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Network save (save to temp file before network update)

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Network save (save to temp file before network update)

Please add support so that when a location on the network is used to save the XML file, the update is done first in a local temporary file (or RAM memory) and then, when all programs have been saved in the temp file, the update is sent from the temporary file to network location. At the moment, the XML file on the network is read / written after each channel is grabbed, which makes the process take a long time, and generates write / read errors (often, saving cannot be done before grabbing the next program, which generates an additional retry but only after the time out time expires).

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 20 hours

I think the way it should work setting update "i" that is incremental, is to leave a copy locally and then transfer/copy the file to another location. The retry you mentioned is probably due to timeout setting too low, which on some siteini (slow ones) generate the retry you mentioned as it doesn't have the time to complete the full schedule.
Try with the example settings:

Joined: 3 years
Last seen: 2 years


Thank you for your answer. I found a solution to the problem by using a script to copy the file from / to the network before and after running the WebGrab ++ update process. However, the above request is an idea to be implemented in future versions of the program (or at least a flag that can be added to the list of options) to save the data in a local XML file before the final update of the XML file (with Increasing processing power on IoT devices, these environments are increasingly used as WebGrab++ servers, and in this case prevent unnecessary network traffic, premature wear of the SD card and prolonged processing time by reading each time of the old XML file, update, then rewrite to the network after each program line).

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