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Unable to describe path to homedir in Linux

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Unable to describe path to homedir in Linux

I've just bought Rasberry Pi and tried to install WG++.
At the moment I've installed all dependencies and tried to run WG++ got stuck with tons of errors.
First of all I'm even not shure how exactly I have to run it.
In one manual execution is described that it should be runed by mono WebGrab+Plus.exe /home/pi/webgrab

in another mono WebGrab+Plus.exe "/home/pi/webgrab" and in another one mono WebGrab+Plus.exe ./home/pi/webgrab.

Anyhow, I've tried every of it but still with no luck. Using the first one I'm getting output that there is corrupt or missing WebGrab++.config.xml file and some as I can unterstand C errors.
Same hell is going with another two including "home_dir_path" and .home_dir_path. when using older 1.1.1 without 48 patch. 
When patch and above mentioned "" or .. are used, output is similair to this:
<pre class="brush: lang"><pre class="brush: lang"><pre class="brush: lang">./home/pi/webgrab/WebGrab+Plus./ doesn't exist!
<pre class="brush: lang">correct the commandline parameter to match an existing path!
BTW, mdb and rex folders are in non capital letters, config xml's of those has described correct linux path to home dir
Whole dir and files chmoded to 777 and chowned by user which I'm trying to run the program with

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meskiokas wrote:

I've just bought Rasberry Pi and tried to install WG++.

Ah, are they available again. I know that I looked to buy from the first batch, but were sold out in the first few hours.
Have to look into that again then.
Are you using it for HTPC purposes? (If you use WG++, I would think so). What software are you using?
For your problem:
If your home directory is /home/pi and you have made a subdir webgrab, then the commands should be:

cd /home/pi/webgrab
mono WebGrab+Plus.exe “/home/pi/webgrab

(this info could be found at
First I would run WG++ without REX or MDB just until you have running it.
So in the .config.xml file, enable WG++ grabbing only

<postprocess run="n" grab="y">mdb</postprocess>

Then there is a small error in your config file change the next line (if you want more days to grab, change the 0 into a greater number)


And for the first test I would reduce the number of channels at first.
So first start with 1 channel. If that goes wel, you can add more if you like.
The less channels, the faster WG++ can get all the data.
(.config.xml settings info could be found at

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Ah, are they available again. I know that I looked to buy from the first batch, but were sold out in the first few hours.Have to look into that again then.Are you using it for HTPC purposes? (If you use WG++, I would think so). What software are you using?

I've bought it from ebay and I think I've overpaid for it. Price was almost as twice as it was at the beggining of selling start .
Actually I've bought it only just for WG++. Have tried to launch raspbmc in order to watch UDP streams just in case of curiosity with no luck. After couple of tens of minutes unsuccessful tries threw that mind away :)
There is couple of STB's in my network which shows bunch of channels but sadly without EPG.
Atached config.xml worked fine on Windows server, unfortunately STBs EPG server (daemon) are only available on Linux.
Tried to change config.xml as you suggested (ignore postprocess) but nothing seriuos happened.
Trying to use such quotes as you stated, then got this:
 pi@raspberrypi ~/webgrab $ mono WebGrab+Plus.exe “/home/pi/webgrab”
Cannot determine the text encoding for argument 1 (“/home/pi/webgrab”).
Please add the correct encoding to MONO_EXTERNAL_ENCODINGS and try again.
Might you know which encodings should I add and how should I do that ?

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But I would think that it already default uses UTF-8.
If setting that is not working just try a few other ones. This is a problem of mono and not from WG++, because WG++ is not ready called at that moment.
Let me know how it went

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I think this could happen because of that I've extracted RAR on my Win machine and just afterwards uploaded it to Linux.
As I understood from mono manual this happens when files are being transfered among different OS'es.
Unrar package for rasbian os are not working properly and extracts only text files and dirs.
Can you please generate tar.gz  ?
Another thought was that quotes it self are from another coding, could it be possible ?
Might it would be possible to describe home dir like mono WebGrab+Plus.exe --h /home/pi/wegrab or something like this ?

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The tar.gz I don't know if that will be changed.
Probably all the releases will be done in .zip. (because majority of the people use it on a Windows machine)

Earlier, the releases were done in .rar.
But I found that a strange format. Both linux and windows don't have standard support for it.
Then the dissension was made to do all the new releases in .zip. There both platforms (linux not always but most of the time) have out of the box support for it.
And because the release is done only once (for patch release), there can only be one format. And that is now .zip.

I have tested it here an a fresh ubuntu machine. And there I see that it also had problems with mono.
I have mono 2.10.5 and states:
Unhandled Exception: System.TypeLoadException: A type load exception has occurred.
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.TypeLoadException: A type load exception has occurred.

after installing monodevelop everything worked.
sudo apt-get install monodevelop

So maybe trying this could fix your problem (or help you further)?

Have you typed the quotes, or just copy-paste?

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The tar.gz I don't know if that will be changed.
Probably all the releases will be done in .zip. (because majority of the people use it on a Windows machine)

In WG++ page download section only Win version are in zip and linux in rar :))
Previously I've installed mono-complete package so don't think that monodevelop would be a solution.
Tried to remove mono-complete and install monodevelop but nothing changed.
Most of sites I've visited writes that MONO_EXTERNAL_ENCODINGS should be described somewhere in source code, so it might be a problem with syntax of program.
Tried to use every quotes I found :D Keyboard of mines, copied from your post, etc.

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and what if you give as parameter:
or no parameter (will not work, but then you can have maybe some response of WG++ already)
./home/tv/webgrab will not work!
I've looked into the code of mono and found that MONO_EXTERNAL_ENCODINGS is an environment variable.
Look if it is set now?
If not defined, it uses utf-8.

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I've tried to launch WG++ on virtual ubuntu box and it worked well even with single quotes.
If I try to do the same on Pi which is ARM not x86 it just shows that path to config.xml is invalid or config file is corrupted.
Only way to get MONO_EXTERNATAL_ENCODINGS error is to type yours offered quotes which is in NL encoding as I understood.

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Were did you get the mono build for ARM?
At work I have some embedded setups with ARM. So I could try to get it to work, but then I would need mono.
Else I'll see if I can order a Pi for my own and have some fun with it. ;-)

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Raspberry Pi has made Raspbian OS which is basicly just tuned Debian, so I've installed mono simply by "sudo apt-get install mono-complete" 
Also tried with monodevelop, but nothing changes.
Would be cool if you could try WG++ on ARM.
As a matter of fact i could give you login to mines Pi.
Of course in some other way than in this forum :)
Write me to k_aurimas [ at ] yahoo [ddott]] com & I'll give you address and credentials

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Finally I've lost my headache !
Installed Fedore remix and now it works, but the speed of it is very low.
Site grabbing are going as a speed of a snail. 115 channels were grabbed in more than half an hour.

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meskiokas wrote:

Finally I've lost my headache !
Installed Fedore remix and now it works, but the speed of it is very low.
Site grabbing are going as a speed of a snail. 115 channels were grabbed in more than half an hour.

Ah, I just wanted to start debugging it. Ok, but if its fixed this way, thats ok.
Thats about 15 seconds for 1 channel? And you find that slow?
And how many days do you get?

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Rasbian is the same Debian but with some tuning. In my opinion something is tuned too much.
I haven't found any pure debian (Ubuntu is uncompatible due to too old arm6 cpu used in pi) img file for pi so decided to try Fedora.
Actually when I wrote grabbing were on process and everything took more than an hour. I get only one day and with clean guide.xml.
It's hard to imagine how long it would took to update full guide.xml
Bad thing that I was using 4th class sd card from nokia phone. Now I'm writing fedora img to 10th class sd card and will update timings here.
Yes, I found it slow because on my desktop the same whole process tooks only few minutes.

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