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I havent found any siteini pack for and there are some channels there that are not in any other pack.

If someone would make one I would be real glad, thanks

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 11 hours

Not a good site..anyway update site.ini pack.

Joined: 5 years
Last seen: 3 years

Thank you, works perfectly

Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 4 years

Oh, jeeez! Worst site.ini I have ever seen. The ini in the download section is just filled with jibberish. Have the site been hacked or what happened here?

EDIT...wait i see now its encrypted. Havent been using WG++ in a while. How to decrypt it?

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 11 hours

Welcome back, you become donator to decrypt, is explained here

Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 4 years

I have donated but youre not the quickest to update the new status on my profile. I dont understand all fancy talk about this software is free. Its clearly not when you are licensing it and limitate functionality if you do not pay. This is now payware and dont pretend its otherwise. I will sufice with the old versions and do my own siteini programming.

WG++ Team memberDonator
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Last seen: 11 hours
Jagad wrote:

I have donated but youre not the quickest to update the new status on my profile. I dont understand all fancy talk about this software is free. Its clearly not when you are licensing it and limitate functionality if you do not pay. This is now payware and dont pretend its otherwise. I will sufice with the old versions and do my own siteini programming.

Free is a big word, becoming rare nowdays. I am sure you are one of the few that think that, whoever works behind all this deserve nothing, it should all be free, right ? To me 5 euro a year is free and will stop here.
To set your license there is a sample on how to set. Any other question just ask, it's free.

Joined: 11 years
Last seen: 4 years

Wow, you are actually stupid slandering folks like that. Sad times for Jan having people like you in staff. If you are not suffering from impaired comprehension its not the yearly 5 euro fee that is bad in any way, but using false advertising. Apparently you are not familiar with the meaning of that. FYI thats when claiming something is free when its actually not and its illegal conduct. WG++ is now the definition of payware and please keep on trying to make us believe its otherwise and hope for the best no trouble arises. I now understand that Jan is not behind the misleading formulations, its you and I highly recommend, from a legal standpoint, you revise it.

WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 11 hours
Jagad wrote:

Wow, you are actually stupid slandering folks like that. Sad times for Jan having people like you in staff. If you are not suffering from impaired comprehension its not the yearly 5 euro fee that is bad in any way, but using false advertising. Apparently you are not familiar with the meaning of that. FYI thats when claiming something is free when its actually not and its illegal conduct. WG++ is now the definition of payware and please keep on trying to make us believe its otherwise and hope for the best no trouble arises. I now understand that Jan is not behind the misleading formulations, its you and I highly recommend, from a legal standpoint, you revise it.

I think you should start reading with attention to what Jan wrote, if you went to kindergarden school and can read simple statements. Free to try, pay 5 euro (a year) to have full functions, simple as 1-2-3. Call it as you want, payware,freeware,subscription,license, whatever you want, I will not comment your flaming statement, just suggest you contact the authors if you have problem with that. Contact :
Forum, software, github is all "Jan" stuff, personally don't have anything to revise.

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