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Why is this not matching?

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Why is this not matching?

V4.1.5 using these ini's

Here is the log...

[ Info ] Serie: 7/69 .. Joyas sobre ruedas
[ Info ] Episode Name : Coche de rally Ford Escort RS2000
[ Info ] Episode Number: T12 E14
[ Info ] "Joyas sobre ruedas" + "Coche de rally Ford Escort RS2000" + (2014) + "" .. found Show_id , 1549918, 6139260?
[Warning ] Insufficient episode-num elements to match
[Warning ] Check episode-num pattern and xmltv input data
[Warning ] No list of Episode Numbers for Show_id "6139260" in the Mdb site
[ Info ] No match in !!
[ Debug ] "Joyas sobre ruedas" + "Coche de rally Ford Escort RS2000" + (2014) + "" .. no result!
[ Info ] no result!
[ Info ] Done in 10.98 sec

My pattern looks like this...

<episodenum_pattern site="">"T'S1'E'E1'"</episodenum_pattern>

Using the information printed, I was able to find it easily...
I can only assume there is some error in my pattern.

Any ideas?

Blackbear199's picture
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i am seeing this also after debugging it for a few hrs.
i believe there is a bug in episode number matching.

your not getting a match with the subtitle because there is no aka(also known as names) for suntitles,only titles has this.
so your subtitle or "Coche de rally Ford Escort RS2000" is no where close to the english subtitle of "1978 Ford Escort Mk2"

to test disable grabbing but leave the post processor enabled in your webgrab++config.xml..
postprocess grab="n" run="y"

edit your guide.xml and manually change the subtitle to the english one above.
run webgrab and i am 99% sure u will get a match.

i sent a message to the creator about this.

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Right OK. Well at least its not on me.
The reason I am trying to move to webgrab is to get epg data with original language data.

I tried what you suggested but it didn't like it either..

Serie: 1/1 .. Joyas sobre ruedas
Episode Name : 1978 Ford Escort Mk2
Episode Number: T12 E14
"Joyas sobre ruedas" + "1978 Ford Escort Mk2" + (2014) + "" .. found Show_id , 1549918, 6139260?
Insufficient episode-num elements to match
Check episode-num pattern and xmltv input data
No list of Episode Numbers for Show_id "6139260" in the Mdb site
No match in !!
no result!
Done in 19.99 sec

Blackbear199's picture
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works for me

Serie: 1/1 .. Joyas sobre ruedas
Episode Name : 1978 Ford Escort Mk2
Episode Number: T12 E14
"Joyas sobre ruedas" + "1978 Ford Escort Mk2" + "" .. found Show_id , 1549918, 6139260?
Matching in, showid = 1549918
Done in 35.43 sec

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Blackbear199 wrote:

works for me
Serie: 1/1 .. Joyas sobre ruedas
Episode Name : 1978 Ford Escort Mk2
Episode Number: T12 E14
"Joyas sobre ruedas" + "1978 Ford Escort Mk2" + "" .. found Show_id , 1549918, 6139260?
Matching in, showid = 1549918
Done in 35.43 sec

Perhaps it is on me then?
I've uploaded my mdb config and grab

Blackbear199's picture
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try moving episode-num from matchserie mustmatch="xxx" to optional="xxx"
episode-num is what i think is broken

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Blackbear199 wrote:

try moving episode-num from matchserie mustmatch="xxx" to optional="xxx"
episode-num is what i think is broken

Right... I did that and I was wondering why it wasn't working. It was because I needed to delete the local mdb database.

Really the main thing I care about is translating the title to its original language. All of the other fields are just a bonus. Hopefully it can be made to work.

Blackbear199's picture
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while your testing use update="" for your mdb database.
no database file will be created,make sure it deleted after you change this.

once u get everything working as u want it then enable the database file,it will speed up future processing as it saves matches.

Blackbear199's picture
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i rolled back to V3.1.4(available on downloads page,click on Other Downloads) and episode number matching works so its deffinitely a problem with V3.1.5

SW V3.1.4.0 should be >= SiteIni V3.1.5.0:
Upgrade your WebGrab+Plus version to V3.1.5.0 or higher!! @
Serie: 1/1 .. The King of Queens
Episode Number: S1 E1
"The King of Queens" + "" .. found Show_id , 0165581, 0620161?
Matching in, showid = 0165581
Done in 33.02 sec

you can ignore the message about needing to update webgrab,its just a warning.
its a temp solution until the next release.

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Yes you are right the mdb seems to work with 3.1.4.
But the siteini no longer does "error downloading page: Error: SecureChannelFailure (The authentication or decryption has failed.)"
I think I need an older decrypt key but I only see the current one on the forum ( the one I was using in 3.1.5).

Blackbear199's picture
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secure channel failure is usually a mono issue,are you using linux?
if so update mono,it has to be > 5.0.0

after you add the repo in step 2 install mono-complete instead of mono-devel

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Blackbear199 wrote:

secure channel failure is usually a mono issue,are you using linux?
if so update mono,it has to be > 5.0.0
after you add the repo in step 2 install mono-complete instead of mono-devel

I am using docker on linux.
From here...
This image... linuxserver/webgrabplus:V3.1.4-ls87

Blackbear199's picture
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mono is separate from webgrabplus

check your webgrab log,it should tell you what mono version your using,for me it shows..
[ Debug ] Mono version: (tarball Tue Jan 14 12:17:02 CET 2020)

the link above has instructions for docker also..

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Blackbear199 wrote:

mono is separate from webgrabplus
check your webgrab log,it should tell you what mono version your using,for me it shows..
[ Debug ] Mono version: (tarball Tue Jan 14 12:17:02 CET 2020)
the link above has instructions for docker also..

OK thanks. Yes it has an older version of mono installed.
Does that mean that container never worked or is it because newer ini's require a later version of mono?
Updating mono did fix the grabber and now the imdb search is much better.
I wonder if we could get a postprocess that will do a google search/translate on the title and/or description? It could work well as a second chance. Manual google searches seem to do a good job of returning the original title and the translate works pretty good on the few tests I have done.

Blackbear199's picture
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some sites use different https encryption,updating mono resovles this.
it would be far too complicated i think to translate is with webgrab.

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Blackbear199 wrote:

some sites use different https encryption,updating mono resovles this.
it would be far too complicated i think to translate is with webgrab.

Ok thanks.

Can you see why this pattern is not matching?

"S'S1' E'E1'/'Et1'"

Serie: 1/374 .. Criminal Minds
Episode Number: S3 E6/20
"Criminal Minds" + (2007) + "Skipp Sudduth" .. found Show_id , 0452046, 6568694?
NO Episode-num pattern defined
Insufficient episode-num elements to match
Check episode-num pattern and xmltv input data
NO Episode-num pattern defined
Insufficient episode-num elements to match
Check episode-num pattern and xmltv input data
No match in !!
no result!
Done in 27.21 sec

This is with mustmatch="title,episode-num" optional="sub-title,productiondate,actor,director" minimum="2"
But it works with mustmatch="title" optional="episode-num,sub-title,productiondate,actor,director" minimum="2"

Blackbear199's picture
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mdb can be touch and go at times.i'm sure ur realizing this by now.

personally for mustmatch i always use this for series.
mustmatch="title" optional="episode-num,sub-title" minimum="2"

why one would want to add any other elements to optional or configure it any other way is beyond me.
lets think about this,there are only 2 ways to get a match for a series show..

title + subtitle
title + episode number

if there not a match for either of these then is game over for the selected show.
you can add actor,director or whatever you want to optional and they will make zero difference as they are just that....optional.

title + director(or any other element besides the 2 above) will never get a match for a series show

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Blackbear199 wrote:

mdb can be touch and go at times.i'm sure ur realizing this by now.
personally for mustmatch i always use this for series.
mustmatch="title" optional="episode-num,sub-title" minimum="2"
why one would want to add any other elements to optional or configure it any other way is beyond me.
lets think about this,there are only 2 ways to get a match for a series show..
title + subtitle
title + episode number
if there not a match for either of these then is game over for the selected show.
you can add actor,director or whatever you want to optional and they will make zero difference as they are just that....optional.
title + director(or any other element besides the 2 above) will never get a match for a series show

That makes perfect sense and I thought exactly the same. I only went with the default because it was the default and I'm sure the creator knows better than me.

Do you know if my patter is correct though?

Blackbear199's picture
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the pattern has to be ok or you would have not got a match after you changed the musthave="xxxx"
subtitle and episode number is the only info provided for it to possibly find a match.

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Blackbear199 wrote:

the pattern has to be ok or you would have not got a match after you changed the musthave="xxxx"
subtitle and episode number is the only info provided for it to possibly find a match.

Just as I thought I had it all figured out I am lost again.

mustmatch="title,episode-num" optional="sub-title" minimum="2" does match
mustmatch="title" optional="episode-num,sub-title" minimum="2" does not match

Why would moving episode-num from mustmatch to optional break it?

I have attached the xml I am testing with

Blackbear199's picture
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i posted a new mdb ini here
read the post u can select the language.

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Blackbear199 wrote:

i posted a new mdb ini here
read the post u can select the language.

Sweet I will check it out when episode number matching gets fixed.

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Blackbear199 wrote:

i posted a new mdb ini here
read the post u can select the language.

Sweet I will check it out when episode number matching gets fixed.

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