You are here doesn't allow epg grabbing?

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I am new to WebGrab and I set up a config file to pull from When I run it I get an error saying that doesn't allow epg grabbing. I have seen that others here use tvtv, so I am wondering if I have something set up wrong in my file? Any help would be appreciated.

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Something wrong with your config, the log shows you are in channel list creation, update "c" and anyway timespan 7 means 8 days, as it starts at 0, so for channel creation is better to use 0 for regular epg i suggest 2, if you need a week then use 6 as timespan.
Back to channel creation please follow remarks of the siteini: you need to set <update>c2-CAN-OTAv5h4k8</update> do a run and you will get the channel list. Then remove the line, add the channels you want and set <update>f</update> with <timespan keeppastdays="" oneshowonly="">6</timespan> for a week epg.
Try and let us know.

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I tried putting in c2-CAN-OTAv5h4k8 to get the channel list like you attached, and I still get a 403 error that says doesn't allow epg grabbing. I also tried using your file to get the channel lineup and when I ran WebGrab it gave the same error as well.
Is there something else wrong in my config file? I am not well versed in changing config files and the language they use. I can usually reproduce things if I have an example and just need to input my own information but I am obviously missing something for this one.

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ok i tried one day and it works fine, as far as grabbing. The error 403 is more you are not allowed to get content from the country you try to grab from. Basically as an example i grab fine from italy to canada, other users have problem from other country. May i ask which country you grabbing from ? Usually you can resolve with vpn.

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I'm so confused as to why it works for you and not me. I am trying to grab from Canada. I tried without my vpn to make sure it reads as Canada, and then also using vpn and pulling from Italy and I get the same error every time.

Blackbear199's picture
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edit your wg config mode settings.

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That worked! Thank you so much!

Can I ask why mode has to be "!" ?

Blackbear199's picture
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! is a undocumented setting.
its not in the manual.
it disables the robot check(message you seen about not allowing epg grabbing).

it weas originally meant for developers but its been mentioned a few times on the forums already so the cats out of thge bag so to speak.

the only alternative is to manually edit the in robots folder of wg config directory) file to allow access and make the file read only so webgrab doesnt overwrite it the next time epg updates.

using ! is much ewasier.

btw many sites give the message about not allowing epg grabbing but webgrab can still get the epg data.
the site just doesnt want software webscrapping the epg data. and do it a bit defferent in that they disallow access certain directories(one of which has the epg data) via the robots.txt file.
have a look at the disallow: settings in the file yourself.

using ! in the mode settings disables the robots check as i said above so you wont see anymore messages about sites not allowing epg grabbing as it disdables the check itself.

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