The existing website used to create the EPG file is no longer in use. It seems the api is now located directly at dstv.com and the api has changed (from the little I could understand by browsing online). Is there any chance of gettng this ini updated and working again. I suspect I dont have the skills to figure this out!
The DStv TV Guide at https://guide.dstv.com/ is no longer working.
The new guide is now located at https://www.dstv.com/en-za/discover/tv-guide/
Can you please update the ini to use the new URL?
Thanks in advance.
there is new dstv
how do we get the whole channel list for SuperSports ?
Thank you Mat, appreciated! I was still running the V3.2.3 - have now upgraded to V4.2 :)
supsersport are channels 200-215?
heres a list sorted by channel name,i think they are all there?
I think he is referring to https://timeline.supersport.com/ siteini is somewhere in the forum...
its in siteinipack...
re added here just in case ;)
This is the list I needed but now I get this:
!! -- WARNING : dstv.com doesn't allow epg grabbing !!
it is advised to disable this channel / site from your channel list
!! -- WARNING : dstv.com doesn't allow epg grabbing !!
it is advised to disable this channel / site from your channel list
error downloading page: The operation has timed out. (5sec)
Retry 1 of 4 times
5 sec time out is too low
change its in ur wgconfig.xml
<retry time-out="5"> to time-out="30"
Okay, I have now spent a few hours trying to get the DStv Channel List, but have failed.\
I manage to get the Country List - < update >c1-country< /update > (had to put spaces in there...)
Now, running with < update >c2-South Africa< /update > or even < update >c2-South_Africa< /update > just keep on giving me the country lists. What am I doing wrong here?
This is the line I put in my config file -
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##zaf" xmltv_id="South Africa">South Africa< /channel >
Please help!
should work as u explained.
dstv.com.channels.South_Africa.xml should be created.
i created the above list the same way.
All I keep getting is the full country list over and over again -
It only create the file dstv.com.channels.xml with the folowwing in it -
< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? >
< site generator-info-name="WebGrab+Plus/w MDB & REX Postprocess -- version V4.2.2.0 -- Jan van Straaten" site="dstv.com" >
< channels >
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##zaf" xmltv_id="South Africa">South Africa
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##zmb" xmltv_id="zambia">zambia
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##ken" xmltv_id="kenya">kenya
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##nga" xmltv_id="nigeria">nigeria
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##uga" xmltv_id="uganda">uganda
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##gha" xmltv_id="ghana">ghana
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##ago" xmltv_id="angola">angola
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##moz" xmltv_id="mozambique">mozambique
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##zwe" xmltv_id="zimbabwe">zimbabwe
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="pt##ago" xmltv_id="angola">angola
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##tza" xmltv_id="tanzania">tanzania
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="pt##moz" xmltv_id="mozambique">mozambique
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##nad" xmltv_id="namibia">namibia
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##mwi" xmltv_id="malawi">malawi
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##bwa" xmltv_id="Botswana">Botswana
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##cod" xmltv_id="Drc">Drc
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##ETH" xmltv_id="Ethiopia">Ethiopia
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##mus" xmltv_id="Mauritius">Mauritius
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##SZL" xmltv_id="Eswatini">Eswatini
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##LBR" xmltv_id="Liberia">Liberia
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##SLE" xmltv_id="Sierra Leone">Sierra Leone
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##BEN" xmltv_id="Benin">Benin
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##BDI" xmltv_id="Burundi">Burundi
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##CMR" xmltv_id="Cameroon">Cameroon
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##COD" xmltv_id="Congo Brazzaville">Congo Brazzaville
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##GNQ" xmltv_id="Equatorial Guinea">Equatorial Guinea
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##GMB" xmltv_id="Gambia">Gambia
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##RWA" xmltv_id="Rwanda">Rwanda
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##STP" xmltv_id="Sao Tome and Principe">Sao Tome and Principe
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##SEN" xmltv_id="Senegal">Senegal
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##SDN" xmltv_id="Sudan">Sudan
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##TCD" xmltv_id="Chad">Chad
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##NER" xmltv_id="Niger">Niger
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##TGO" xmltv_id="Togo">Togo
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##BFA" xmltv_id="Burkina Faso">Burkina Faso
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##GBA" xmltv_id="Gabon">Gabon
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##CPA" xmltv_id="Cape Verde">Cape Verde
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##GNB" xmltv_id="Guinea Bissau">Guinea Bissau
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##DJI" xmltv_id="djibouti">djibouti
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##SYC" xmltv_id="Seychelles">Seychelles
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##ERI" xmltv_id="Eritrea">Eritrea
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##MDG" xmltv_id="Madagascar">Madagascar
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##MRT" xmltv_id="Mauritania">Mauritania
< channel update="i" site="dstv.com" site_id="en##GIN" xmltv_id="Guinea Conakry">Guinea Conakry
< /channels >
< /site >
not sure what your doing wrong.
i just downloaded the ini and used your channel line and worked fine.
cant see it being ur wg version has nothing has changed for the channel list creation for some time.
try the list i posted above and see if you can grab epg data.
btw the only way a dstv.com.channels.xml ffilename can be created is by using update c
update c ================> dstv.com.channels.xml
update c1 ===============> dstv.com.channels.c1.xml
update c2 ===============> dstv.com.channels.c2.xml
update c1-country =======> dstv.com.channels.country.xml
update c2-South_Africa ==> dstv.com.channels.South_Africa.xml
see attached, also make sure you have this version
from Blackbear199
Thank you BlackBear - used your file dstv.com_.channels.SouthAfrica.xml and it's working.
I have used the instructions, but somehow only a Channel List file is created. Anyhow...
Thanks again BlackBear & Mat for your help! Much appreciated!
Thanks for helping, I had to increase it to 60 and I only have the warning message.
Sometimes doesn't work because this:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at . ..ctor (System.String )
But if I run it again it works.
Is there something I can do to remove that error ?
sometimes does that because a pooor connection or because dns doesn't resovle the site, best option is to set on your pc google dns and
Will try, thanks.
Hello guys ! Hope you are doing well,
i'm trying to grab programs for supersport...copied the last ini file in github in site.ini folder, the config file found them but it's like the source is not replying.
I attached the file, if you can please take a look and let me know what i did wrong in config
I'm also receiving the following
!! -- WARNING : dstv.com doesn't allow epg grabbing !!
it is advised to disable this channel / site from your channel list
!! -- WARNING : dstv.com doesn't allow epg grabbing !!
it is advised to disable this channel / site from your channel list
I am using the most recent site ini
These are the lines used for the channels I've selected to use.
site="dstv.com" offset="6" site_id="en##zaf##I26" xmltv_id="[218] ESPN HD">ESPN HD ZA
site="dstv.com" offset="6" site_id="en##zaf##SDN" xmltv_id="[219] ESPN 2 HD">ESPN 2 ZA
(for example purposes, I know the channel tags are missing here but it wasnt showing when I included them)
Verified guide data is available on dstv.com
I adjusted the timeout to 30 seconds but no luck.
just tried and it works here
Thanks for testing Mat.
I forgot to mention previously I'm on WG v5.0.1.
Could you tell me if VPN or Location make any difference for you?
I've tried many combinations already but maybe something you tell me can enlighten me.
i actually used my phone (i am in vacation connecting with cell phone hotspot) so no vpn...make sure you have retry time like 180, site is a bit slow.
Thanks again Mat.
I did that and got it to work for the first time. I think I'll tinker with it and the number of retries.