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Issues with xmltv merge on version 5.1.3 (linux)

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Issues with xmltv merge on version 5.1.3 (linux)

I recently updated my webgrab++ QNAP docker instance to version 5.1.3. I have several sites pulling epg data and they work as intended.

I also have a external xmltv file as a source that I would like to use/merge. But not the entire file (too big 40mb), I need just select channels. So I was planning to use "merge-xmltv.ini" to do the job. It works, kinda. The merge-ini file I have is REV5. (Have no idea if I should be using "merge-xmltv" for what I want to achieve).

The first issue I came across is that generating channel-list.xml did not work, it only pulled the first channel from the list, skipped the rest. Used c and commented in the required code from the ini. It starts indexing, sits there for 2 mins and just finishes with "no shows in indexpage!".

The second issue is a bit of an odd one. The source xmltv file has a 7-day EPG for all channels. So for example, "HBO" has epg data from 20231019 to 20231027. If I try to merge a single channel with a timespan of 1 (today & tomorrow) it seems like it is not capable of finding where "today" is. Instead it starts from the first show for that channel (20231019) and just applies today's date 20231021, but keeps the original time-slots. Shouldn't this be a direct merge (copy) from today's date + tomorrow, without modification? If not, is there a way to achieve this?

Third issue is related to "xmltv_time_modify". I seem to be getting an error when it runs, it worked just fine when I was using version 3.x.x.
"Exception An error occurred trying to start process '/config/postprocess_plugins/xmltv_time_modify/xmltv_time_modify.exe' with working directory '/app/wg++/'. Exec format error"

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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try this file.
i made it some time ago to merge files with different time offsets.
leave the timezone=UTC as is as the merged xml has all times adjusted to it.

the time modify error is because of the switch from 3.x to 5.x
3.x used mono which the time modify also used.
5.x uses dotnet
add mono to your post processor line should fix it i think.
something like..
<postprocess grab="y" run="n">mono xmltv_time_modify.exe</postprocess>
just add mono(and a space) to the beginning of whatever u already have there.

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Thanks. I'm trying it out now. Channels-list generation worked correctly this time!

Adding mono to my postprocess gave me this (running wg++ in a docker instance on QNAP):
mono not found in /config/siteini.pack/Misc/

Not sure how I can force install mono on a existing docker container.

Blackbear199's picture
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i dont use docker.
i assume V3.3 had mono included with wg in the container or was mono a separate container wg 3.x had access to?
i not sure how docker containers work.

did a search and found this.

shows a typical installation for qnap.
so what you need todo is
1.add qmono
2.based on the above post find the full path to the mono binary
3.use that path in your wg 5.1.3 postprocessor line,example based on above post.
/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/Qmono/bin/mono xmltv_time_modify.exe

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Thanks but doesn't seem to work. Dockers are like isolated Virtual Machines, but one can map/mount host volumes like shares ect. But installing Qmono on Qnap does it directly on the NAS, and it is not seen by the docker image, not even if I map the path where it is installed. Gives me error that it cannot find some files related to mono.

Might go back to v3, as mono was included there. Or is there perhaps a xmltv_time_modify that works on dotnet?

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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no dotnet version i know of for xmltv modify
install mono docker container and use that?

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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btw what ini are you needing to use xmltv_time_modify.exe for?
this is rarely needed,most times its because the ini has a incorrect timezone setting.

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Yeah you are right, seems like I don't need it. I originally thought I needed it because of the funky datetime after merge. Seems good without, thanks again.

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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this would have been because the original xmltv-merge.ini only used the time portion of the start/stop string.
it was made for use with xml files created by webgrab which wouldnt have any shows from before today(it would be ok for most users),however this is not fully true as a option to keep past days epg was added.
the modified one i posted uses the full date/time string so webgrab doesnt get shows assigned to the wrong day/date.

it needs to be rewritten to be compatible with current webgrab versions.

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