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Insert hyperlink in description

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Insert hyperlink in description

How to insert hyperlinks into description? 
Tried with the following in mdb config:
<review type="url">"'mdb-showid'"</review>
'mdb-review' inside desc element but nothing turns up on the EPG. I guess im far off how it is supposed to be.

WGMaker's picture
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I see no reason why you find no <review> element in your target xmltv.

Are you sure that you look at the target xmltv file? That is probably in the mdb folder (specified by <filename> in mdb config)

Apart from that, it is better to use

<review type="url">{'mdb-showid'}</review>

The addition of {} ensures that you only get a value if 'mdb-showid' has a value.


If it doesn't work, send me your log, mdb config and the xmltv source file (the one without the mdb additions)



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The review element url gets created alright in target xmltv file with correct mdb-showid, this is not the problem. The problem Im having is how to display the entire review element contents (clickable hyperlink) in the description, like this:
 <desc>'description'\nIMDb-betyg: 'mdb-starrating'\n'mdb-review'</desc>
but 'mdb-review' is empty. I guess Im doing it wrong, but this works if using 'mdb-starrating' like that though.

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Hi Jagad,

'mdb-review' is an element that gets its value from the mdb grabbing , so depends on the mdb ini's and the content in the mdb site (probably you use If it has no value we have to look there.

You cannot get the content of the xmltv element <review> into the description in the way you configured it, because 'mdb-review' is not the content of <review> as I tried to explain above.

To get the hyperlink with the 'mdb-showid' into the description you must add that content to <desc>, something like this:

<desc>'description'{\nIMDb-betyg: 'mdb-starrating'}{\nLink to IMDB:'mdb-showid'}</desc>


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Hi Jan!
Yes, but that only adds text to the description, the url wont be underlined and clickable when imported to the EPG, so its no hyperlink. Goal is to be rerouted with a single click to the imdb and the movie in question. Now i have to copy and paste the url into the browser. I guess it is impossible to pass hyperlinks inside the desc elemet. Searching the forum for other approaches accomplishing this gives not much unfortunately. 

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I think this is no issue of WG++ . If the program that you use to view the description with the valid url of imdb in it, doesn't recognise it as such and won't open your browser when you click on it, then that's a problem of that program.

When I open the xmltv file with Visual Studio or NotePad++  the browser opens correct when clicking on the url.

Maybe you must add a space and or a / at the end to clearly separate it from other text?

<desc>'description'{\nIMDb-betyg: 'mdb-starrating'}{\n\tLink to IMDB:'mdb-showid'/ }</desc>


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Thanks for your help, Jan! Much appreciated. I will try to figure out if this is possible to solve from PVR software side. Probably clickable links are disabled inside the EPG area. Much like my version of Notepad++ had it disabled per default.
Best regards

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