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Hello, I'm still quite new here to create something myself so I'm asking for help and this shouldn't be that hard (at least I hope so).
Note: there is already "" that exists, but it's different from - it's outdated and includes way less metadata. What I need is

Some information to make epg creation easier:{EpochTimestamp}/to/{EpochTimestamp}/lang/lt
"channel_id" should be replaced with channel names from: (so it's easier for me to use it on as many playlists)

How EPG should look in my opinion:
Titles: {title} S{season_no}E{episode_no}
Descriptions: {description}

No other metadata needed (at least for me)
If someone needs me to make {channel_id}={channel name} list, I can do it.

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In Lithuania folder here:
The rest can be done with postprocess rex (add episode to title or simply exclude an element) or if you do not need elements just put * in front of the line, example you do not want category change into: *index_category......
If you want to try do not look at the siteini, start doing it your self reading the instructions and we will be happy to assist you. Any question just ask :)

Joined: 4 months
Last seen: 2 weeks

Hey, thank you very much for taking your time and making this. So far it's very good, but it needs few adjustments.
-Season and series count should be together like S1E1 and not S1 E1
-Season and series count should be in the epg title, because otherwise my player shows "ProgrammeName. S1 E1" and there should be no dot.
- Not all programmes have series No. A lot of them are showing only season No (like S1 and not S1E1).

What adjustments should I make in the ini files to fix these three problems? Thanks

WG++ Team memberDonator
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tbraktai wrote:

Hey, thank you very much for taking your time and making this. So far it's very good, but it needs few adjustments.
-Season and series count should be together like S1E1 and not S1 E1
-Season and series count should be in the epg title, because otherwise my player shows "ProgrammeName. S1 E1" and there should be no dot.

- Not all programmes have series No. A lot of them are showing only season No (like S1 and not S1E1).
What adjustments should I make in the ini files to fix these three problems? Thanks

For the episode you can try remove the space in the pattern (index_episode line) that is the standard, but it can be changed.
For the rex config once you enable it in wg++_config postprocess grab="y" run="y">rex you can play with rex config to suite your needs, attached a sample.
You need to specify the output xml in rex_config. Then to test, change in wg++_config grab="n" run="y" rex to see the results
If you have doubts check the documented config or just ask.

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here a test changing siteini, modified pattern to be S1E2(Season or Episode or both when available), added one line to add episode to end of title, added another line to clear(remove) episode element.

WG++ Team memberDonator
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Here a change in index_episode to change S with Season and E with Episode (must be done after the standard process and sequence), then again add to title.

Joined: 4 months
Last seen: 2 weeks

this is amazing. Thank you really much again. It's perfect, but still have the problem with showing only the episode number or only season number on some programmes.

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