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Strange upgrade suggestion in log (from 5.x to 3.x)

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SirDester's picture
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Strange upgrade suggestion in log (from 5.x to 3.x)

Hello all,
I had a not so updated version of WebGrab+Plus ( on Windows 11 PC and today looking at log files I noticed that the script was suggesting me to upgrade to version 3.3.0, linking me to the URL:

It's quite strange because I already have the new 5.x version installed.

Anyway I manually went to the 5.x download page and updated with the right major version and all was fine.

I just wanted to report the strange (and confusing) upgrade message.
(sorry I don't have the log to send because I already updated and re-run the script so the log was overwritten)


Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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what ini?
easy fix is edit the ini and near the top change the..
* @MinSWversion: Vx.x
to something lower than ur wg version ur using,in ur case V3.3
* @MinSWversion: V3.0
would get rid of the message.

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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also its just warning message that u shud be using a updated version.
if everything works fine u can ignore itor do as i said above to get rid if it.

i would always keep it updated to latest version.
if u have issues with V3.3 then there's no support.
V3.3 is many updates behind the latest V5.x version.

SirDester's picture
Joined: 4 years
Last seen: 2 months

Thanks for your fast answer Blackbear199.

"to something lower than ur wg version ur using,in ur case V3.3"
As the ini files, perhaps you misunderstood what I wrote, because I'm already at the 5.x branch.

I agree with you to always use the latest version, and infact I was already using the 5.x branch, the V3.3 is too old and based on an old framework too. Manually upgrading to got rid of the message.

I was only confused by the suggestion to "downgrade" from 5.x to 3.x. and post here to notify if there's something wrong at code side in the version check procedure :)

Thanks and Happy Christmas !!

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 2 hours

i didnt know a message to downgrade existed.
i will have to ask jan(creator) about this as we dont go backwards(as far as i know).

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