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frankabagnale3rd's picture
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Last seen: 1 year and Global Time Shift

Hey guys! Just getting my feet wet with a new setup and have a couple questions.

Using all the latest software on Ubuntu 18.04, Mono

--Edited Again :)--
After messing with the generator over and over I finally found my problem and I hope I can help someone else out who may have issues in the future. No matter what I did I would get no file generated after un-commenting the portion in the ini file and adding my dummy channel. It wasn't mentioned to change the output location in the config.xml so I basically rewrote my original guide file about 100 times lol. So for future users make sure you change that line in your Webgrab++.config.xml


Secondly, I have read and read about time shift. I am implementing a guide with channels from multiple time zones. From what I have read so far I have seen some conflicting answers, and some of the answers that seem to be accepted I just can't quite wrap my head around. So far I have the US Section working fine. I started it by adding UTC-05:00 and that made my guide 5 hours behind. So I then saw that the UTC will automatically offset based on my server time, which I set to East Coast US and it works fine. My question is, when I want to grab some UK stuff and want it also to be in EST will the UK sites allow my time-zone to be US and it will make the same changes automatically? And when I want to add some US West Coast stuff will that work as well? Or could I duplicate the ini and simply add the offset in that file? I just want to make sure changing the name of the file will not create issues.

Sorry for the long winded questions.

Joined: 5 years
Last seen: 2 weeks
frankabagnale3rd wrote:

Hey guys! Just getting my feet wet with a new setup and have a couple questions.
Using all the latest software on Ubuntu 18.04, Mono
--Edited Again :)--
After messing with the generator over and over I finally found my problem and I hope I can help someone else out who may have issues in the future. No matter what I did I would get no file generated after un-commenting the portion in the ini file and adding my dummy channel. It wasn't mentioned to change the output location in the config.xml so I basically rewrote my original guide file about 100 times lol. So for future users make sure you change that line in your Webgrab++.config.xml
Secondly, I have read and read about time shift. I am implementing a guide with channels from multiple time zones. From what I have read so far I have seen some conflicting answers, and some of the answers that seem to be accepted I just can't quite wrap my head around. So far I have the US Section working fine. I started it by adding UTC-05:00 and that made my guide 5 hours behind. So I then saw that the UTC will automatically offset based on my server time, which I set to East Coast US and it works fine. My question is, when I want to grab some UK stuff and want it also to be in EST will the UK sites allow my time-zone to be US and it will make the same changes automatically? And when I want to add some US West Coast stuff will that work as well? Or could I duplicate the ini and simply add the offset in that file? I just want to make sure changing the name of the file will not create issues.
Sorry for the long winded questions.

I'll take a stab at it, but maybe the experts can chime in. So the time offset or not (0000) doesn't really need to be messed with unless the site ini calls for you to change it (I think i've run into a couple ini's that instructed to change to local zone). Your player, or wherever you insert your EPG in, will adjust accordingly. I grab from a few different countries, but am US based and all my EPGs line up just fine.

WG++ Team memberDonator
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Last seen: 31 min

I think is pretty clear, as always depndes if your app convert or not, the guide.xml to the local time, this is the main problem. So an UTC siteini if my app/player can convert to local....fine, if not i will have to adjust first the time to my local time.

WG++ Team memberDonator
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I think is pretty clear, as always depndes if your app convert or not, the guide.xml to the local time, this is the main problem. So an UTC siteini if my app/player can convert to local....fine, if not i will have to adjust first the time to my local time.

frankabagnale3rd's picture
Has donated long time ago
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Last seen: 1 year

Thanks gents. I probably should have waited to post as I've figured it out a bit more since posting.

What are you guys using for your UK Epg?

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 31 min

Let me suggest: although is in ireland folder, has epg for uk, very fast and complete.

frankabagnale3rd's picture
Has donated long time ago
Joined: 4 years
Last seen: 1 year

Will do, thanks.

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