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MDB - Series titles with colon

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MDB - Series titles with colon

Is there a way to make MDB postprocess to search by the whole Serie Title? Actually it trims the title name before a colon, i.e.

Title ==> NCIS: New Orleans
Subtitle ==> Suspicious Minds
Actor==> Scott Bakula

Makes a search for: "NCIS" + "Suspicious Minds" + "Scott Bakula"
Which found Show_ids: 0364845, 1378167, 14218674, 3560084, 18258908, 4955778, 28663441, 28663364?

Leading to a wrong match:
[ Info ] Matching in, showid = 3560084

BUT The right is showid = 6035302

Further more: 3560084 is a wrong match for many chapters of this TV serie

Blackbear199's picture
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definitely a bug,i let jan know.
if this grabbed data from a ini(i didnt look at your files)?

if your creating the shows manually(some users do that) either omitting the colin or replace it with a [space]- will get a match.its a quick fix for now.

NCIS New Orleans
[ Info ] Serie: 1/1 .. NCIS New Orleans
[ Info ] Episode Name : Suspicious Minds
[ Info ] "NCIS New Orleans" + "Suspicious Minds" + "" .. found Show_id , 3560084, 7373102, 4007422, 5039276, 7370572?
[ Info ] Matching in, showid = 3560084

NCIS New - Orleans
[ Info ] Serie: 1/1 .. NCIS - New Orleans
[ Info ] Episode Name : Suspicious Minds
[ Info ] "NCIS - New Orleans" + "Suspicious Minds" + "" .. found Show_id , 3560084, 7373102, 4007422, 5039276, 7370572?
[ Info ] Matching in, showid = 3560084

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ini files used are in the MDB subfolder in the zip file.

I will try your quick fix... Thanks!

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I tried your quick fix, but it didn't worked :(
The lack of the semicolon is still leading to wrong matches in IMDB...

Tried with this options, neither one worked:
"NCIS New Orleans"
"NCIS - New Orleans"

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thy these mdb files.
these are pretty much the same as the rev 17 one in sitini.pack but i try keep them updated with any changes.
dont even bother with the others like,they havnt been updated in years i dont think.
mdb has so many bugs with different webgrab version its impossible to keep track whats broken in what version.

you will see a warning about your webgrab version need to be V5.1.3
you can ignore(i disabled the stuff thats needs 5.1.3) it or edit the ini and change the * @MinSWversion: V5.1.3 to something below the webgrab version your using,5.0.0 for example will work as your using 5.0.1

i tried these with and its throwing a unhandled excpetion error.
i forget what was causing that.
they work fine with 5.1.3

Files Updated Oct 12/2023
no revision change,fix a typo described in post #32 below

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I used version 5.1.0, changing the * @MinSWversion: V5.1.3 to @MinSWversion: V5.1.0
But I get the same wrong result. The semicolon is a must have in IMDB search engine.
Same wrong show ID 3560084 for many chapters of this serie

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your running update mode f for your mdb these bad matches are saved and used.
delete your database file whenever you think it may be corrupt.

you cant tell from the log file but if you watch webgrab run in console you can see it matching to database..

this is a bad data match i duplicated by running source title with a : in the title and database update mode f.
i ran it twice,first to create the database and second so it matched to you can see the show its wrong match.

Serie: 2/2 .. NCIS
Episode Name : Sic Semper Tyranis
Episode Number: S2 E1
Match in local MDB, show_id = 0364845
Done in 0.35 sec

part of database entry

<episode-num>S2 E1</episode-num>
<title>NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service</title>

delete datbase,no : in title.

Serie: 2/2 .. NCIS New Orleans
Episode Name : Sic Semper Tyranis
Episode Number: S2 E1
"NCIS New Orleans" + "Sic Semper Tyranis" + (2015) + "James Whitmore" .. found Show_id , 3560084, 4007422, 7373102, 5039276, 12755496?
Matching in, showid = 3560084
Added to Local DB
Done in 10.38 sec

database entry..

<episode-num>S2 E1</episode-num>
<title>NCIS: New Orleans</title>

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here's a modified tvpassport that remove : from title.

i cant remember if i changed the revision number at the top of the ini.
if you get a error duplicate revision numbers edit it and change it at the top.
i deleted the file as i dont use it.

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Looking at the log file, I noticed that the MDB postprocess is not writing the output file...
It writes / Update OK the local Db, but the output EPG is not created
I Used WG++ v5.1.0 and moved to 5.1.3 beta but I get the same error

Can You please help me?

[ Info ] Movie: 57/57 .. Creed II
[ Info ] "Creed II" + (2018) + "Michael B. Jordan" .. found Show_id , 6343314, 11145118, 1201133, 2175563, 4380300, 2312346, 27196982, 13242424, 2860874, 9887202?
[ Info ] Matching in, showid = 6343314
[ Debug ] Title(s) = Creed II: Defendiendo el legado|Creed II|Creed 2
[ Debug ] Starrating = 7.1
[ Debug ] Description = Creed II: Defendiendo el legado: Directed by Steven Caple Jr.. With Michael B. Jordan, Sylvester Stallone, Tessa Thompso ....
[ Debug ] Actor(s) = Michael B. Jordan (role=Adonis Johnson)|Sylvester Stallone (role=Rocky Balboa)|Tessa Thompson (role=Bianca)|Phylicia Ras ....
[ Debug ] Director(s) = Steven Caple Jr.
[ Debug ] Category = Action|Drama|Sport
[ Debug ] Productiondate = 2018
[ Debug ] First CommentSummary = We Need a Viktor and Ivan Drago Spin Off
[ Debug ] Review = This movie is not as good as the first Creed. It felt like a ....
[ Debug ] ShowIcon = ....
[ Info ] Added to Local DB
[ Info ] Done in 6.5 sec

[ Info ] Local MDB file saved to:
[ Info ] C:\WebGrab\ConfigMaker\configurations\00_-_Movies_Series\mdb\Movies-Series_IMDB.xml
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at  .․. . (String, String, String, String[], String[], XmlNode, XmlNode& )
at  .․. . (XmlNode,  ,  )
at  .․. ()
at  .․..ctor(String[])
at  .‥. (String[])
[Critical] Unhandled Exception
[Critical] For detailed info, see log file C:\WebGrab\ConfigMaker\configurations\00_-_Movies_Series\WebGrab++.log.txt
[Critical] Execution stopped

Blackbear199's picture
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did you use a different filename than what you used for your webgrab guide.xml
they must be different names.
see the docs,upload config file.

i had a look at your files in post #1,are the same files?
i dont see anytihng wrong in them,did you change anything?
upload wg,mdb config and wg log.

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Yes, I used the files from post #1, here they are again.
MDB files inside MDB subfolder.

I used this configuration previously without issues, but now I get the error mentioned

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i dont see anything wrong.
i did notice youriting the guide.xml to your webgrab config directory and the mdb xml to c:\EPGs dorectory

have you tried just using a filename in mdb config to see if it write to the mdb directory.
i cant duplicate your error.
it works fine for me.

also try deleting the C:\EPGs folder and let webgrab create it.

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Insetad of deleting c:\EPGs directory, I changed to write a new directory C:\EPGsDebug --> Program writes EPG file OK, I also changed using just the filename to write output to mdb directory, but error persist.
I am using windows 10 with all updates (Windows Update).

Error started when I moved from version 3.3 to 5.1.0 and updated movies and series ini files

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i say its some kind of permission/ownership issue between V3.x using netframework and V5.x using dotnet.
were both installed and used by same user?
seeing V5.x can write a new directory/file it doesnt seem to be a bug in webgrab.
i dont have V3.x on my windows pc but i did install V5.1.3
when V5.x was first released we could have V3.x and V5.x both install as the shortcut names and files were in different folders.
V3.x ==> C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab+Plus\bin
V5.x ==> C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab+Plus\

but i dont see that with V5.1.3,its in C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab+Plus\bin
so i think jan changed this since V3.x is no longer being updated.

you could rename your mdb folder to something else,run V5.x and then copy the files back in the newly created mdb folder with V5.x

sorry,i was wrong.
V5.x does install to the folder.
i must have copied the V5.x files manually into the bin folder from my old V3.x install.

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Is your windows install running OK?
I will try a fresh install on my Windows based laptop, hopefully this could fix the error...

nope, No luck...
Completely unistalled WG++, installed .NET from 7.0.0 all the way up to 7.0.11, and WG++ from 5.1.0 up to 5.1.3beta

But the error still there driving me crazy

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Finally it worked!!!
But WG++ was downgraded to V3.3
And removed the Episode Absolute part in the series ini file...

Blackbear199's picture
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episode absolute was added in V5.1.3
if you use wg version below this you have to disable these lines in the mdb ini or you will get a error.

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there r a few things that need to be fixed in V5.1.2+ for mdb as you found out.
what i would do is use V3.x for mdb and V5.x for grabbing data.

its a pita to setup 2 instances just for this but its all we can do until jan gets some issues solved.
as i said above u can have 3.x and 5.x installed at the same time.
just set your task schedule to run v5.x for grabbing and v3.x for mdb
or if v3.x is working ok for grabbing just use it for now but eventually(if not not already) there will be issues with v3.x as ini start needing things only available in the updated v5.x versions

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can somebody test this movie:

Evil Dead

Jane Levy


I got this for tag actor:

<a href="" >Mia</a>
Shiloh Fernandez
<a href="" >David</a>
Lou Taylor Pucci
<a href="" >Eric</a>
Jessica Lucas
<a href="" >Olivia</a>
Elizabeth Blackmore
<a href="" >Natalie</a>
Phoenix Connolly
<a href="" >Teenager</a>
Jim McLarty
<a href="" >Harold</a>
Sian Davis
<a href="" >Old Woman</a>
Stephen Butterworth
<a href="" >Toothless Redneck</a>
Karl Willetts
<a href="" >Long Haired Redneck</a>
Randal Wilson
<a href="" >Abomination Mia</a>
Rupert Degas
<a href="" >Demon</a>

Bob Dorian
<a href="" >Professor Knowby from the Original 'Evil Dead'</a>

Ellen Sandweiss
<a href="" >Cheryl from the Original 'Evil Dead'</a>

<a href="" >Grandpa the Dog</a>
Bruce Campbell
<a href="" >Ash</a>

Jack Walley
<a href="" >Billy Bob</a>


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from what i see its not a movie but a series.
do you have the durations set accordingly in mdb config so its not matched to the wrong type.
upload a txt file with the above show info and the section from wg log showing the match.if your running a mdb database include to section from it also.

this is all mdb shows for matches,none are movies.

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its not 2014,its 2013 and using files i posted above looks fine.

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@janko still cut and paste? When are you going to post as a files ?

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sorry, here is files...

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your database has a match from using the broken ini with the unwanted tags.
even though you replaced the ini new data is not scrubbed from imdb and processed to fix the broken actor scrub,mdb takes the data from the database file instead.

you have 2 choices..

1. delete database
2.edit your database and manually repair the data or remove the entry for this movie.

it will get new data from imdb and be ok.

btw regarding your emails matching series shows that dont have a real episode title and use Episode #1.1 for example.
dont use the subtitle to try to get a match as webgrab gets confused because all episode names are Episode #x.x
<episode-num system="onscreen">S1 E1</episode-num>

you will need a episode number pattern in your mdb.config.xml,use this for onscreen format

<episodenum_pattern site="">"S'S1'/'St1' E'E1'/'Et1' P'P1'/'Pt1'""S'S1'/'St1' E'E1'/'Et1'""S'S1'/'St1'""E'E1'/'Et1'"</episodenum_pattern>

Important: site="" this is used by mdb to know which channel(in your case its a dummy channel) the pattern applies to.

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1.delete database not work and also if remove this movie...
I have more error like this... i test once again complete SOURCE xml and if not OK i send you this source... For series i use movie imdb as i dont need data for each episode...

Here we go:
I delete mdb.xml and testing 2 channels 4 days... your ini is just incredible and
found for 125 out of 125 Movies-candidates :-)

In zip file you have 01SOURCEepg.xml and fresh mdb.xml and log file
In mdb.xml Just look rows :

1170(Black Knight)
2122 (Hellboy)
5543 (Miss Marple: Sleeping Murder)

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looks fine to me.
i first ran your source as u had it,only evil dead enabled,let it get match and write to mdb database.
then i enabled the other movies shows u had disabled and ran it again.
Note: i changed The outlaws to have a 1 hr start/stop as its a series show and added episode-num tag as i described above.
see guide.xml source.

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why you have OK and I not...please see my zip above...

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mdb is broken.
forget about it until jan posts he has something working.
or go back to V5.0.1
its the last version before he did the major mdb rewrite.
dont ask if it dont work as i aint even trying to keep files working for 2 webgrab versions.
use the contact tab and ask him for help.

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OK, thanks 4your help

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files updated in post#5

fixed the unwanted tags you were seeing.
this was caused when a actor has more than one role.
few other minor fixes.

i tested it with V5.0.1 and its ok for movies.its giving unhandled exception error for series.i forget what was causing that in this version.

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I just add this in your last
"mdb_actor.modify {remove(type=regex)|"\d+\sepisode.+"}"
and also limit director to 3 and actor to 12 and work OK with version V4.2.4.6

Version V5.1.3.0 also work except movie Black Knight (2001)... maybe because some actors have 2 role...

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you need to refine your mdb.config.xml settings for movie/series select and matching.
you should not be getting a movie selected as a series for a number of reasons.
the major one being is it has no subtitle or episode number info.

if setup correctly this should never happen,yes it may get past the select but a match should never occur with a movie as a series for the above reason alone.

regarding code you addded..

its a typo in the ini,i missed a character.this removes that info.
mdb_actor.modify {remove(type=regex)|"<a href=\"#\"*?<\/a>"}
should be
mdb_actor.modify {remove(type=regex)|"<a href=\"#\".*?<\/a>"}
a period is missing after href=\"#\"

i had a look at your mdb config above
theres no log but i think you should add the selectserie and matchserie with the defaults just as you have for movies.
i'm not sure if webgrab uses these setting if their not sepcified.

under no circumstances should a movie get selected and matched as a series show as the default match for series is title and either subtitle or episode number info which no movie ever has.

re black knight,it looks fine to me.
are you sure you started off with a new database when you downgraded to 4.x
if you didnt it could have bad data from when ini was broken.

use these for select/match serie
it will ensure no movie is selected or matched as a series.
it will also reduce mdb processing time.

<selectserie duration="25" minimum="2" musthave="title" contains="" unselect="" optional="sub-title, episode-num"/>
<matchserie mustmatch="title, sub-title, episode-num" minimum="2" optional=""/>

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btw the reason that no elements have any max= in the mdb ini is as of V5.1.3 users can do this in mdb.config.xml
different users have different preference to number of actors,or any other element wanted.


before V5.1.3 this couldnt be done with actor element(maybe others also,i forget)
as V5.1.3 it been added to all elements.

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Thanks 4all informations... your ini now work excellent...i just wait now for Jan and then testing again...

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Blackbear: Could you please redo this modification on actual revision of ?

Blackbear199's picture
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the ini in the siteini.pack isnt enctypted.
look for this line..
index_subtitle.modify {clear('index_title')}
on the next line(add a new line)
index_title.modify {replace|: | }

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Big Thanks, man!!!

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