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I had a similar porblem with another website.  This was solved by using:
instead of
in the config file. 
You can also try others: like MSI, Chrome or something similar

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Thank you for your help doglover.
I have tried your solution, and it’s not the <user-agent> that was in fault, but me. I have seen that the premiere site has guide for more than 6 days (max 12) and also set more days in timespan because 6 days is very strong.
It’s strange, but with my W7 computer I have no errors, and with the server it doesn’t work if I set the timespan over 6.
Is there a way to have more days working with “” ? 10 days can be a good compromise.

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It looks that for grabbing more than 6 days, a bit more work is required.

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I have another problem now  with I have set the grab to incremental, but  every day the guide.xml was smaller. After editing the guide, there is no shows after the 17 may (tomorow). It's the same thing when I grab with force setting.
I think it's a problem with the ini or a site change. 

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I noticed this also this morning.
Will have a look.

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Replace in the siteini
It grabs now at least 8 days (that is how much I tried)


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Thank you very much Willy. It seems it works for me too. I have tried on my server and it seems that the "timespam" problem I had is related.  The grab is in process right now for 10 days for 179 Chanel. At this moment the only problems message I have, is one time "403 Skipped Robot check " and sometimes delay's Pausing.
I will confirm the work when finished.

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All is OK now. I have a guide for 10 days and it works with the 2008 server.
Thank you Willy

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TF1 works just fine here, although very, very slow.

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