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if it is possible I would like to have a .ini for I'm struggling to find right EPG for prima sport channels.

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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u can try this.
sites like these(especially sports channels can be a pain).
if you look at prima sports 1 for example,some days have few events.
this can easily confuse webgrab and put the wrong shows on the wrong day.
i added code so that if there's more than a 5 hour span between shows it add a stop time of start time + 5 hrs.
i am not home and using my phone as wifi hotspot to login into my server so i didnt test it much.
in fact i only tested prima sports 1 and the epg looks ok.

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Prima Play it seems to work ok so far. Many, many thanks!!

I had a look at prima sport channels from on my grab for this week (the site i used for Prima Sport Epg ) and on the site seems to be the right Epg, but sometimes when it grabs gives wrong shows on the wrong day.

PS: I wanted to attach a test from for prima sport 1 to show you what i am talking about, but surprise, it grabbed ok. Strange.

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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the problem with both these sites is the programs have a start time only(HH:mm).there is no stop time.
this is how webgrab can get confused.
example,say a 2 day schedule looks like this..
11:00 program
12:00 program
08:00 program
09:00 program

since there is no fulll date/time(dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm for example)
webgrab does this..
starts with today and adds the shows.
when it reads tomorrow..
the first show is at 08:00
the last show started at 12:00 yesterday
webgrab will think this is not correct and not add the 08:00 show because yesterday didnt have a full day's schedule(go to midinght or later).
when no date(just start time is present) this is how webgrab processes the data.
if the schedule doesnt make logical sense to it the show is rejected.

with that said what i did for primaplay was add the date to each show start time.
this allowed me to add a 5 hr stop time to shows.
last show today start time is 18:00
first show tomorrow is 06:00
normally webgrab would have this in epg data..
18:00 today start - 060:00 tomorrow stop
with the code i added this would be changed to..
18:00 today - 23:00 today.
cinemago suffers from the same problem,it has HH:mm for show start times and no stop time.
the same logic i used for primaplay could possibly be applied to it also but its a far more complicated site as the schedule is split into day and evening sections.

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