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Enigma 2 epg importer timezone

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Enigma 2 epg importer timezone


My wg++ runs nice in a synology docker container but even running in pure ubuntu machine some epg providers handles timezones and some doesn't, epg importer in egami image wont handle timzone setting like +0200 in the EPG OSD, there is two windows applications for making a new file that jsut contains +0000 times, but is there a way to make this happen allready in the download script or as an docker addons?

I do get error meassages in three channels stating

Debug ]
[ Info ] ( 17/52 ) TV.NU -- chan. (xmltv_id=C More First) -- mode Force
[Error ] Unable to update channel C More First
[Critical] Generic syntax exception:
[Critical] message:
[Error ] Current culture: en-GB
[Error ] time parsing error : String '' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
[Error ] nextstartdatetime time scrubbed :
[Error ] computer date/time format: 16/08/2022 20:47:11
[ Info ] Existing guide data restored!

I think this has something to do with time mismatch, STB timezone settings is okey and Timezone in docker container should be ok atleast times in wg++ log is correct.

Anyone having any ideas?

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That is a siteini error, not scrubbing correct date/time. Will check it out.Can you please post your webgrablog.txt thanks.

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This issue is just for some channels on same site, I'm not sure if this will help the timzones offsets in general?

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your problem seems to be permission on files (/config/cookies.txt) and another wg++ already running, that's why cannot write the guide.xml, as it is in use by another process. Verify permission to be 755 Check with command ps aux | grep "WebGrab+Plus.exe" (to verify if already running) and do a killall -9 WebGrab+Plus.exe (to terminate any process running), then try to run.
Please also update siteini.pack.

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Thanks for your help, cookies.txt wasn't existing so I just created a file and that error dissapeared and textfile got new data. Access for .xml file was probably due to manual and scheduled update simultanously.

After update of sitepack I get another set of error in log of 404 for all channels. I doubble checked settings but no luck there. It's easy to mis that new siteini pack is availible ence the news is dated in 2013.

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for did u check the new channel list and see if the site_id="xxx" are the same as the previous ini version channel list.
whenever a ini is updated this must be checked,dont assume the channel id's wont change from the previous version.
sites change these all the time.

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it seems that with version 4.2.x there are errors (will inform authors) works fine

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Once again thanks for your help, it really helps me fiunding the smaller issues, however in viasat, a program like below is listed with +0200 time but inteface i set top box doesn't recognize +0200 in some way. I've seen that theres som small exe files to adjust things like that but my wg++ docker container doesn't hold mono. Is there some other way around this problem? I think I have a similar issue on allente site.

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Paw patrol: Jet-plan till räddning
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i wrote a program awhile ago to merge xml files and/or adjust program times.
linux and windows version available.

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Paw patrol: Jet-plan till räddning
Animerad film från 2020. Hertigen av Flaxköping tar prinsessans juvel och med dess magiska kraft lyfter han upp Skälleborg i luften!(n)


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I will have a look at that but I assuemd .exe file needs mono in linux? How can I enetr the whole xml result I'm having trouble with is there any code fences?

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its compiled with dotnet but as a stand alone(dotnet doesnt need to be installed)
mono isnt needed.
there a linux binary and a windows exe version.

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looks like a good litle program, I have breifly tested it and couldn't see any differense

merge-xmltv.exe -t LOCAL -o C:\test\xml\corrected_times.xml y:\epg\guide.xml

where Y:\epg\guide.xml contaisn som channels havin +0200 but most channels have +0000 in theirs xml tag, schould i run it to LOCAL or anything else?

Linux merge.xml seems like I'm missing something. I can't excecute the file and I don't know if it schould be unpacked first or not, I made a unzip with 7zip in windows but that might not work?

oot@webgrab:/config/postprocess_plugins/merge-xmltv# ./merge-xmltv -h
bash: ./merge-xmltv: No such file or directory
root@webgrab:/config/postprocess_plugins/merge-xmltv# ls -all
total 103924
drwxrwxrwx 3 abc abc 4096 Aug 19 10:00 .
drwxrwxrwx 5 abc abc 4096 Aug 18 19:34 ..
drwxrwxrwx 2 abc abc 4096 Aug 18 19:34 @eaDir
-rwxrwxrwx 1 abc abc 1053 Aug 18 19:28 Readme.txt
-rwxrwxrwx 1 abc abc 64144378 Aug 18 19:28 merge-xmltv
-rwxrwxrwx 1 abc abc 21162024 Aug 18 19:28 merge-xmltv.exe.xz
-rwxrwxrwx 1 abc abc 21086736 Aug 18 19:28 merge-xmltv.xz
root@webgrab:/config/postprocess_plugins/merge-xmltv# chown root:root merge-xmltv
root@webgrab:/config/postprocess_plugins/merge-xmltv# ./merge-xmltv -h
bash: ./merge-xmltv: No such file or directory
root@webgrab:/config/postprocess_plugins/merge-xmltv# ls -all
total 103924
drwxrwxrwx 3 abc abc 4096 Aug 19 10:00 .
drwxrwxrwx 5 abc abc 4096 Aug 18 19:34 ..
drwxrwxrwx 2 abc abc 4096 Aug 18 19:34 @eaDir
-rwxrwxrwx 1 abc abc 1053 Aug 18 19:28 Readme.txt
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 64144378 Aug 18 19:28 merge-xmltv
-rwxrwxrwx 1 abc abc 21162024 Aug 18 19:28 merge-xmltv.exe.xz
-rwxrwxrwx 1 abc abc 21086736 Aug 18 19:28 merge-xmltv.xz
root@webgrab:/config/postprocess_plugins/merge-xmltv# ./merge-xmltv.xz -h
bash: ./merge-xmltv.xz: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

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root@webgrab:/config/postprocess_plugins/merge-xmltv# ./merge-xmltv.xz -h
bash: ./merge-xmltv.xz: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
the file is compressed,extract it first(use 7zip in windows to extract it(or extract it in linux) then copy it to ur linux box(chmod +x it also).

if your local timezone is the same offset than any of the epg then there will be no change in the offset for these channels or time adjustment.

i am not sure if i ever really tested it on
i am a linux guy
i run it everyday on my linux server(for my own epg,convert it to my LOCAL time also),no issues.

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Hi I have tested it on windows and there the file executes, but the result or maybe my usecase differs. When I tried to untar the file in docker it says but that could be limitations in docker container so I will lift the file to another linux environment, however, could you confirm my usecase and help setting -t paramter?

My Timezone is Europe/stockholm UTC+0200 in daylightsaving

start="20220819042000 +0200" stop="20220819050500 +0200"

start="20220819042000 0200" stop="20220819050500 0200"

needed result (due to my epg interface or epgimporter will not work with adding time)
start="20220819062000 0000" stop="20220819070500 0000"

Use in linux after unzipping in 7zip and run it in linux and get this error

root@webgrab:/config/postprocess_plugins/merge-xmltv# ./merge-xmltv
bash: ./merge-xmltv: No such file or directory

root@webgrab:/config/postprocess_plugins/merge-xmltv# ls -all
total 103924
drwxrwxrwx 3 abc abc 4096 Aug 19 10:00 .
drwxrwxrwx 5 abc abc 4096 Aug 18 19:34 ..
drwxrwxrwx 2 abc abc 4096 Aug 18 19:34 @eaDir
-rwxrwxrwx 1 abc abc 1053 Aug 18 19:28 Readme.txt
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 64144378 Aug 18 19:28 merge-xmltv
-rwxrwxrwx 1 abc abc 21162024 Aug 18 19:28 merge-xmltv.exe.xz
-rwxrwxrwx 1 abc abc 21086736 Aug 18 19:28 merge-xmltv.xz

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That doesn't make sense
0420 UTC+0200 would be 0220 UTC time.
What I think is wrong is whatever Ini this is the timezone is set incorrect
Edit the Ini and on the site {xxx} line change it to timezone=UTC
The result will be 0420 +0000
After merge-xmltv it will be 0620+0200
Edit the Ini and

Blackbear199's picture
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That doesn't make sense
0420 UTC+0200 would be 0220 UTC time.
What I think is wrong is whatever Ini this is the timezone is set incorrect
Edit the Ini and on the site {xxx} line change it to timezone=UTC
The result will be 0420 +0000
After merge-xmltv it will be 0620+0200
Edit the Ini and

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I would have assuemed that start time is i. Utc and the +0200 means utc +2h wich woulf be my localtime today so if program took start and stop time from xml file and added or subtracted whats in the timezone data. 0400utc +2h will be 0600 local time. But I really hate timezone math. But two minus used too be plus, timezone math is anothoer story.

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0400 +0200 means 0400 local time at UTC +0200
That's why you see no time correction as 0400 is the correct time your local
If the epg is off by 2 hrs then more than likely the Ini has a incorrect timezone setting as I explained above

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Thaks for clearing that out, I had wrong thoughts about timezones, after changing sits .ini file so timezone in ini file corresonds to the time in xml file all works good (atelast I think so), now I'm running the windows file but can't get the linux file to run either in docker or raspberry pi. When I try to extract the .xz file I get a warning not a tar packet, and when I unzipped it with 7zip for windows the file won't execute, I have checked the permissions and so that I can think of.

And just a reminder to everyone else do not forget to wipe epg.dat and clear epg cache in my case a reboot an then refesh EPG with the new .xml file.

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in linux
cp guide.xml myepg
xz -z myepg
result: myepg.xz

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Also there was a little error in, it's now fixed with rev.16 works also with 4.2.x.x

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mat8861 wrote:

Also there was a little error in, it's now fixed with rev.16 works also with 4.2.x.x

Yes in my case it seems like setting correct timezonez in site.ini file made better files that doesn't need correction, but that might be jumping into a conclusion.

And I still havenä't managed to unpack and excecute the linux file.

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I was referring to error 404 you had with version 4.2.xx
for linux i unpack it in windows and copy to linux, if you use winscp set "binary" transfer, once you copied everything give permission 755 to wg++ folders and files, then just run ./ (dotnet5) or ./ (mono)

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