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Remove Shows with zero life time

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Remove Shows with zero life time

Hi all,

I was wondering how I could remove shows from the xmltv file that have start time=stop time.

These are errors in the site I'm grabing and I need to remove them because they conflict with the rest of the shows.

Thanks in advance.

WGMaker's picture
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Basically these shouldn't occur unless they also occur on the tvguide website. If they do not occur there there is a shortcoming in the siteini. If that is the case please tell us which siteini this is.
There is also a solution for it in the config, skip, see


remove shows that are longer then 5 hours and shorter then 1 minute​


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Hi Jan,

Thanks for your reply.

The site I'm grabbing is a bit of a mess. The issue is on the site as you see 2 shows with same start time on the webpage itself and it happens with more than 2 shows (it happens in couples...many "2 shows" sharing the same start time).

That's why I'm going to use the skip function like you mentioned.

Thanks again for your help.

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Hi Jan,

The <skip> function in the config.xml works fine. Unfortunately it conflicts with another site I'm using: (which has no start and end times as you know) so it removes all shows from

Is there another way using the ini file to remove shows with zero length ?

Thanks in advance for your continuous support.

All the best.



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I can think about one way, but it involves some tricks.

Do you have the siteini?

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Hi Francis,

thanks for offering to help.

Here is the siteini, not a great ini file, but that's what I'm capable of :) (maybe I'm getting old) At least it is working :)

You'll find it includes your lines you sent me earlier this morning about scrubing showicon (they worked perfectly)

again, thanks for offering to help Francis.

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Forgot to mention that the problem is with 1 channel only:

Thanks a lot.

WGMaker's picture
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karimf wrote:

Hi Jan,

The <skip> function in the config.xml works fine. Unfortunately it conflicts with another site I'm using: (which has no start and end times as you know) so it removes all shows from​

Hi, I checked and that worked fine here!! It properly grabs the times from the detail page. Do you have a logfile and a config?


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Hi Jan,

Thanks for your reply. (using your guide "howtocustomise") is working fine. But when I apply the <skip>10,1</skip> all shows are considered skipped as shorter than 1 minute.

The log and the config are attached also the ini I'm using after applying the steps you mentioned in the guide.

I hope you could point me out to the error.

Thanks again for your help.

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