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What a mess

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What a mess

Hello Mr. van Straaten,

So after 8 hours of struggling I realize: you just ruined my friday.
The documentation has many, many inconsistencies. I really do not understand what you are saying on

I want my donation back.

Best regards, Mike

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
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Last seen: 2 hours

this was the original way todo it before encrytped ini's,actually the page explains both ways.
now...for encrypted ini's
in your webgrab config.xml just set
run,webgrab and the new channel list will be created in your webgrab config.xml directory.
this is for 99% of ini's there are a few that required multiple steps,for these there is usually a [site_ini_name]_info.txt file that explains what to do.its usually in the same country folder as the ini.

change the c back to f or i or whatever update mode you were using.

Joined: 3 years
Last seen: 3 years

Thank you for your message, but I still don't undesrrtand exactly what you mean.

I made a webbpage ( explaining the process that I followed based on the documentation of your website. Maybe you see right away which step is false.

My questions are:
- Should channels been added to the WebGrab++.config.xml?
- When I use channels from Ziggo, should the been added to the to folder .wg++?
- Is the WebGrab++.config.xml correct? Is the update tag to c correct?
- Is the content of guide.xml correct? Or should it contain all the EPG-data too?
- Is the error loadcookie failed! ... cannot update this channel causing problems?
- Why is TVheadend looking for a file in /var/packages/tvheadend/target/.wg++/guide.xml: No such file or directory?

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 6 hours

1. yes add the channel you want
2. you only need channels line in config and siteini's in siteini.pack or siteini.user
3. here there is a sample the update "c" produce a channel list, the f(force or i (incremental) create epg.
4 cookie failed depends on which siteini...if it gives that error it means you need to create the txt file in wg++ folder, with that name and add data from the website the siteini refer to, which can be taken with export cookie plugin for chrome by Genuinous @genuinous or other similar export cookie plugin, with latest wg++ (3.1 and above) the need of a cookie is very rare.
5.tvheadend follow that path but if you installed wg in another directory, just correct it.

If you post your config (HIDE LICENSE DATA PLEASE !!) we can check if it is all ok.
other users made: (very easy configurator)
and more if you google: Webgrabplus how to

Joined: 10 years
Last seen: 3 weeks
epistrophy42 wrote:

Hello Mr. van Straaten,
So after 8 hours of struggling I realize: you just ruined my friday.
The documentation has many, many inconsistencies. I really do not understand what you are saying on
I want my donation back.
Best regards, Mike

First of ALL a DONATION is not payment for service, if you DONATE then you are giving something from yourself without expecting anything in return. After that comes the help in forum

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 6 hours

First time i see an un-satisfied user, that didn't even tried to post a config or ask the question "what am i doing wrong ?"

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