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MDB File not found

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MDB File not found

I am using configmaker to configure and run, but the post process says it cant find the mdb file, what am i doing wrong?

Also does config maker work with schedules direct?

Also not sure if i should ask this here but the reason I am using this is to get an xmltv file that carries a poster image and a backdrop image for each channel program. Plex normally displays both but other epg solutions i have tried only provide a poster image, can i achieve what i want with this solution?

thanks for your help

Blackbear199's picture
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i see your using custom paths for webgrab configurations.

webgrab looks for a mdb or rex folder in the webgrab config directory.
create a mdb folder in

inside the mdb folder put you mdb_config.xml
for every custom country location that u want to run mdb with you will have to do this.

so if you have a configurations/FRANCE folder and want to run mdb you need to create a mdb folder and inside it a mdb_config.xml

or after you run all your epg(i assume your merging all the epg files into a single xml)
setup another custom instance of webgrab and dont grab any epg but run the mdb post processor on the merged.xml

schedulesdirect files are the international folder.
read the included txt file for instructions.

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btw use the not the
they are both the same site, is newer, should be removed.
it will get rid of the overlapping shows messages in your log.

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Thanks for the response.

Getting another error: see file attcahed.

If i am supposed to modify the mdb config file, its a bit difficult; since this file doubles as a guide, i cant tell where the config file actually starts. What i mean is, modifying WebGrab++.config is easy, its just an xml file and i dont think there are any comments. SFor example i can see that i am using the site and i can change that in the WebGrab++.config file (i should note here that config maker does not give me the option to use the site/ini for any of the channels, i dont know why or how to change this in config maker.)

Its my first time using your software.

Blackbear199's picture
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config maker is a tool that a webgrab user created and posted it for others to use.
i have never used it.

in your webgrab config the ini that a channel uses is the site="xxxx" value of the channel line.
in the siteini.pack/UK folder you will find and HD.xml
use the channel lines from the London HD xml file.
look at the site="xxx" value,it will be not

upload your mdb_config.xml
on the downloads page you will find documented configuration files.
these explain in more detail mdb,rex and webgrab config settings.
you should also read these.

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I will edit the config file manually to get

Also if you can explain to me whats the best way to ensure I get series posters and fanart as well from shedules direct that would really helpful.

Iwill take a look at the confirguration files on the download page

i uploaded the mdb config file, so if you can use that to tell me what i am doing wrong that would be good. Thanks a lot.

Also i realise when i use notepad++ to view the config files i am able to easily distinguish betwen comments and values (that i should edit) due to the color coding, so thats helping

just need to know how to get the most posters and fanarts for each series in my output xmltv files

Blackbear199's picture
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here's cleaned mdb_config.xml
i added the episode pattern for
i also included my recommended settings for series/movie select and match.

for how you want the data displayed read the documented files i mentioned above.
one important note:
the mdb guide.xml filename must be different from the guide.xml filename used in your webgrab config.
i changed this also to mdb_guide.xml

Updated Nov 26 2023
fix typo in mdb_config.xml
Updated 2:
add episodesystem=xmltv_ns pattern

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thanks again man, will read up and try to make this work and see what the output looks like

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getting an error on the mdb file you gave me, do i need to add something to it?

Blackbear199's picture
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remove the first line in the mdb_config.xml before the tag.
or downloaded it again above.

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ok i didnt realise that fr some reason notepad++ was adding a line at the top of the file so that was rectified. Thanks.

Getting a new error, what is this array called string? is there some setting i can change to fix this?

Blackbear199's picture
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in the you changed episodesystem=xmltv_ns from episodesystem=onscreen which is the default setting.
there's nothing wrong with doing this,its the reason why the setting is there so users can use whichever system they prefer.
but you must change the episodepattern in your mdb_config.xml to match.
heres a episodepattern for xmltv_ns,replace the one thats there.

<episodenum_pattern site="">"'S0'/'St1'.'E0'/'Et1'.'P0'/'Pt1'""'S0'/'St1'.'E0'/'Et1'.""'S0'/'St1'.."".'E0'/'Et1'."</episodenum_pattern>

i updated the files above to use this,i also added the correct first line which was missing.

i also recommend you update to V5.1.3

its the version i use.
also here are my own imdb files,use these instead.replace the ones in you mdb directory(or rename them if you wish to keep them).

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wo i decided to do a fresh install to 5.1.3. I uninstalled the old one and deleted everything from the %appdata/local/webgrab++ folder.
When i imstall the new one, it puts nothimg in the appdata folder and it does not download the site ini files.

Should i re-install the version 5.1 and simply install version 5.1.3 over that

Blackbear199's picture
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beta versions like V5.1.3 are not a full installer.
install V5.1,then install V5.1.3
V5.1 will install all files required.
V5.1.3 updates the files in C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab+Plus\ only.

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Blackbear199 wrote:

beta versions like V5.1.3 are not a full installer.
install V5.1,then install V5.1.3
V5.1 will install all files required.
V5.1.3 updates the files in C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab+Plus\ only.

ok cool, already done, thanks

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Blackbear199 wrote:

in the you changed episodesystem=xmltv_ns from episodesystem=onscreen which is the default setting.
there's nothing wrong with doing this,its the reason why the setting is there so users can use whichever system they prefer.
but you must change the episodepattern in your mdb_config.xml to match.
heres a episodepattern for xmltv_ns,replace the one thats there.
<episodenum_pattern site="">"'S0'/'St1'.'E0'/'Et1'.'P0'/'Pt1'""'S0'/'St1'.'E0'/'Et1'.""'S0'/'St1'.."".'E0'/'Et1'."</episodenum_pattern>
i updated the files above to use this,i also added the correct first line which was missing.
i also recommend you update to V5.1.3
its the version i use.
also here are my own imdb files,use these instead.replace the ones in you mdb directory(or rename them if you wish to keep them).

THE MDB PROCESS COMPLETED THIS TIME. Wil be busy with work during the week so next weekend i will read some more of the documentation and see if i can get the images i want. Will play around with Schedules direct as well.

Is it possible to merge the schedules direct info with the xml i just got, and if so how does one do that?

Thanks man

Blackbear199's picture
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there is a schedules direct ini in the international folder as i said above,read the txt file on how to use it.
why are you dividing epg grabbing by country?
you can have the channels and schedulesdirect channels(or any other country channels) in the same webgrab config.

if u prefer to have country grabs separate,a xmltv merge program is available here..

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oh yeah I read the text in the schedules direct text file, i know how to generate my channels file from schedules direct, and yes i will put everything in the same config file.

Do you know how i could specify that i want to grab additional artwork besides the single poster that is normally downloaded from the sites?

Blackbear199's picture
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all ini are setup to get a single poster for a program(if available).
what are you using to view epg that accepts multiple show posters?

the ini would have to manually be modified,in this case mdb file and thats only of imdb site has what your looking for.

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using plex, which normally shows the poster in the guide itself and then some artwork in the background as show in the image attached. From what i have read schedules direct may have additional fanart, i just dont know what tag or element to specify to get it. I dont know if IMDB has it, but i figure they do.

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what your thinking isnt going to work imho.

plex uses their own custom epg with custom tags.
yes you can import your own epg using their free setup or use your own xml.
self generated epg doesnt support the custom tags they use.
first they import json data, not xml data.

i have a plex lifetime and i pulled some epg data.
here's a show program details from the top gear channel from plex.
as you can see they use many image tags like thumb,background,cover,ect.
this cannot be done with xml data,we have icon only.

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So there is no way i can tell plex what image to use for background, poster etc, using xmltv?

I think i could get a json file from schedules direct, is there a way to point plex to use a json file for epg, where i could specify more images and tell plex where to use them etc?

Have not written code since college but if there is a way i am willing to learn a language and do it myself if needs be. If you have any ideas let me know.

PS. I may still need some help with webgrabplus cause i can use it for other applications.

Blackbear199's picture
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i think you should ask on the plex forums.
for custom(user) epg import plex only supports xml far as i know.
and as far as i know there's no way to specify image tags in xml.

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