Ubuntu 20.04
Mono JIT compiler version (tarball Fri Sep 4 14:02:38 UTC 2020)
WG++ V3.1.3.0
Attaching: site.ini, config.xml, log.txt, & guide.xml
I see short time entries being skipped when the are similarly named shows. Here's an example of an entry with where the short shows were not grabbed.
If i'm not mistaken, all the events skipped had similar titles
Here's how it looks after grabbing (while skipping those short shows)
in the guide kaizer show is before dstv prem at right time. So what's wrong ?
All those "i" segments were short programs (I think they were about 5 minute listings) before "DSTV Prem...."
Here's a Screenshot of the "i" program that was on at that moment.
Ok i see, but there is nothing there (no time) basically repeats the title/description.
Is WG++ not able to pull specifics from the Timeline? There are events when you click on the "i" short programs.
Here's what my WG++ entry for the PSL channel for instance in my TV app.

Here's what the DStv site looks like. The highlighted event is the "DStv Prem HL 20/21: Arrows vs Chiefs" event that you see above in my App, but the "I" short shows dont get scraped.

I click on the first "I" and here's the entry (notice it starts at 20:00, the show is 10 minutes long as you can see the second "I" below)

I click on the second "I" and here's the entry

The third "I"

Not going to put pics of all of the events, but as you can see those are actually are short, 10 minute events . Is WG++ not able to see the individual events?
please post the link to web guide you use
I'm using the DStv.com ini that is in the WG++ site ini pack. The ini uses https://guide.dstv.com/ I'm using ZA (South Africa) as the country, which i believe is default when you visit the website.
I had a look, don't see in your ini shows for short times shows. i checked then the E version which is completly different (no cookie, no steps for creating channels and faster) it use https://www.dstv.co.za/guide/
Nevertheless i see the small shows ( at least it looks like so)
So may be you can use the E version for this 5 channels. Please check
great to hear. Quick question, ZA is country code for South Africa. Just want to make sure we're on the same page since the main provider is from South Africa, i was using South Africa (ZA) as the chosen country to grab the cookie file.
If this ini is Zambia, how can i create a ini for South Africa? In the other non "E" version had to do those multistep processes to create the country bouquet etc....
Most listings are the same, but there are occasionally different programs/
Well i don't think it differs, it may differs the time but i don't think they keep for every country different data...it would be crazy.Anyway you can compare channels with the ones in guide.dstv.....i am pretty sure are the same. dstv.co.za include all channels of all bouquets.
Yup, that did it. Only thing i'm seeing my results of my grab is that all the start/stop times are 2 hours ahead.
Good, you can fix it with new app in post-process
Yes, got it fixed with new post-process. Thanks Mat8861!