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[Solved] set start date?

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[Solved] set start date?


I saw many mistakes in the timefortv ini site file and wanted to fix it.

One mistake is the problem with the date on which the show starts. For channel which show on several days no program webgrabplus takes always today as the start date. For example Sky Bundesliga 2 DE, always the wrong start date, time is ok.

Please help me :)

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Hi Guys,

I am surprised that the start date is incorrect. The ini uses the unix time that includes the date in the start time, so it should be correct. Can you send me the log file from a run where the date error occurs?



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very good Blackbear! Indeed the problem is the line
index_start.modify {calculate(format=utctime)} !!
That is a leftover from an earlier version of the ini that didn't use the unix datetime which should have been removed! That line has a 'time' format and consequently will convert the start value including a date component into one without it. So the whole point in using the unix datetime was nulled.
​In fact you even don't need the line you propose, because the times handling part of the program will recognise numerical datetime values like  unix  and will do the conversion  automatically.

​But there is another improvement possible: Because the index shows have no stoptimes, these stoptimes will be the next start time. With these sport channels with only a few shows per day that leads to showtimes of more than a day!
​But there is a solution: There are stoptimes in the showdetail pages! And WG++ can handle stoptimes from showdetail pages. The correct ini line for that is :
stop.scrub {regex()||<strong>.+?\d{2}:\d{2} - (\d{2}:\d{2}).+?</strong>||}
​The only problem is that it doesn't work correctly!! There is a small bug in the stoptime date calculation which messes up this stoptime date. I will fix this as soon as possible in the next beta.


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today I will try to fix the stop from detail date bug.
​Because of that I will also try start and stop from detail, which should work. So I wonder why it didn't when you tried.
​The prefix detail_ is optional for srubs and mods from detail pages. So detail_description.scrub is the same as description.scrub (see APPENDIX E, columns prefix and 4.5 Elements)
​You as native English speaker/writer: If you have any remarks or find errors in the manual, let me know. (I fear there must be plenty!)


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Blackbear199 wrote:

​ ...  great pdf.i read and search it daily.

ever sleep and wake with solution?

​Yes that happens to me now and then. Do you keep the pdf close by at night? wink


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latest news re stop from detail in :
​- the bug in the date calculation of stop from detail is fixed. Was rather simple, the program didn't take into account that, when the date had to be increased because the next starttime date is higher than the stoptime date, it can be more than just one day to increase.
​- but there is another problem : The stop from detail is given in the local timezone, Europe/Berlin, while the index_start (from the unix time in the index) is in UTC. That sets all the stop times 1 hour later than correct. To get that fixed, the stop from detail needs to be corrected for the timeoffset difference between UTC and timezone Europe/Berlin. That can be done with a few lines in the ini but we decided to do it with a new datetime calculation that allows to recalculate a datetime into a certain timezone. I am currently building that into the program. It will be in the next beta 56.17 coming in a day or two.


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​revision 8 of

For it to work use Beta 56.17 or higher.  That contains the fixes and additions described in my last post.


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