Hey all, finally found a site (and time) that i assumed would be a good starting point.
Setup up just the first few steps using SiteiniIDE and am getting errors. Any help would be appreciated.
Uploading the ini, config, and Log i have so far. Be gentle, its my very first true attempt. I'm sure i'm messing up something
u didnt upload ur wg log but ur lisence log seems to have issues as its showing default user.
have u tried a force lisence update.
I accidentally uploaded my license, but brings up a good question. My VPS and Linux Mint are my computers registered. I use my Win laptop for kick around things that don't need license (running channel list etc...) Will that be an issue? Do i need to have my Win laptop registered to build an ini?
here's the actual log
yes it would also need the lisence line in your webgrab config.without it debug is disable and why u see the crazy message in your log.
but it will cause issues as u already have 2 pc registered.
find a pre lisence version of wg to use(like 2.1.9) when messing around on ur win laptop.
ok, i'm pretty sure i saw someone ask this, but just can't remember. So if i force license right now on my laptop, does it register it immediately?
Then, later in the evening can i force my Linux Mint server back since it runs a grab 2 am (US Central Time). My VPS can't run Foxtel Australia. I tried a bunch of things, but alas it didn't work, just continues to timeout. I think it has to do with the DNS Address since i found a post where some folks had the same issue, but none of the recommendations worked. So i decided to run that one on my Mint server.
Dammit, i didn't read your post good enough. Ok, will downgrade. thanks!
u would have todo a force hwid update also,update mode f, h for your lisence.
as i said above i wouldnt recommend this.
i would leave your 2 server(users) that are currently have their hwid registered as these are the ones u use regularly.
find 2.1.9(i am sure a google search should find it someonewhere).
use this for messing around creating ini as it wont run v3 encrypted files but ur not using its for this purpose.
looks like its not so easy to find unless u already have it.
i will delete this once u download it.
anyone can see all files in my onedrive.
i will upload it to a external site.
Got it, thanks. I was about to write that i tried scouring the web, but came up empty.
juts copy the exe and dll and use ur existing run.sh file as its not included.
most old stuff i have were test version so dont include all the same files a installer version would have.
now to sportsmax...
first the site is https(u have http).
i am sure this will redirect to the https site but sometimes sites kill the redirect so its best to use https.
look at the request headers,there is a special one there thats needed..
authorization: bearer xxxxxxxx
luckly for you this value is fixed(doesnt change) so all you do is need to add it using a customheader request.
dev tools show this data in json format so you need to convert it to a http request as thats what webgrab uses.
so basically replace :[space] after authorization with =(see screenshot).
now u shud see something in debug....
Having a difficult time seeing the authorization: bearer xxxxxxxx part with the dev tools. Would it be in "Network" tab of Dev tools?
Sorry, really want to figure this stuff out.
network then xhr tab
change the date or channel and u will see..
first request when u view epg doesnt have this header.is it required,i say not as i can get epg without but what if they make it needed(why i think it shud be there).
found it! My filters were not there, then got them to show, chose XHR, selected a diff channel and bam.
So for future references, is authorization: bearer xxxxxxxx a common thing i need to look for?
no its site dependant.u may never see another using it for 6 mths or more.
but u may see some other headers that look funky.
go with the flow and learn as u go as ur on e like grade 1 of webgrab learning and not 12.
I'm still not sure i'm doing something correct. I pasted the authorization bearer exactly how it its listed. I noticed your token doesn't seem like it has as many characters as the one i'm copying.
Did i input the url_index.headers incorrectly?
i assume in ur wg config ur channel line request is site_id="1" for example?
as this pages lists?
i see no other reason why you shouldnt get debug data.
no what u have wont work as a normal ini as u dont have showsplit,ect but u shud see some data in debug.
ex put this in ur browser...
You'd be proud of me, i actually did have "1" for site_id (i'll attach it, just in case something else looks incorrect).

And yes, i actually figured out the date thing last night and was checking out different channels and different dates.
Does my ini look correct (how i added the url_index.headers), i'll also attach it again
delete ur subpage.format line,its not used.
not thatb it should cause a issue but its not required.
post ur wg log.
other than hat what u have looks fine to me.
Ok deleted subpage format line
Here's the newest log after deleting the line.
whats ur channel line from ur wg config?
why is ur xmltv_id="dummy"
yes i can see this for testing(making a new ini) during testing.
normally i do channel xml creation first so i am usings a valid line.
are u sure u are?
what i mean is xmltv_id="xx" can be anything along with channel name.the site_ID="XX" IS THE IMPORTANT ONE AS I SAID ABOVE.
oops for caps above.
add debug to ur urlindex and post wg log.
url_index {url(debug)|httpxxxxxxxxxx}
we need to start there and debug till we find ur problem.
i thought ur issue was about step 3 or 4 but i think its a bigger issue now.
Ok, this is with debug added
and i changed "dummy" to SportsMax since that would be the 1st channel.
and what do u have for urldate.format line?
i am sure i check and it looked fine but this is fooked...
[ Debug ] urldate format type: datestring, value: |yyyy-MM-dd
[ Debug ] channel|/scheduled_programs/|urldate
[ Debug ] url_index created:
[ Debug ] 1/scheduled_programs/2020-08-05
send ur ini again as i think u have a ' when it shud be a | or vice versa
that or see if u can see the prob.
I saw that weird format in the log as well and thought that didint look correct. For the date format i have this
urldate.format {datestring|yyyy-MM-dd}
I'm attaching the ini again just in case
i think as a nobie u found a webgrab bug.
more i look and try i cant duplicate this error
but i clearly see it in ur debug that the urldate isnt expanding correctly.
are u sure last ini u sent is ur latest?
as never seen this before...ever.
Yes, just ran again to make sure i'm giving you a latest on. I'll upload all files again.
i have no idea what gremlins are in ur pc but i did this ini yrs ago and still works fine.
u have some funky chit goin on for sure and same works for me..
that's weird man, so my ini looks correct so far?
well its not complete but u shud see data for show split debug.
shud look like this..
its all json as is easiest in world to work with,its a ini creator dream form.
do u see json data when u click on above?
if ur not seeing similar with ur ini then u need figure out why.
i cant see u be geo blocked?
by any chance ur testing pc is doing this?
I see the json info fine. I mentioned earlier i was messing with the channel and dates url to see everything and get used to it
well u shud be off to showspit stage...
ifn ur gettin data with ur current ine,if ur not then u have a urlindex issue,be it headers or whatever.
well u shud be off to showspit stage...
ifn ur gettin data with ur current ine,if ur not then u have a urlindex issue,be it headers or whatever.
till u can see what u see in browser in debug,ur wasnting ur time.its a url_index header issue
I had no clue you've done this site already, but even then, i guess i still want to see if i can get it to work, since i want to get some experience.
Here's my url_index
i also see u dont have a ..
url_index.headers {customheader=Accept-Encoding=gzip,deflate}
its no big deal(u need to know how webgrab works as its ignored 99 % of the time.
we all add it out of habbit
but i have seen sites that will do compression only.
so u need to tell webgrab what it is by ading to ur site {xx}
see the manual for comeprssion= setting.
i know it dont apply here aqs i dont use it.
i also see u dont have a ..
url_index.headers {customheader=Accept-Encoding=gzip,deflate}
its no big deal(u need to know how webgrab works as its ignored 99 % of the time.
we all add it out of habbit
but i have seen sites that will do compression only.
so u need to tell webgrab what it is by ading to ur site {xx}
see the manual for comeprssion= setting.
i know it dont apply here aqs i dont use it.
I actually added url_index.headers {customheader=Accept-Encoding=gzip,deflate}
in the last 20 min because i saw that in you Screenshot and realized i didn't have it.
Did we ever get to a finalized version of this? The API still seems to be available.
e.g. https://scheduler2.sportsmax.tv/api/v1/channels
there no data on their site
if u use tvguide.com ini u can get sportsmax and sportsmax 2
i used Jamaica and digicel play as the provider.