I found this very good swiss site http://www.tele.ch/ with over 150 channels from Germany, France, Italian...
I trying myself but its too complicated 4me
I found this very good swiss site http://www.tele.ch/ with over 150 channels from Germany, France, Italian...
I trying myself but its too complicated 4me
Brought to you by Jan van Straaten
Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
Supported by: servercare.nl
http://www.tele.ch/json/epg.php?channel=|config_channel_id|&output=short&time=|(unix-time start of day)-(unix-time end of day)|
easy for you and not for me
there... test it
Thanks @1NSdbZVbpZDX its work
Great job from you
P.S. I found also data for country and I use almost the same code which you use for Original Title
country.scrub {single |Sprache:</span> ||</li>|}
This dont work and when I look into the html code I cant find this data
wich show has that info?
actor.modify {substring(type=regex)|"(.+?)\("}
this work OK.
country.scrub {single|<p class="detail">|,| </p>|}
country.modify {remove|'productiondate'}
this work but when have no data we got messy country tag with a lot of other data...(RAI 1, 2 3, La 1, La 2...channels)
using online translator Sprache is language so dont think thats correct thing to scrub for country.
you right... but if you can not scrub from other, this is not so bad...
Thanks @Blackbear199
for now its perfect
1 line solution for country thingee:
country.scrub {regex ||(?:"detail">.+?)\n\s*(.*?)\s*\d{4}||}
upping update (there was a major problem in start scrub)
thanks @1NSdbZVbpZDX
i just want to write that time problems with RAI 2.... and you already fix that and ...
P.S. i test this with RAI 2 and times and also country dont work
RAI 2 working well here
modified country scrub
it now fits both situations (with-without year)
date and time dont work...always the same...i check this channel:
<channel update="i" site="tele.ch" site_id="auf_sender-RAI-RAI+1" xmltv_id="RAI 1">RAI 1</channel>
<channel update="i" site="tele.ch" site_id="auf_sender-RA3-RAI+2" xmltv_id="RAI 2">RAI 2</channel>
<channel update="i" site="tele.ch" site_id="auf_sender-RA2-RAI+3" xmltv_id="RAI 3">RAI 3</channel>
<channel update="i" site="tele.ch" site_id="auf_sender-TSI-RSI+LA1" xmltv_id="LA 1">LA 1</channel>
<channel update="i" site="tele.ch" site_id="auf_sender-TI2-RSI+LA2" xmltv_id="LA 2">LA 2</channel>
@Blackbear199 thanks
, so far so good 
P.S. i found this error:
<channel update="i" site="tele.ch" site_id="auf_sender-RA3-RAI+2" xmltv_id="RAI 2">RAI 2</channel>
<channel update="i" site="tele.ch" site_id="auf_sender-RA2-RAI+3" xmltv_id="RAI 3">RAI 3</channel>
must be:
<channel update="i" site="tele.ch" site_id="auf_sender-RA3-RAI+2" xmltv_id="RAI 3">RAI 3</channel>
<channel update="i" site="tele.ch" site_id="auf_sender-RA2-RAI+3" xmltv_id="RAI 2">RAI 2</channel>
and RAI 3 work only one day..when i want 2 or more days i got this error:
[Error ] time parsing error : The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is an unknown word starting at index 0.
[Error ] stoptime time scrubbed : mai
[Error ] computer date/time format: 10/04/2016 16:50:38
I found where mistake appear:
<a href="http://webgrabplus.com/../sendung/103120361-in-12-ora">
In 1/2 ora (11.4.2016, 00:55) </a>
<a href="http://webgrabplus.com/../sendung/103120360-fuori-orario-cose-mai-viste">
Fuori orario. Cose (mai) viste (11.4.2016, 01:25) </a>
<a href="http://webgrabplus.com/../sendung/103120426-rainews24">
RAInews24 (11.4.2016, 06:00) </a>
dont work I got this error:
[ Info ] update requested for - 1 - out of - 1 - channels for 15 day(s)
[ Debug ]
[ Info ] ( 1/1 ) TELE.CH -- chan. (xmltv_id=RAI 3) -- mode Incremental
[Warning ]
String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
[Warning ] timepattern dd.M.yyyy, HH:mm doesnot fit to
[Warning ] time scrubbed mai
[Error ] Unable to update channel RAI 3
[Critical] Generic syntax exception:
[Critical] message:
[Error ] Current culture: en-GB
[Error ] time parsing error : The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is an unknown word starting at index 0.
[Error ] stoptime time scrubbed : mai
[Error ] computer date/time format: 10/04/2016 18:18:18
[ Info ] Existing guide data restored!
[ Debug ]
[ Debug ] 0 shows in 1 channels
[ Debug ] 0 updated shows
[ Debug ] 10 new shows added
[ Info ]
[ Info ]
[ ] Job finished at 10/04/2016 18:18:18 done in 4s
[ Debug ] statistics upload error: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
you upload teleboy ini...you must tele.ch ini...
P.S. i found this error:
<channel update="i" site="tele.ch" site_id="auf_sender-RA3-RAI+2" xmltv_id="RAI 2">RAI 2</channel>
<channel update="i" site="tele.ch" site_id="auf_sender-RA2-RAI+3" xmltv_id="RAI 3">RAI 3</channel>
must be:
<channel update="i" site="tele.ch" site_id="auf_sender-RA3-RAI+2" xmltv_id="RAI 3">RAI 3</channel>
<channel update="i" site="tele.ch" site_id="auf_sender-RA2-RAI+3" xmltv_id="RAI 2">RAI 2</channel>
This is web page error..they mess up RAI 2 and RAI 3...
ini is now OK, great job @Blackbear199
Your channels xml file is OK, but somebody from tele.ch is made mistake because RAI 2 schedule is RAI 3
and RAI 3 is RAI 2 ... i check this on RAI website..
Thanks again
First 3 days its OK and then from 20.4. start show without a title ...
[ Info ] Group (0) :
[ Info ] update requested for - 6 - out of - 6 - channels for 14 day(s)
[ Debug ]
[ Info ] ( 1/6 ) TELE.CH -- chan. (xmltv_id=RAI 1) -- mode Incremental
[ Debug ] skipped show without a title at 20/04/2016 05:15:00
[ Debug ] skipped show without a title at 20/04/2016 06:00:00
[ Debug ] skipped show without a title at 20/04/2016 11:10:00
[ Debug ] skipped show without a title at 20/04/2016 12:00:00
[ Debug ]
[ Info ] ( 2/6 ) TELE.CH -- chan. (xmltv_id=RAI 3) -- mode Incremental
[ Debug ] skipped show without a title at 20/04/2016 15:10:00
[ Debug ] skipped show without a title at 21/04/2016 01:15:00
[ Debug ] skipped show without a title at 22/04/2016 01:15:00
[ Debug ] skipped show without a title at 23/04/2016 01:20:00
[ Info ] ( 3/6 ) TELE.CH -- chan. (xmltv_id=RAI 2) -- mode Incremental
[ Debug ] skipped show without a title at 20/04/2016 07:05:00
[ Debug ] skipped show without a title at 20/04/2016 09:30:00
[ Debug ] skipped show without a title at 20/04/2016 10:30:00
[ Debug ] skipped show without a title at 20/04/2016 11:00:00
[ Info ] ( 4/6 ) TELE.CH -- chan. (xmltv_id=LA 1) -- mode Incremental
[ Debug ] skipped show without a title at 20/04/2016 15:40:00
[ Debug ] skipped show without a title at 22/04/2016 13:15:00
[ Debug ] skipped
P.S. I go to web pages and see where is problem... no title ...
Can somebody add Unknown broadcast where we have no title...
And delate tag description if we have this: <desc lang="de">-</desc>
Big Thanks @Blackbear199
I think this is just perfect now... the only problem is too much missing title in RAI 1 and RAI 2...
Quality and structure of data is better then the original RAI site...
Best Regards,
I cannot grab updates from tele.ch anymore. Is anybody aware of possible issues? Thank you.
site is going up and down at moment
The website seems to be new.
Rewrote the SiteIni.
However it is slow. But on the positive side, you have to download it only once when grabbing more channels. Because all channels are downloaded at the same time. So the index can be kept.
Other problem is that the schedule is split up in 2 hour chunks. So for eacht day 12 webpages have to be downloaded.
If somebody can improve on this, pls. be my guest.
tv.com.channels.xml seems no work
1> both webgrab & SiteIni.pack are updated today, so make sure both of them are the latest.
2> My system is Windows7 64bit
Anybody can help me? Thanks a lot