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[SOLVED] Season and Episode number in Argustv

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[SOLVED] Season and Episode number in Argustv

Thanks for a greate application, now I got everything working togheter with ArgusTV except Season and Episodes,
in my tvguide.xml file I have this under each series:
<episode-num system="xmltv_ns">5.1/22</episode-num>
as I understand this is some kind of defacto standard for seasons and episodes, but still in Argustv it cant pick upp Season and Episodes,
Do I need to do something special in webgrab plus to get it to work with Argustv?
Does someone has Season/Episodes working with Argustv?
I'm close to the perfect systemsmiley this is the last part!

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Argus TV normaly supports xmltv_ns formatting. The format you have, is not 100% correct.
What .ini do you use? We will look to fix the problem.
As a test, you could change manualy the XMLTV guide (just a few shows, for testing). That way, you can check if Argus shows some episode info.

<episode-num system="xmltv_ns">5.1/22</episode-num>

Should be:

<episode-num system="xmltv_ns">5.1/22.</episode-num>


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I am using,
and yes, when I change to your example it works,
I guess something needs to be changed in ini file.
Great, thanks

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Could you try this new .ini?
Should do the trick.

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Now it looks alot better I get Season and episode for half of the shows, the rest shows is missing this information.
In tv.nu_.xmltv_ns I can see this line:
index_episode.scrub {single(separator=". "", " include="Avsnitt ""avsnitt ")|<p>||</p>|</p>
when I look at a show in EPG data that didnt get the episode I can see
" 2013. Säsong 8.Avsnitt 15. Randiga stenar"        for a serie that works it look like this in EPG data " 2013. Säsong 1. Avsnitt 35 av 40"
in tvguide.xml I can see it looks like this for the show missing episode and season.
<episode-num system="xmltv_ns">14.14Säsong8..</episode-num>
Thanks for helping me

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There is two different presentation of Episodes and Season in my EPG data:
1:    . Säsong 3. Avsnitt 6 av 10.
2:    . Säsong 4.Avsnitt 7. 
After webgrabplus is run:
1:    <episode-num system="xmltv_ns">2.5/10.</episode-num>
2:    <episode-num system="xmltv_ns">3.6Säsong4..</episode-num>
All series which is presented as step 1 is working fine,
All series using the nr 2 format is not working at all.
As I understand my "" is working fine with first format but the second format it cant write correct it should be:
<episode-num system="xmltv_ns">3.6.</episode-num>
I'm not shore how I can change this is  "" is there someone that could point me in the right direction?

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Yes, that error I had found already.
Was just checking to get as much info as possible. Sometimes I see that at the end of the description, also eg. 4/15 is. This means that this is the 4'th episode of 15.
So instead of "av 15". So now I also have this info grabbed.
What I've done:
- rewritten the season/episode
- added exte episode info (where possible)
If you could test this one. The I'll put it on the EPG channel page.

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Hi Francis, it looks really good, 
I need to test it for a couple of days but EPG xml file looks fine and in Argustv it looks fine.
Great work, and thanks for helping me out.

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