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Not working REX in v3 build 2 - Unhandled Exception

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Mr Groch
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Not working REX in v3 build 2 - Unhandled Exception

After upgrade to v3 on ARM Linux with mono:

Mono JIT compiler version (tarball Tue Mar 19 06:39:29 UTC 2019)

REX is not working - Unhandled Exception each time. Only this at end in log file (grabbbing was OK):


[ Debug ] 18738 shows in 194 channels
[ Debug ] 1652 updated shows
[ Debug ] 6255 new shows added
[ Info ]
[ Info ]
[ ] Job finished at 24/03/2020 06:03:23 done in 5h 18m 14s
[ Info ] Job (REX Version: 2.09) started at 24/03/2020 06:03:23
[ Info ] Starting REX Postprocess
[Critical] Unhandled Exception
[Critical] For detailed info, see log file /usr/local/wg++/./WebGrab++.log.txt
[Critical] Execution stopped

This is my rex.config.xml:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

< settings >
< filename >guide.xml< /filename >

< desc >{¤ 'category( / )' }'description'{\n¤ Reżyseria: 'director(, )'}{\n¤ Prowadzący: 'presenter(, )'}{\n¤ Występują: 'actor(, )'}< /desc >

< /settings >

WGMaker's picture
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Very sorry about that , especially because it was updated more or less for you.
Now I have a serious problem, I have no way to look into it because I have no linux ..
and I am an absolute linux dummy ..
Can't you use windows until I find a solution?

Mr Groch
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Unfortunately I can only run this on linux - no Windows server available.

Here is attachment with verbose mono output, maybe will help

Blackbear199's picture
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try updating mono,i see ur using 5.18 when 6.8 is latest.
its worth a shot.

Mr Groch
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Blackbear199 wrote:

try updating mono,i see ur using 5.18 when 6.8 is latest.
its worth a shot.

No newer mono for my platform (Synology NAS - armv7 armada)

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ask on their forums to have it updated.

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I did some tests and the error is there with windows also so I think your mono version is not the problem.
you will have to wait until jan responds.

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jan got this fixed,i just tested a new version and rex is working fine again.check the home page for a updated release,shouldnt be long.

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build 3 is out with rex fixed,see here..

so just download the V3.0.0 installer again and you should see it shows build 3 and not build 2.

Mr Groch
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Thanks, it is working now. Even with new element-names:


< desc >{¤ 'category( / )[cleanup(style=sentence tags="("")"), max_sentences=1]' }{¤ 'country(/)' }{¤ 'productiondate' }{¤ 'rating' }{¤ 'starrating'}{\n'description'}{\n¤ Reżyseria: 'director(, )'}{\n¤ Prowadzący: 'presenter(, )'}{\n¤ Występują: 'actor(, )'}< /desc >

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Can anybody help me?
Even with the latest version of wg ++ (3.1) I have an error and I can't generate the rex.
This happens on both windows and linux.

[ ] Job finished at 28/06/2020 19:37:23 done in 43m 49s
[ Info ] Job (REX Version: 2.10) started at 28/06/2020 19:37:24
[ Info ] Starting REX Postprocess
[Critical] Unhandled Exception
[Critical] For detailed info, see log file /root/.wg++/WebGrab++.log.txt
[Critical] Execution stopped

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rex.config.xml plse

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It's here, thanks

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Sorry for the late reaction .. I wish I had more time for the postprocessor...

But , I located the cause of the crash. It is caused by a change in the code that isolates attributes from their element value. (I changed that code 3.0.2 beta and didn't notice that the new code fails under certain conditions). It occurs if a multi value element has no attribute for the last of the element values (so also when it has no attributes at all). This will probably happen with element actor when it has no role attribute and when specified 'actor/a' or 'actor/a+' in rex.config or mdb.config
The next beta will have this fixed but that will take some time because there are a few other open 'todo's for that.

Of course it can also be fixed by removing the /a or /a+ from 'actor' . It is very unlikely that other elements will have problems with this bug.

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WGMaker wrote:

Sorry for the late reaction .. I wish I had more time for the postprocessor...
But , I located the cause of the crash. It is caused by a change in the code that isolates attributes from their element value. (I changed that code 3.0.2 beta and didn't notice that the new code fails under certain conditions). It occurs if a multi value element has no attribute for the last of the element values (so also when it has no attributes at all). This will probably happen with element actor when it has no role attribute and when specified 'actor/a' or 'actor/a+' in rex.config or mdb.config
The next beta will have this fixed but that will take some time because there are a few other open 'todo's for that.
Of course it can also be fixed by removing the /a or /a+ from 'actor' . It is very unlikely that other elements will have problems with this bug.

Thank you

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I just upgraded to version 3.1.1 and I can't generate rex

No matter what I do, it always gives error.

In version 3.1 I had no problems.

Would you help me?

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well the error seems to be that cannot find REX folder....
Folder /root/.wg++/REX doesn't exist!

It may be that new version needs that.....will notify authors so it can be added to siteini.pack

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Even though I created a folder "REX" it still gives an error ...

Is there anything I can do?

Blackbear199's picture
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double check you created the REX folder in the correct place.
also make sure ur re.config.xml is in there.

although i have webgrab installed in a diff directory it works fine for me on linux.

Job (REX Version: 3.0.0) started at 08/09/2020 19:45:17
Starting REX Postprocess
.. done
File written to :

if you look at the last line you will see the rex guide.xml is written to the rex folder(all lower case).

for linux users this bug exists for both rex and mdb.
the config files most be in a folder spelled with all capital letters but the resulting guide.xml is written to one with lower case spelling.

i mentioned this to the author some time ago but it would nt hurt for matt8861 to remind him.

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even changing the folder name to REX
continues with error

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this is a different error,it finding ur rex config fine.
if your rex.comfig.xml
change this..
there seems to be a issue with max_word,max_sentences.the creator knows about this.

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any kind of postprocessing allowed in rex

eg [cleanup(style= or [max words

is NOT functional in linux

mono 6.8 full installed on ubuntu 20.04 server, with the ltest webgrab beta

all other functions work in rex except postprocessing between []

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as i said in post above,max_words or max_sentences causeses this error.

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[cleanup(style=lower)] also causes it [cleanup(style=name)] also causes it [cleanup(style=upper)] also causes it ;)

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Yep, I have the same issue on docker.

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same issue here on docker as well,has there been a resolution found yet?

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FIXED with the latest beta :-)

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