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Can't create an updated channel list for

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Can't create an updated channel list for

Linux Mint 19 Tricia
WG+ v. 3.1

Not sure why, but i commented out all the things at the bottom and put a dummy entry. Am i doing something incorrect?

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 17 sec

for the url_index at the end add V2(GetTVChannelsPageWiseV2).
channge postdata line to..
url_index.headers {postdata={"pageIndex":'subpage',"package":"ALL","genre":"ALL","culture":"en-US"}}
add this line to ur channel.xml creation section after the url_index line.
subpage.format {list(format=D0 step=1 count=25)|1}
someone deleted it or forgot to include it.
u can also remove the debug from the url_index line.

this should have been something you could have figured out yourself learning...

Joined: 4 years
Last seen: 4 days
Blackbear199 wrote:

for the url_index at the end add V2(GetTVChannelsPageWiseV2).
channge postdata line to..
url_index.headers {postdata={"pageIndex":'subpage',"package":"ALL","genre":"ALL","culture":"en-US"}}
add this line to ur channel.xml creation section after the url_index line.
subpage.format {list(format=D0 step=1 count=25)|1}
someone deleted it or forgot to include it.
u can also remove the debug from the url_index line.
this should have been something you could have figured out yourself learning...

Thanks Blackbear199, i got it to work with your adjustments!

Don't forget, i'm still in WG+ Kindergarten. Haha, so no way i would have figured out all those adjustments, however, i did click on the url_index page to poke around (url_index{url|}), since i do want to grasp things.

Blackbear199's picture
WG++ Team memberDonator
Joined: 9 years
Last seen: 17 sec

u wont get a response as this site uses POST(see the manual) and thats why the postdata is needed.
in your developer tools(i use chrome as i find its the best).look under network then xhr tab.
the subpage.format line is needed as if u view the site epg and click on load more u will see the pageindex parameter in the postdata line increases by 1 each time.

one step at a time and u will learn more each time.

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