For a while now, after updating my Plex, I have had an issue with EPG timing. Everything has shifted by 2 hours. Is it possible to edit a globally downloaded EPG?
Brought to you by Jan van Straaten
Program Development - Jan van Straaten ------- Web design - Francis De Paemeleere
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it was erroneusly set to UTC if you download again should be ok
I downloaded again and unfortunately nothing has changed, the file seems to be working fine:
<'programme start="20210928080000 +0000" stop="20210928113500 +0000" channel="TVN HD">
<'title lang="pl">Dzień Dobry TVN
As you will see in the picture (attachment), I have an offset of 2 hours. Maybe Plex is doing something wrong.
May be in plex there is a timezone setting....don't know, but lots of this player use timezone
@ mat8861 I checked on my other EPG tool "Owi2Plex" and there the EPG downloaded from Enigma2 contains information plus two hours.
<'title lang="en">Dzień Dobry TVN
<'programme channel="15821" start="20210929113500 +0200" stop="20210929114500 +0200">
<'length units="minutes">10
This works fine and displays fine in Plex.
Data downloaded by WebGrabPlus in Docker marked with the version WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V3.2.1.0:
<'programme start="20210929080000 +0000" stop="20210929113500 +0000" channel="TVN HD">
<'title lang="pl">Dzień Dobry TVN
As we can see, there is no information:
20210929080000 +0200
Can I add it to the file somehow Does it require additional file conversion?
you probably have old guide.xml ( i guess in config you have update incremental), try to use force or delete it and re-run
it's ok here
programme start="20211003211500 +0200" stop="20211003221500 +0200" channel="TVP 1"
title lang="pl" Rolnik szuka żony 8 title
I deleted the file and it's the same unfortunately:
[ ]
[ ] WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V3.2.1.0
[ ]
[ ] Jan van Straaten
[ ] Francis De Paemeleere
[ ]
[ ] thanks to Paul Weterings and all the contributing users
[ ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ]
[ ] Job started at 29/09/2021 15:07:53
[ Debug ]
[ Debug ] Running on: Unix
[ Debug ] Environment: 4.0.30319.42000
[ Debug ] Mono version: (tarball Mon Feb 22 17:29:18 UTC 2021)
[ Debug ]
[ Debug ] Loading timezone data
[ Debug ] Embedded timezones source: timezone.timezonesdata.txt
[ Debug ] Reading config file: /config/WebGrab++.config.xml
[ Info ] Checking License ..
[ Info ] For License request/update data, see WGLicense.log.txt
[ Debug ]
[ Info ] found: /config/siteini.pack/Poland/ -- Revision 11
[ Info ] encrypted in 'new (V3)' mode
[ Info ] input file /data/guide.xml not found ... created a new one ...
[ Info ]
[ Info ]
[ Info ] i=index .=same c=change g=gab r=replace n=new
[ Info ]
[ Info ]
[ Info ] Group (0) :
[ Info ] update requested for - 208 - out of - 208 - channels for 4 day(s)
[ Debug ]
[ Info ] ( 1/208 ) TV.WP.PL.E -- chan. (xmltv_id=TVP 1 HD) -- mode Force
<'programme start="20211002145500 +0000" stop="20211002155500 +0000" channel="TVP 1 HD">
<'title lang="pl">Rolnik szuka żony 8
Maybe because I added programs in the file which was not standard.
Did you update siteini ? i didn't change revision because is not really a change of revision, but make sure your siteini has timezone=Europe/Warsaw
as the one in git
After changing to Warsaw, he gets the message = /. Man, how is it that everything works and suddenly stops.
[ Info ] found: /config/siteini.pack/Poland/ -- Revision Unknown
[ Info ] encrypted in 'new (V3)' mode
[Warning ] Unable to decrypt!!
[Error ] fatal decryption error: The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character, more than two padding characters, or an illegal character among the padding characters.
[ Debug ] xmltv input file - /data/guide.xml - found
[ Debug ] 0 superfluous shows removed
I think I can see where the problem is, Mono:
[ Debug ] Running on: Unix
[ Debug ] Environment: 4.0.30319.42000
[ Debug ] Mono version: (tarball Mon Feb 22 17:29:18 UTC 2021)
mono above 5.0 is ok...unable to decrypt is usually bad copy of a file or modified (in your case)
see if extracting this zip where you need works...with winscp set binary transfer or delete siteini.pack and then run .../.wg++/bin/
I am waiting to download the EPG, but I can see that it will be okay!
I'll call you tomorrow. As always, thank you mat8861
I need your help again.
In Poland, the time has changed from summer to winter -1 h. Since then, Plex connected with Xteve shows me the EPG by one hour backwards incorrectly.
EPG I create myself with xTeve, here is its code:
<'programme channel="1000" start="20211124042000 +0100" stop="20211124050500 +0100">
<'title lang="pl">Przysięga
<'title lang="en">Yemin
<'desc lang="pl">Po śmierci matki mieszkająca na wsi Reyhan (Özge Yagiz) jest zdana na siebie. Dziewczynę odwiedza przybrany wuj, bogaty biznesmen Hikmet (Berkant Müftüler), i namawia do ślubu ze swoim synem Emirem (Gokberk Demirci). Początkowo niechętna, młoda kobieta zostaje niejako zmuszona do złożenia obietnicy, że wyjdzie za nieznajomego mężczyznę.(n)<'/desc>
Since I do not believe that someone will help me, I have a question whether it is possible to manipulate the time of the downloaded EPG in the file?
Maybe I need to go back to the previous file with UTZ (+0200 time), unfortunately I don't have it anymore. I see that you have replaced the file by encoding it again and displaying it on the website by +
well you can modify time with xmltv_time_modify (postprocess)
then the correct timezone is not UTC or UTC+02:00, but timezone=Europe/Warsaw wich will automatically change DST.
Hello. This issue comes up with several INIs.
I think what happens is the site automatically adjusts times to YOUR time zone.
Is there any way we could get an INI setting that tells WG to use local time? eg "...|timezone=Local|..."
This would make the INIs correct for everyone... as long as they have their time zone set correctly.
If you are for eample in Czech Republic you can set Europe/Prague, but ususally siteini are already set to get proper timezone.
The alternative is to use post-process xmltv_time so to set different siteini/channels to the time you want.
This INI is only correct if you are in Poland or any country that shares the same time zone.
Instead of us editing the time zone or using some kind of post process... Why not add an INI option to use the local time of the machine doing the grab?
if you are not in Poland the program calculate the difference
some players do not calculate the time difference
I think I am doing a bad job explaining. let me try and show. I tried 3 different timezons in the INI.
...start="20220113050000 +0100" stop="20220113060000 +0100"...
...start="20220113050000 +0000" stop="20220113060000 +0000"...
...start="20220113050000 -0500" stop="20220113060000 -0500"...
I live in London timezone and "20220113050000" is correct with 0 offset.
So I make assumption that if the INI is working correctly in CET, then it must be adjusting the time to match the country you connect from, meaning the offset is not needed for this INI.
can you tell me which ini are you referring to?
There are a few that seem to work this way. I cant remember all but the example I used above was
try the new version
I just tried the new INI and I still have to change it to "Europe/London" for it to be correct.
can you post your guide for channel tvp 1 ?
Po śmierci matki mieszkająca na wsi Reyhan (Özge Yagiz) jest zdana na siebie. Dziewczynę odwiedza przybrany wuj, bogaty biznesmen Hikmet (Berkant Müftüler), i namawia do ślubu ze swoim synem Emirem (Gokberk Demirci). Początkowo niechętna, młoda kobieta zostaje niejako zmuszona do złożenia obietnicy, że wyjdzie za nieznajomego mężczyznę.(n)
Serkan Mut
Ayhan Özen
Özge Yagiz
Gökberk Demirci
Aksel Yakup Bektas
Gül Arcan
Berkant Müftüler
Can Verel
Cansin Mina Gür
Yagmur Akdag
Ali Dereli
Tugçe Ersoy
Po śmierci matki mieszkająca na wsi Reyhan (Özge Yagiz) jest zdana na siebie. Dziewczynę odwiedza przybrany wuj, bogaty biznesmen Hikmet (Berkant Müftüler), i namawia do ślubu ze swoim synem Emirem (Gokberk Demirci). Początkowo niechętna, młoda kobieta zostaje niejako zmuszona do złożenia obietnicy, że wyjdzie za nieznajomego mężczyznę.(n)
Serkan Mut
Ayhan Özen
Özge Yagiz
Gökberk Demirci
Aksel Yakup Bektas
Gül Arcan
Berkant Müftüler
Can Verel
Cansin Mina Gür
Yagmur Akdag
Ali Dereli
Tugçe Ersoy
EDIT: How do I format it so it doesnt remove the xml tree?
attach the guide.xml
Ok here is the guide with the default "Europe/Warsaw"
that is correct, it means that the show Przysięga 20220114042000 +0100 needs an hour to be added to be in timezone Europe/Warsaw, infact if you go on the site it shows
as explained here :
in your epg player are you getting this show at 4.20 ?
I do not use that channel. I check another channel though and a show like this "20220114223500 +0100" shows as "9:35" in Kodi using TVH backend.
Here is image of the website vs what EPG shows... The website shows correct time but the EPG does not unless I use "Europe/London"
this means your player tvheadend or kodi or whatever doesn't consider the +0100 to be added. As you can see i am in the same timezone of warsaw and the show on the site is at 23:35.
So your player need to have correct time, it should add the +0100 to the xml time, if it doesn't you can use the post process xmltv_time and convert it so the show in xml will be "20220114233500 +0000" (for you in london "20220114223500 +0000 and not at 21:35) and you will have the correct time in your player
Is there any way to test where the problem is?
I have many CET EET some Asian and USA channels and they are all correct.
Example: Swedish channel from "" "20220114220000 +0100" shows correctly as "09:00" in Kodi
Just adding to this discussion as I also use xTeVe and Plex.
As @mat8861 had mentioned, you could adjust the time offset using xmltv_time_modify prior to loading the EPG file into xTeVe and later sent to Plex. xTeVe doesn't display any of the programme data so I typically cannot verify that the start and stop times have been properly shifted until after the EPG guide has been loaded into Plex.
Conveniently, the actively maintained version of xTeVe introduced the ability to adjust the "Teleguide timeshift" for any active channel. There are several other new features that has greatly improved the performance for running xTeVe and making channel integration with Plex less taxing.
The active xTeVe project:
Latest version: xTeVe 2.5.0:
Screenshot of Timeshift option:

There is a issue by graping. since yesterday zhey need so much time for 1 channel. normaly 5-10 sec. per channel, but since yesterday 3-5 min. per channel
For information
[ Debug ] 46967 shows in 210 channels
[ Debug ] 237 updated shows
[ Debug ] 46641 new shows added
[ Info ]
[ Info ]
[ ] Job finished at 12/06/2022 00:40:42 done in 2h 36m 3s
the problem was by the website. today runs perfect
@mat8861 Can I ask you for help again?
It turns out that Plex does not accept time shifting at this place:
I must enter the time correctly after the word start, i.e.:
Can you prepare the last revision of the ini file to include the time in the indicated place?
Topic on the Plex forum:
easiest is to run postprocess (take seconds) and set your local time or the one you need:
Cool. Do you know if this can be used in docker or unraid?
Someone wrote a few posts above that the unofficial xTeve has this option. I will try this solution.
Yes can be used both linux and windows
another option is merve-xmltv
i wrote it to merge xml files but it can also convert all times to users local or utc timezone.
you can run it on a single xml file,you dont have to have multiples files to merge first.
linux and windows versions are there.
I added to the config:
' /config/xmltv_time_modify.exe /in:/data/epg.xml /out:/data/epg_local.xml /correction:local '
But the query result from docker gives the result:
Job finished at 19/06/2024 11:03:58 done in 2m 22s
Job (/config/xmltv_time_modify.exe /in:/data/epg.xml /out:/data/epg_local.xml /correction:local) started at 19/06/2024 11:03:58
Exception An error occurred trying to start process '/config/xmltv_time_modify.exe' with working directory '/app/wg++/'. Exec format error
Job (/config/xmltv_time_modify.exe /in:/data/epg.xml /out:/data/epg_local.xml /correction:local) finished at 19/06/2024 11:03:58 done in 0s
I use docker for this.
Does anyone have an idea how I could use this in docker?
After 4 years you should know not to copy / paste. Please attach txt file
Please accept my apologies.
I did it according to the guidelines, I hope.
can you copy the xmltv_time_modify.exe to the dir /app/wg++/ and oviously launch it from there
Unfortunately, I can't add it to Docker. I'll ask on the Linux servers forum to add plungins. Unfortunately, I can't add it to Docker. I'll ask on the Linux servers forum to add plungins.
i would suggest them to add the plugins from git,that whay if new ones are added the docker package would be automatically updated.
they could even add evaluation builds.
they are the latest with newest fixes/improvements but they are beta and sometimes one fix breaks another.
most times its a fix for us developers and doesnt affect users for the most part but sometimes that happens also.
use the latest stable version..currently 5.2 build 2