User of WebGrab+ for a few years, was hoping to get help with a new ini for http://tv.foxsportsasia.com/ as I think it would be a good addition to SiteIni.Pack\International, as it spans 3 channels over 17 Countries (I live in Hong Kong). As no current ini exists I don't think uploading the required files will help, but let me know what I can assist with to help make one.
Rugby World Cup starts this week so EPG for recording in NextPVR would be really appreciated!
Will see what we can do.
Do you know if the shows are the same for the different locations? Or is it just the time of the show that is changed?
If you could find that out?
Cheers Francis, much appreciated.
Quite a few are the same but there are differences in the same time zone.
See attached e.g. between Malaysia and the Philippines.
Think I foud a way.
This is just a very quick version. Not realy tested. Hope you can do that for me.
Thanks Francis,
Appreciated as always. I loaded it up and ran it using the attached, tried initially to change Singapore to Hong Kong, but that failed.
Put it back to Singapore, seemed to work really, thanks! see attached. Change of country, the log suggests just use Hongkong for UTS +08:00, would that be correct? It seems to work (run) at least. I guess if both are UTC +08:00 then it doesn't really matter as long as WebGrab++.config.xml has the correct country entries?
Cheers again though, great work.
Will let you know if any other issues :-)
[EDIT] I did find one issue - with your original Asia/Singapore setting the descriptions were downloaded (at least initially). Then with Hongkong, they were not; then when I checked Singapore again, but this time they were gone? I tried "f" as a forced update rather than incremental - didn't work?
The timezone should be correct.
Site states all times are in Singapore/Hong Kong times (both are the same: +08:00 no DST). So you don't need to change the timezone.
If you want that, just use "Asia/Hong_Kong", but this is not needed.
Could you test your second issue (missing descriptions) a little bit more? Just to see what works and what doesn't? Don't have much times so can't realy setup a big test to reproduce your issue.
Hi Francis
I played around with the ini and config.xml a bit changing the site name and the update modes i, s etc and kept getting the errors below.
I then deleted the xml created by WebGrab+ and it seemed to work again. Do you think it might have had issue trying to do an incremental update?
Sitll working OK.
Maybe OK to upload to SiteIni Pack with an experimental caveat and let other folks try it.
Hi Francis
I don't think this was added to the ini pack, but I am trying this now with Beta version - 56.23pre and it seems to have a few issues.
Attached a couple of run logs, one with and one without deleting the original xml.
It worked (and still works) with the old WebGrab version
Any changes to the ini (above) needed to be made? Inis and Logs attached.
Sorry to bump this but I am still struggling with it.
It works (with the old Webgrab) for the first day's data but then goes out of whack, leaving a 1 hour window of no show.
Looking at the source EPG, it seems that the next days data is there, but offset by 12 hours?
Any ideas appreciated.
Hi Blackbear199
First off, a big thank you! - these work to get the full schedules with no gaps, so that's a massive improvement for me.![smiley smiley](http://www.webgrabplus.com/sites/all/modules/ckeditor/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png)
I used the old site ID Codes, as HK was indicated in those.
However there is still a time offset issue (which is not unique to Foxsports Asia, but also Setanta and Deutsche Welle, which leads me to think it is related to WebGrab+Plus (or possibly the EPG Viewer I use, although I don't think so as I also checked with EPG Viewer/Editor 1.4 from the Downlaods section of this site).
I tried with timezone=UTC and then I tried again updating the ini with timezone=UTC+08:00; no difference in my viewer, but oddly there IS a difference in the XML file. See both run details and logs attached. [WebGrab+Plus output before correction = NowBBWebGrab.xml and after correction is NowBBWebGrabOut.xml]
Using xmltv_time_correct.bat with a +0800 offset works an gives me the correct time in the viewer.
I use NPVR and usually if it correct in the XML it is correct in NPVR.
Thanks again and if you could shed any light on that timezone issue it would be great.
I can currently use it with xmltv_time_correct.bat though.
Hi There
Foxsports Asia seems to have gone on the blink (not working) any longer.
The error is "[Error ] no shows in indexpage!" ?
I think you are right :-)
I tried this to find the correct codes (I think they are correct). Will check times vs Programs.
Hi I'm new to Webgrab Plus and still reading and learning.
So could you tell me please if this is still working ?
I get this in my log with no start stop times being added to the output file.
[ Info ] ( 141/143 ) TV.FOXSPORTSASIA.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=FOX Sports) -- mode Force
[Warning ] no robots data found
[Warning ] skipped robots check
[ Debug ] skipped : fully overlapping show from 23/03/2018 00:00
[ Debug ] to 23/03/2018 00:55
[ Debug ] skipped : fully overlapping show from 24/03/2018 00:00
[ Debug ] to 24/03/2018 00:25
[ Debug ] skipped : fully overlapping show from 25/03/2018 00:00
[ Debug ] to 25/03/2018 00:30
[ Debug ] skipped : fully overlapping show from 26/03/2018 00:00
[ Debug ] to 26/03/2018 01:00
[ Info ]
[ Debug ]
[ Info ] ( 142/143 ) TV.FOXSPORTSASIA.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=FOX Sports 2) -- mode Force
[ Debug ] skipped : fully overlapping show from 21/03/2018 00:00
[ Debug ] to 21/03/2018 01:00
[ Debug ] skipped : fully overlapping show from 23/03/2018 00:00
[ Debug ] to 23/03/2018 01:00
[ Debug ] skipped : fully overlapping show from 24/03/2018 00:00
[ Debug ] to 24/03/2018 01:00
[ Debug ] skipped : fully overlapping show from 25/03/2018 00:00
[ Debug ] to 25/03/2018 01:00
[ Debug ] skipped : fully overlapping show from 26/03/2018 00:00
[ Debug ] to 26/03/2018 01:00
[ Info ]
[ Info ] Summary for update of FOX Sports 2
[ Info ] missing shows added 0
[ Info ] changed shows updated 0
[ Info ] new shows added 166
[ Info ] unchanged shows inspected 0
[ Info ] total after update 166
[ Debug ]
[ Info ] ( 143/143 ) TV.FOXSPORTSASIA.COM -- chan. (xmltv_id=FOX Sports 3) -- mode Force
[ Debug ] skipped : fully overlapping show from 21/03/2018 00:00
[ Debug ] to 21/03/2018 01:00
[ Debug ] skipped : fully overlapping show from 22/03/2018 00:00
[ Debug ] to 22/03/2018 01:00
[ Debug ] skipped : fully overlapping show from 23/03/2018 00:00
[ Debug ] to 23/03/2018 01:00
[ Debug ] skipped : fully overlapping show from 24/03/2018 00:00
[ Debug ] to 24/03/2018 01:00
[ Debug ] skipped : fully overlapping show from 25/03/2018 00:00
[ Debug ] to 25/03/2018 03:00
[ Info ]
[ Debug ]
[ Debug ] 23633 shows in 143 channels
[ Debug ] 0 updated shows
[ Debug ] 23633 new shows added
With only this being added to the output file
<channel id="FOX Sports">
<display-name lang="en">FOX Sports</display-name>
<channel id="FOX Sports 2">
<display-name lang="en">FOX Sports 2</display-name>
<channel id="FOX Sports 3">
<display-name lang="en">FOX Sports 3</display-name>
These are the Id's I've selected, which I believe are Hong Kong
<channel update="i" site="tv.foxsportsasia.com" site_id="ESE1" xmltv_id="FOX Sports">FOX Sports</channel>
<channel update="i" site="tv.foxsportsasia.com" site_id="F2E1" xmltv_id="FOX Sports 2">FOX Sports 2</channel>
<channel update="i" site="tv.foxsportsasia.com" site_id="FM31" xmltv_id="FOX Sports 3">FOX Sports 3</channel>
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I've sorted it.
Im not really sure. I changed the offset to UTC and it then worked, could be coincidence though.
The times are wrong though, from many of the used sites, so I've written a simple python file to which any offending channels can be easily added , to adjust the offset from cron after the output file is created like so. It only takes a second or so to do its job.
print 'Adjusting Time Offset for Channels Please Wait....'
with open('/var/www/html/guide.xml', 'w') as outfile, open('/var/www/html/guide1.xml', 'r') as infile:
for line in infile:
if 'Fox Soccer Plus HDTV 24/7 (FSPLUS)'in line and '+0000' in line:
line = line.replace('+0000','-0500')
if 'Investigation Discovery HDTV (IDHD)'in line and '+0000' in line:
line = line.replace('+0000','-0500')
if 'MGM HDTV (MGMHD)'in line and '+0000' in line:
line = line.replace('+0000','-0500')
#print line
print 'Error Adjusting offset'
The above example is for EPG from tv.com but the principle will work on any site. I think tv.foxsportsasia.com is +0800 isnt it ? I've just not had time to experiment yet.
Holy cow. I was interested to update my ini but I think I will need to wait.
Thanks Blackbear for the detailed description of the problem.
Loads to play with and try there and as you say the offset is currently 4 hours. However it will go back to 5 hours again on Sunday once the UK clocks go forward in line with the US/CA clocks, which went forward a couple of weeks ago. Fortunately, this problem does not occur when the clocks go back as the UK and US/CA go back on the same date.
Just for info, I'm first running Webgrab from Crond, then after thats finished Crond is then running my Offset.py that I've written, to correct any time issues, and then running a .sh file to convert my resulting guide.xml into a guide.xml.gz which CrossEPG used on Enigma2 understands, and then importing the final EPG from Tvheadend via CrossEPG to my Enigma2 box. Any new channels added are done so by running a python channel updater on the box, which in turn runs another python file to add specific sref's to my Enigma2 Bouquets. Eventually I shall do way with all the separate files and add everything to the run.sh commands that start Webgrab, so everything is done by that file alone.
It sounds complicated, but it really isnt and after Webgrab has done its job ( about and hour ) the rest is done in less than 5 seconds.
Next on my agenda is to try to get Bein Sports 11 and 12 working with Webgrab and also Directv too, which is currently complaining about headers.
I would like to get Directv sorted, because yo.tv cannot be relied upon. Sometimes the loaded channel id's that are obtained using Firefox element inspector are just wrong lol
I know that Webgrab is supposed to make this part easier for users, by uncommenting the lines at the bottom of the ini and running a dummy channel line, however, to date I've not managed to get this to work. not with yo.tv anyway. In my defence on this though I only started to use Webgrab about 2 weeks ago and theres loads to take in and digest.
EDIT: Directv sorted after installing the lastest mono
I'm still struggling generating an up to date Directv chanels.xml though lol Can anyone please help with this ?
Is this still valid ?
Jan van Straaten , 26/10/2015
How to create a localised channellist file for directv.com and create the necessary cookie file to grab data from local channels
Notice! The following procedure might not work with IE. We experienced problems with it which is caused by the fact that this site provides cookies in a non standard format. IE and Firefox both have problems while exporting these cookies. For firefox we were able to solve these problems with a update op WG++. (1.1.1/55.6)
1. In your browser goto https://www.directv.com/guide?lpos=Header:1
2. Enter your zip code eg 94102 for San Francisco or 60601 for Chicago, eventually enter County if asked.
3. Wait for the webpage to complete.
4. Export the cookies to a file named directv.com.cookies.txt in the same folder as the config file. Follow the instructions as in http://webgrabplus.com/documentation/configuration/cookie
5. Open directv.com.ini . Near the bottom is the section that creates channelist files
Enable the lines there by removing the first *
6. Add one dummy channel in your config
<channel update="i" site="directv.com" site_id="" xmltv_id="dummy">dummy</channel>
7. run wg++
8. If all is well you have created a channellist file for your location
9. Revert the actions of 5.
Notice: you will need the cookie file created in 4 also to grab guide data from these local channels.
Because I just get an error about an index not being able to be obtained from dummy
Yes a channels.xml is created but this is all it contains.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<site generator-info-name="WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V2.1 -- Jan van Straaten" site="directv.com">
<channel update="i" site="directv.com" site_id="#_" xmltv_id=" ()"> ()</channel>
<channel update="i" site="directv.com" site_id="#" xmltv_id="">
I'm sure I'm missing something really silly here in trying to create this lol
EDIT: Finally !!!
God loves a trier lol, I have the new Directv channels.xml now hehehe
I'm a bit confused by all teh above, way over my head.
Is there an updated ini or xml I need to get hold to make FoxSports Work better?
Hi Ian - are you in HK? You seem to be a bit of propellor-head with this stuff (no offense :-))
I am still using TVxB (a wonderful little program that works on html but little else) to strip out stuff from the TVB Pearl website) but if you get time, maybe you could help me out by having a go at finishing my feeble attempts at getting TVB Pearl from this site https://www.mytvsuper.com/en/epg
Here is the link in the forum to my attempts thus far - I did try the latest suggestions but gave up (sorry Blackbear) http://www.webgrabplus.com/content/tvb-pearl-mytvsupercom ?
Nah I'm from England.
I dont know what a propellor-head is though lol
Ah; OK. I'm a Kiwi living in HK, was hoping you'd be able to develop some of the EPG stuff we have here if you lived here. Never mind.
I'm sure you have worked out what a propellor head is by now :-).