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12HR to 24HR conversion

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12HR to 24HR conversion

anyone know how to convert 12HR to 24HR i.e. 4:30PM to 16:30
I have it spitting out the PM on the end of 4:30PM but I don't think WG++ will convert it based on AM PM being on the end of the time

francis's picture
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WG++ understands AM/PM times. So just keep the AM/PM in the time parts. If you search in the siteini.pack, you will get examples of siteini's using AM/PM.
Just search on AM or PM word only.

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wish i had cat and grep but I'm an all windows kinda guy these days see if I can find a recursive cat/grep for doze I guess
yeah left it on the end (scratches head) my ini keeps stopping on 1 event for the day....
when you modify index_start.scrub .. does it need to be within a scope or can you just modify this anywhere ? (bottom of file, top)
cos I'm having trouble still

index_showsplit.scrub {regex(debug)||(<div class=\"daily-shows\">.+?</div></div></div>)||}


index_start.scrub {multi(debug)|<span class="time">||pan>}


index_title.scrub {multi(debug)|</span><h3>||</h3>|<span>}

*index_description.scrub {single(debug)|<h3>||</h3>}


index_start.modify{remove(debug)|<em style="padding-left: 5px;">}




the guide.xml has gone only 1 event per day on a 2 day update from:-

programme start="20140820050000 +0800" stop="20140820050000 +0800" channel="ABS-CBN">

    <title lang="en">Umagang Kay Ganda</title>





programme start="20140820050000 +0800" stop="20140820050000 +0800" channel="ABS-CBN">

    <title lang="en">Umagang Kay Ganda|Kris TV|Metal Fight Beyblade: Baku|Koruko's Basketball|Digimon Cross Wars|Yu-Gi-Ogh Duel Monster|The Singing Bee|Be Careful with my Heart|It's Showtime|Moon of Desire|Pinoy Big Brother All In Uber|Bistado|TV Patrol|Aquino and Abunda Tonight|Bandila|Banana Nite|O Shopping</title>




changing the index_title.scrub  from single to multi

surely I'm stuck on the start times again and I am including AM PM.. could use a quick help site looks easy


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"20140820050000 +0800" stop="20140820050000 +0800"
ok so it would be probable that it's not grabbing the second event for some reason..
which, baffles me to be honest even when I was getting the times up to lunch time (12hr) it should have been getting the next event's 
start time.. weird I have no idea..

francis's picture
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Your problem is not the start time.
If you look in the logging, your index_showsplit only gets 1 match. This means, only 1 show.
Just use the next line. Should work:
index_showsplit.scrub {multi|<div class="daily-shows">|<li>|</li>|</ul>}

Joined: 10 years
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ok yep yep, understood thank you

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