OK, I am starting to work on updating the Greek channels data.
(a) First of all there are some inis that are no longer valid, because the channels ceased to exist!!
Channel 902 was sold, so there is no site and program.
Channel Sunny was merged with sbc and removed its website.
(b) The state-run channels ET1, NET and ET3 were stopped by the government last year, and now they are starting to operate their replacements as NERIT 1 and NERIT 2. However, NERIT 2 is only rumored at the moment, and they say that a NERITsports channel will be operational during the Soccer World Cup. Everything is fluid with them.
Also Nova and OTE satellite providers changed some of their offered channels (mostly additions).
So, all other sites have changes in their channel lineup. I will be uploading the new channels xml when I finish and test them.
(c) Nova has changed slightly its source page, so I will try to update the siteini. I have some problems there with index_variable_element, but I think I will resolve them...
(d) OTE now has a program page, and by investigating the source I found out that it is in JSON format, and the resulting XML is a lot like XMLTV. But, what is the best way of dealing with it? Should I try to scrub it from JSON, or could I convert it to XML? And if I convert it, should I scrub or can I make an XML transformation (not that I don't know a lot about XML transformations, never used it before...)
thanks sofar. Sounds like toll of the crisis !
re a) I will remove 902 and sunny
re b) and c) I wait for your results
re d) Json is no problem . The cleanup command has several new coders and decoders, one of them is {cleanup(style=jsondecode)}. Its not yet in the manual, but it is in the supplement http://www.webgrabplus.com/sites/default/files/download/documentation/Manual%20Supplement/Documentation.V1.1.3_Supplement.pdf. Can you give me the url of that json program page?
success Jan
Well, it seems that Nova is denying access to robots... I hadn't noticed it before, they have a robots.txt file, so everything I did was not worth the effort. Anyway, should the following command get to the variable element the number of milliseconds since 1970/1/1? Because it didn't work.
index_variable_element.modify {calculate(format=date,java)|'now'}
As for OTE, the URL is http://otetv.ote.gr/otetv_program/ProgramListServlet?t=sat&d=20140602 They have a problem right now and it gets empty, try the program for Thursday, it works. Which brings me to a relative question: Can we use more than one site for a channel and combine the results (using a way to measure priority)? If not, it is a good idea for implementation (I am also thinking in-band data, which are usually more accurate, but they don't have usually a lot of description and details).
I send you the channel list files for the above listing, including the channel ids, and also the updated data for ishow.gr, palo.gr and tv.pathfinder.gr (which has pages for deleted channels, and I kept them, as long as it gets no error)
I haven't tested them, however the sites have not changed as I can see.
When I do
index_variable_element.modify {calculate(debug format=date,java)|'now'}
I get the right result in the log:
Debugging information SiteIni
command & arguments : calculate(debug format=date,java)
Expression-1 : 'now'
Element value before operation:
empty element before the operation!
String composer result for Expression-1 :
Expression-1 expanded : 635373945279403260>>
Element value after operation:
I will have a look at your other question later
Check out this code also if you can (it is simplified a little, to show the problem)... It used to work before!
The description is always modified, even though index_temp_1 is actually [""]!
you found a bug! (the preconditional was considered a wildcard). I have send you an evaluation patch by mail.
Hello again! I've created the otetv.ote.gr siteini, which I attach below. Unfortunately, we cannot be 100% accurate on this data, because the episode title is the first paragraph in the description, and some times the title itself includes a fullstop. The same thing happens with actors, which are delimited by a dash (-), but sometimes their names include a dash! Nevertheless, most of the shows are OK.
Also I have attached a new ishow.gr channel-list file, because they keep changing the channels they support! This site is the more accurate on data but the least trusted for updates! They keep deleting and/or re-adding channels! (which brings me to the point I mentioned before - the ability to combine sites for a channel would be great...)
Hi Guys,
Any update on the above problem? I am having the above issue aswell, skipping show without title...
where is Documentation.V1.1.3?
that link is broken
hi has anyone got ishow.gr to work?
or ote.
hi i see 2 names when i go over the tv icon Πρόγραμμα Τηλεόραση et1 the first part say program tv.
which 2 names are you looking at.
here are the details you requested
cid=13 πρίσμα+ english name Light+
cid=46 Κυνήγι και το ψάρεμα Hunting and Fishing but the name of the logo is french which is
hope this helps
Hello to everyone, they made a lot of changes in the ishow.gr site and some stuff broke 2-3 months ago. I have updated the ini file to work, but it needed the latest (beta) version of the software and now it needs more tweaks to be OK (it adds some tags to the description, some extra dots and gaps in the subtitle etc.)! I hadn't much time to fix it until now... I'll try and fix it and upload a new version. Also, with the latest version I get a lot of delay in parsing every channel in OTETV, and I want to try and find what's wrong (or maybe it's a bug, I don't know!)
Looking forward to trying out the new ini files when ready i am using v1.56.24
hi when i run ishow.gr.ini i get this on the channel guide.
<programme start="20160604070000 +0300" stop="20160604090000 +0300" channel=" ALPHA">
<title lang="el"><a href="http://d57e32cb.static.ziggozakelijk.nl/production/1386721/tv-mall" style="color:#e1d8be; text-decoration:none">TV Mall</a></title>
<category lang="el">Τηλεαγορές</category>
get the same on all channels.
hello again yes i am using the latest beta could you upload the ishow ini you use maybe i have the wrong one thanks
Hi Blackbear and everyone else, I tried all the version of ishow.gr.ini but i get the same problem like the guy before. Here is a sample from what is the output:
<programme start="20160606001500 +0300" stop="20160606004500 +0300" channel="ert1">
<title lang="el"><a href="http://d57e32cb.static.ziggozakelijk.nl/production/1417815/ert-eidiseis-athlitika-kairos" style="color:#e1d8be; text-decoration:none">ΕΡΤ Ειδήσεις - Αθλητικά - Καιρός</a></title>
<programme start="20160606004500 +0300" stop="20160606022000 +0300" channel="ert1">
<title lang="el"><a href="http://d57e32cb.static.ziggozakelijk.nl/production/175937/scorpion" style="color:#e1d8be; text-decoration:none">Σκορπιός</a></title>
<category lang="el">Ταινία</category>
<programme start="20160606022000 +0300" stop="20160606032000 +0300" channel="ert1">
<title lang="el"><a href="http://d57e32cb.static.ziggozakelijk.nl/production/1454872/art-week-s01e10" style="color:#e1d8be; text-decoration:none">Art Week - κύκλος 1</title>
I used the file you upload some posts back and every other ishow.gr.ini that i found. What can be the problem?
listing .ini now working fine and even tranlated it from greek to english and guide working fine.
have upload a complete list of all the channels
hi not sure if anyone interested in maybe trying to get greek channel from this guide.
Ok i will give it a try and thanks for the quick reply
@Blackbear199 thanks for these files. They work 99% right.
I have 1 small issue that i would like your help to solve. It seems that it's trimming all spaces from the Program Name.
So for example
Στη 'Σκουληκότρυπα' με τον Μ. Φρίμαν E7
Is there an wasy way to fix this?
Thanks in advance. You guys are doing a fantastic job
Perfect. Exactly what the doctor ordered :) Thanks a lot!!!
OK, I've got new versions for nova and cosmote files, (the one in the other thread is not 100% OK and it gets a lot of timeout errors), for anyone that's interested in them... ;-)
Sorry for not uploading them before, I tried to be sure first they are OK and then I forgot about it!
Everything works faster and better with the new versions.
Thanks a lot @ankont