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How to connect two stations?

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How to connect two stations?

Dear friend,

I can't connect these two stations.
CT :D 06:00-20:00 (the last broadcast program should end at 20:00,
but shows the end at 06:00)
CT art 20:00-06:00 (the last broadcast program should end at 06:00,
but shows the end at 20:00)

channel update="i" site="" site_id="%C8T+%3AD" xmltv_id="CT :D">CT :D
channel update="i" site="" site_id="%C8T+art" xmltv_id="CT art">CT art

I have already tried various combinations for connection, could you please advise me?

thank you

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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something like this should work.
you can change the xmltv_id and display name to whatever you want.

<channel period="00:00-06:00" site="" site_id="%C8T+art" update="i" xmltv_id="ČT art/:D">ČT art/:D</channel>
<channel period="06:00-20:00" site="" site_id="%C8T+%3AD" update="i" xmltv_id="ČT art/:D">ČT art/:D</channel>
<channel period="20:00-24:00" site="" site_id="%C8T+art" update="i" xmltv_id="ČT art/:D">ČT art/:D</channel>

Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 3 weeks

I had the same thing, but
the result is the result is still incorrect.
(error described above)
The program starting at 06:00 starts in COMBI an hour later (+also others after it)
and the program from the second station, which is supposed to start at 20:00, is missing there and it only starts from 22:00...

this is repeated every day
from station CT D, the start of broadcasting is moved by +1 hour
the CT art station is again missing programs from 20:00-22:00

How should I proceed?
thank you

Joined: 7 years
Last seen: 3 weeks

I had the same thing, but
the result is the result is still incorrect.
(error described above)
The program starting at 06:00 starts in COMBI an hour later (+also others after it)
and the program from the second station, which is supposed to start at 20:00, is missing there and it only starts from 22:00...

this is repeated every day
from station CT D, the start of broadcasting is moved by +1 hour
the CT art station is again missing programs from 20:00-22:00

How should I proceed?
thank you

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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this site is not good for combi channels.
this is because of how webgrab process the data.
this site has a start time only for shows.
webgrab uses the start time of the next show for the current show stop time.
the last show is skipped because there is no next show to use for the stop time.

since each channel data is grabbed individually before its combined you can see where things will get messed up.

why arnt you using or some other cz ini that has the data available as a single channel?

<channel update="i" site="" site_id="852451##2301594e7091443cb49e343fdfddb0f2" xmltv_id="ČT :D / ČT art AD">ČT :D / ČT art AD</channel>

Joined: 6 years
Last seen: 9 months

I understand, I thought it would probably be due to the fact that the last program does not have an end to the show

I was using a different source for one channel, so I'll go back to it.

thanks for the explanation

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