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Adjust EPG time for different timezones

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Adjust EPG time for different timezones


could you please point me in right direction how can I have proper time in grabbed EPG?

I mainly use a provider from Hungary, my timezone is +1 GMT. The grabbed EPG is fine. However, I also use UK channels occasionally, and there is a time difference compared to Hungary's +1 GMT. How can I configure the config xml file to have UK grabbed data also displayed correctly in my timezone?


francis's picture
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1. could you state about what siteinis we are talking

2. do you have a setup were 2 identical channels are configures (but one Hungarian an the other UK)? If so, could you upload your guide.xml file.

Joined: 10 years
Last seen: 6 years

I will grab a new one and post it once I'm home. 

For Hungary I used to use but I think it is no longer working after they have updated their site (please correct me if I'm wrong), so now I'm using, for UK I tend to use Radiotimes.

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Well, I tink it will probably be an issue of your EPG importer.

If you have a show that you know that is wrong, you should post (for that show) the start time as you see it (so in your EPG viewer). The time the show should be (that you think) and upload the guide.xml file, where that show is in.

That way, we can see what the trouble is.

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